New Yordle Champion When?
>Patch Notes:
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Pre-season and Assassin's stuff:
New Yordle Champion When?
>Patch Notes:
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Pre-season and Assassin's stuff:
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xth for sabotaging condoms.
>i'll give it a shot if you tell me how to get in and you don't mind someone who's slightly intoxicated and also silver
repostan just in case
post memes
xth for being rated highly with your waifu.
h u r r y b o y s h e s w a i t i n g t h e r e f o r y o u
Keep coming, not full!
but ur waifu is Janna u waifu swapping fuck
Best girl.
Best figure.
Best wife.
You just got kled you greedy asshole. Jesus fucking Christ, stop polluting this game and this board with your gross fucking midget fetish. Holy mary of fucking god you literal niggers make me want to beat some goddamn sense into you.
I love you, I love you, I love you
I really do
>high plat
Can we make new customs with gold and below only?
My first contact with multiplayer was playing bubble bobble with my brothers on commodore 64 and after that we played 2v2 NBA Jam in the arcade, we played some other multiplayer games on the mega drive and playstation.
Then I started playing Quake 3 with my high school friends in a gaming cafe after school.
When you get destroyed and lose you say gg to the better player to thank him for spending time teaching you how to play.
When you have an even game and you barely win or lose you say gg to the enemy for a good interesting game and for spending time to play with you.
When you win you say gg to not be an asshole and to honor your opponent and his time.
There was and is and always will be banter, trolling, making fun of bad moves or of retarded disastrous strats and tactics, but nothing like these kids that grew up on LoL and CoD, and similar shit. They just do not have the experience and the culture that comes from LAN parties and from playing multiplayer with people sitting right next to you. They do not respect other peoples time, usually because no one respects their own time, they themselves do not respect their own time. It is sad.
Janna is a nice lady and I would enjoy being a good friend for her, but Sona has had my heart for years now.
crocheted *L*U*L*U*
>Getting this mad over videogames
lmaoing @ ur life
I knit it not crochet
crocheting is for F A G G O T S
yeah but have you him that
what site?
get in line buddy
>If i'm buying a 3000+ gold item, I would expect it to remove everything.
>3000+ gold item
>Otherwise there's really no point to the item existing when cleanse is an option.
Cleanse takes a summoner slot, retard. How are you this dumb?
You always make fucktarded posts about game balance. When will you stfu and get past gold? When will you stfu and stop throwing vacuous buzzwords like "counterplay" around?
>desperately wanting to fuck blue and purple midgets
lmaoing @ur life
New bara champ when
>Get Kalista in an ARAM
>Against a team of what might as well be five tanks
Is this what true suffering is? How the fuck do I kill a meatwall when BotRK is pretty much trash.
then why don't u play her and only her
it's like you don't even love her
how do u think she feels when you play with other girls sad I bet
and where did I imply I wanted to do that?
Hey there lass
If I only play blind pick normals, fill and tryhard, is it a bad way to generally improve at the game?
So... i always wondered, how's the gay life?
S-sona she's just a friend, s-she just fit in the meta better for a few months is all, I swear
>Pick Trundle
Is Trundle the Nietzschean ubermensch of Top Laners?
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
So... I always wondered, how's the pathetic mentally unstable life?
we can't even fill a vg and you wanna put restrictions
this is truly a ded gam
>mirror lanes
>a random role but mostly support if you fill
>a mode when nobody cares of meta
why not to queue for your role in drafts
>win game
>check recap
>I was all the turret/inhib kills
>I have one damage item
I fucking hate it when people get complacent and start jerking off in the jungle while I try to fucking win the game holy shit
Yeah we're ahead, so let's win while we are still ahead, push a lane instead of clearing the jungle
You have a enough.
We need more lean otter-body handsome guys or twinks.
he just asked you that question dude
Just git gud
wow bandlebro's not fucking around with the bandle stuff
>tfw just barely made the top 10 for my main
feels good
My new phone cover arrived today
yordle boys! ziggs! they're all sexy and great
>playing some last minute trolly ranked games
>tons of people with the same Club names and boosters
The only good change next season is that these people will be left to rot in their 50+ minute Flex queue while we actually play the game.
>Being this buttblasted when you realize your fetishes are degenerate
who should i buy
that's embarrassing tho
This champion mastery level website obviously only includes people who have been searched. There are tons of pros who would rank higher than all the no name shitters being posted.
>Asks about being gay. posts gay midget yordle boys.
Game set and match kids. My case has been proven here. I win, good night losers.
you already have Ezreal, Talon and Twitch as twinks, that's enough.
apparently im 3rd on bard and 4th on veigar in oce
dont do this to yourself user they're not worth it
>Wanting to shag a short woman
>Blue skin is literally the most harmless fetish
>Mentally unstable
>people focus all their attention on fotm champs
>safe stuff like Anivia and Orianna will never be touched
People have started to see how annoying Anivia is but i personally want to see Ori thrown in the trash can.
Malphite of mid lane. Do literally nothing for 15 minutes then ball your top laner and ult.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
t. Riven waifufag
Good night, winner.
Also, mastery points in no way indicate skill. I forget the IGN but for the last couple years the guy with the highest amount of Katarina games is in Bronze, and he builds her AD.
What site is this for checking champion leaderboards?
Now cum on it
do you think Sona cries in her pillow when she sees you and Janna holding hands
HELP ME /lolg/!!!
I am fucking crying and shaking, please talk me out of this
I want to go trick-or-treating with Lulu.
oh no everyone can know i'm a fuckboi soraka main now
Agreed. There is no need to be upset
Also lulu came out in 2012. It's time for a new girl yordle
>Get tagged with a single slow
>E eats half my health
it's only 200 munnys
you can live without it
Good night user san! May you dream about yordles (boys)
>just le carry le whole game eggsdee
>its a team game bro hehe xD
>win a game
>get 25 LP
>lose next game
>back down to 9
>each game is about an hour long
>waste my night playing this
You would have to literally be autistic and do nothing but play this game to reach something like Diamond.
You don't deserve it and that's a crazy amount of money.
If you're that desperate to waste money buy skins for yourself or for me.
If you want Diamond that bad then work harder next season to get there.
So obviously only wins increase MMR and losses decrease it, but does how well I do in the game influence how much I lose and gain? Like if I have an EXACTLY 50% split W/L, but personally do well in all my games, will my MMR rise at least slightly?
no. If you win you did well, it's the only metric that matters.
no, because that shit encourages statwhoring and playing like a beta back bitch
some games are won by people manning the fuck up and accepting that their death will spark the victory
he's kind of like sion, you can blind pick him but you really shouldn't, he has some fucking terrible matchups
>tfw find trynd fun but know jax is superior in every way
I only play norms, who should I focus on?
215 EURO wow
no way in hell that is worth it
>3rd Veeky Forums joined in as many weeks that fizzled
I really wish there were more people here that actually enjoyed playing this game.
>playing dota
>tired of peruvians shitting up my servers
>here LoL you can have an entire team of just NA players
>install and play
>have to pay for champions
How do people deal with this? If there was a 50$ deal for all characters that would make sense, but this is a little insane
I love Lissandra!
>Bad matchups
Sion matchups fall into one of two categories: Ones where you absolutely assrape your lane opponent, and ones where you farm safely under Tower with E.
no one actually pay for champion
the more you play the more you'll get point to buy champions
trust me NEVER buy champions with real money, that's a waste.
Why would people enjoy playing this trash game? after a couple hundred games every match just blends together, there is no more fun in learning, just trash experiences with trash players
What are the best runes on Trundle, and what should I build first every time?
I want to fuck Veigal.
Riven's a pretty bad matchup for sion as is trundle. It's really fucking easy to dive sion if you're playing elise or hecarim or zac or some shit as well if you have these champions on your team
AS Reds, AD Quints, Scaling MR Blues and flat Armor Yellows.
Rush Tiamat, every time.
i believe your mmr isn't affected by your actions (at least it used to be that way) and it's a right approach because all your actions statistically are inside the outcomes of your games i.e. in your winrate
50% winrate by itself doesn't tell much though, because it's not clear vs whom and with whom on your team you achieved it, so one 50% winrate can mean completely different division and skill than another, hence why winrate-based rating is used where you gain and lose points depending on the rating of your teammates
generally games which aim for e-sport don't include performance stats in their rating calculations
Riven is annoying, but provided you don't get baited into her Street-Fighter-simulator she can't really kill you.
Him and Fiora are the only two champs I refuse to pick Sion into. Thankfully you never see them much.
>Really easy to dive Sion
Number 1 source of FB's are people trying to dive me.
What are you even doing here then?
If you hate this game, why bother coming to a board whose exclusive purpose is to discuss it?
Re-evaluate your life decisions, m8.
>Play full AD Illaoi
>Nasus gets hit by two tentacles
>Half his health is gone
I just received a TPA mundo skin shard and already had a corporate mundo skin shard.
I've only enough essence for one, which should I activate and why?
Throwing brief cases and throwing trophies seem equally cool.