Tree of Savior General - /tosg/

Previously on /tosg/ >Latest Patch Notes:

>Latest Q&A

>Can I play the game now?
International version available on Steam RIGHT NOW. The Korean and Japanese servers are non-steam(Nexon)

TOS Info:

This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links.

>Cards List:

- iTOS: Klaipeda (NA), Fedimian (EU), Telsiai (SEA)

>/tosg/ Guilds info:
There is no /tosg/ guild in Varena/Silute/Orsha, if you want one, either wait for someone to make one or roll a Templar.
If Guild is recruiting, please post in the thread.

Futureproof (Lolipan)
CuteNotLewd (Plasmagica)
cute (Merigolds)
Ohayou (Beethoven)

CoffeeHouse (Capyba)

Comfy (Katzenberg)

Other urls found in this thread:

>OP image


Hey user, only 7 more days until School Sailor Costumes are released.
How do you feel about that?

looks like..

/Bullies/ now?


Be there. If I can't get the exact same 14 people from last time(which will be very hard), I'll just abandon the raid and start over. You may join the new run.

Everyone in the raid who was under 300 was dying every 30 seconds and doing nothing, and everyone above that level was taking 0 damage. Those bosses are magic AoE spammers. If you can guarantee you'll live an contribute you may come, but otherwise you're just a liability if you drop and can't come back.

Does the maintenance usually take the full five hours or is the server up early?

Anyone else cannot connect to server?

You mean 21 days right?

Even if we can get anyone I wonder if it will even work, it's possible the game won't identify Mimi correctly since she left the guild and would be rejoining.

>Favorite FP:

onko is super nice though

what the heck is going on in discord right now

whisper Beethoven

The raid probably knows her character and account IDs, it should be no trouble. In fact, it's quite possible she might be able to join without being in the guild.

>wow swaaz you miss soo much
>haha xD its soo easy just get accuracy
>wow this kid cant even hit full dex as full con, is this guy retarded?
>ya you won the match swaaz, but it took you forever, slow and steady wins the race. but you are legit retarded for not having accuracy
pretty sure +7 gauntlets 6*greens trinity sword is more accuracy than all you shitposters even have. id like to see you win 2vs1 as full con against full dex

i missed the elememes kinte faery you two are cute

yeah but he is pretty awful in game, he isnt even r8 and he is the one that dies the most in ohayou´s gvg

That doesn't matter, he's a good person!

That's the joke

All that HP and nothing to protect against magic. I'd just have a Featherfoot use Ngadhundi and watch you die slowly, and then finish you off with Bone Pointing or something.

What did the shitty SR do other than die a lot in pretty much everything to be hated?

people will hate your ass no matter what, there is no reasoning

the entire format for that meme is trying to bait people into getting upset

go go

>Favorite Ohayou: tarotperson
I know who you are

So now that the dust has settled, which is the best /tosg/ guild

objectively CutenLewd

prove me wrong


The ones who disbanded

My guild.

Worst: yours

They are one giant clique

Most of their members don't associate much with non-CnL players at all or even greet them

Futureproof of course.

>fp guild raid
>bringing only 300+
>cnl cleared it with a bunch of 270's before r8

if they're one giant clique though, then they arent really a clique!


Looking for people for endgame stuff.
We have guys very high in level but we need some more for better parties compositions and setups, we have lots of people also levelling at their peace but getting high nonetheless
We offer guinea pigs petting, high level theorycrafting of memes, welfare TPs, Capybaras documentaries, etc.

Man I've tried this game, went up to lvl 20. It is a really cool game with amazing graphic content and detail and if you're into chinese cartoons liek myself then it's the best thing you've ever played. I met my GF in there aswell she's really cute only looks a bit young but that's fine cus she's an asian anyway so I rated 9/11; inside job.

I can confirm, I'm a literally who from FP but Ohayous have been fairly friendly, I don't think a CnL has ever talked to me.

Miko confirmed not in this patch.

Go home girls.

at this point as soon as that guy gets online he has his own ghey harem waiting for him

this tbqh, they just aren't friendly

>baked 400 cookies to give out to trick or treaters instead of just buying a bag of candy
what a fuccboi

user hello?

I've only been in non /tosg/ guilds but I'm friends with a lot of cnl people, they're all really friendly from what i've seen

On the other hand the other /tosg/ guild people never talk and just seem to stick to their own bubble

Love you CnL


>top PvP
>top GvG
>top PvE
>decked out in cuteness
>friendly to all

>I'm friends with a lot of cnl people
>they're all really friendly from what i've seen
That's because you were let into their clique as an honorable member

>an user from here dipped caramel onions to give out to kids
what a hero

they also have real girls

t. misinfo agent

Been in CNL for a month and no one has ever talked to me yet.

Monk here

>friendly to all

except you can't join Crimson

i always tought he was a boy (girl)

Actually most of the real girls in Crimson are from /tosg/

No, CnL is Crimson clique tier unfriendly. They only talk to you once they approve of you

CnL also has a real girl

Of course you can!

who do I whisper for an invite?

Hi (You)

Wtf I love swaggz now


you lie, who

Kinte, Alysse, Moesaki, Faery

>Onko joins gvg
>Dies 20 times
Remove Ice Wall builders

should I do this?

its a meme u dip


Faery, Yeule, Alysse? Not sure who's from here honestly...

that doesnt mean it doesnt work!

Wont be good forever.

Now than transcending is being made a lot easier, a good high level weapon with 2 gem slots will be a much better investment in the long run.

Oops, meant to reply to

holy shit we got fucking detective conan in the thread busting bullshit lmao

delete this!

Thanks my gayman

Jebus user that's some autist tier attention to detail you got there. Well done

they're all guys


Thanks, you too.

LP blown the fuck out

Lolipan could beat Beethoven and Cats by himself

He was helping me with Falconer skills but there was nothing irregular about him otherwise. Cats didn't complain about anything that match, either.


Would it work?

>pelt 1

>ever making a sword that isn't sword3 cata3 without pelt 1
hahaha yeah 25% max hp and 18% evasion is shit xD!

any inquisitor builds plox? str or dex?

>pelt 1

trully the best girl

With the upcoming STR and Gem buffs, is my NO CON 2:1 Dex Str Murmillo futureproof?

only because patsch and yuki left


>No CON Murmillo
this triggers the swaaz

But which is the cutest guy?


Tarotperson is a girl



You are correct!

You are incorrect!

Moesaki is a mute

Actually, the whole Crimson clique is full of mutes. They barely talk, if they do then it must be in a whisper chat or party chat

>he doesn't know about the secret Moesaki discord channel

Exactly why their disgusting clique is cancerous

Why would we want to talk Crimson normie faggots or literal retards like Eroc, we just want TP

Do AoE attacks works with joint penalty?