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anyone here plays final fantasy tactics advance? why bangas ware the only race that didn't get a human? and is why is montblanc so weird? babus got make up, and the rest look completly normal.

Today reminder that Jelly is the best FF character.

3rd for Cor

Everything points at Toriyama working on X-3

How are you putting up with how slow everything is?

Happy Halloween!

>New Parasite Eve title

Good. Tidus is the most entertaining protagonist after Zidane, we need more of them and less emo fags like Cloud and Squall.

>why bangas ware the only race that didn't get a human?

if you lined up all of the ff girls from best to worst lightning would be at the very bottom.

Armpits are gross.

With a decent friend, you can do it but up your kefka first or switch him out for focus/cheer effects depending on your main source of dps. With agrias opening with full break and unicorn horn duty, all you have to do is spam magic into the pumpkin. If you are using coral swords on your edgars, keep the chain going with thundagas rather than firagas. If you are ending it with one or more kefkas, use hyperdrive, if you are ending it with a friend lightning's crushing blow or ramza ultima, let your kefka thundaga instead. The timing on ultima is roughly 4.3 seconds before chainsaws, thundagas are 0.3 seconds after chainsaw, hyperdrive and crushing blow is roughly 0.1 to 0.2 after chainsaw. This is how I've been farming adv, with around 400 attack lightnings. Pro is possible but I stay away from it cause bad rolls can wipe my party. Try to attempt it if you get a good friend.


this theme is too spooky


So how are they gonna orchestrate this in the remake? It's pretty much impossible.

Who said they were going to orchestrate everything?

Git Gud

they'll get the blue man group to do it

> use the Tier 3 raid boss as punching bag to get the chaining timing down and to level up rank XP
> my Firion already hits for 3.57 million damage in a single strike

If Gil is basically equal to Yen that means that she's really fucking cheap

I-I'll only need five...

in my vba, everything is 400%
(jk, 200%)

humans got marche
nu mou got mewt
viere got ritz
moogles got that cripple brother, forgot his name


I always lose a unit in this battle, unless i spend some time grinding beforehand.
accept the inevitable or get to rind. story battles have fixed levels.

Actually, Bangaa got Cid, he's always accompanied by Templars when he works for the Queen

Fair point, but how do we know its the real cid and not mewts figment of imagination?

use the rest to have her do the dishes and make you a sammwich

Did they ever remove the account bullshit on FF7 and 8 on steam?

He has the memory of the real Cid, so it's hard to tell

does he remember things that mewt shouldn't know about?

Those are jobs for a mommy, not a streetwalker.

Every women has a place in a kitchen.



I'm about to start Mobius

what should I know?

I wish Tifa was my mommy. She is so strong and knows about everything. I want to suck her breasts while she gives me a slow handjob. I'd feel so safe and warm, I would fall asleep after cumming all over her thick mommy thighs...

Please milk my prostate too, mommy.

Use item, cure, protect, and bolt.

Storm the top of the building as soon as possible and hold a choke point around it the middle section to prevent being overwhelmed.

Basically, get good.


>tfw some of us get two halloween bonuses


>they're looking into this but they ultimately shut down the servers before they can do anything about it

>doing the ultimate before maintenance
>decide to stack breaks like an asshole
>magic breakdown
>full break
>agrias atk+mag break SB
>vaan mag+armor break BSB
>shellga and SG on my party
>he uses his ultimate flash freeze attack
>tfw it doesn't do more than 200 damage to anyone
maybe drawing vaan's bsb wasn't the worst thing in the world...

I only got my set (now my hat and pumpik are red) but a friend of mine got two, theirs are now +++.
we live in an unfair world.

So close.

What's the worst that would happen if I claimed to not get my items even though I did

what are they gonna do
stab me?

>what are they gonna do
shutdown the server

Is Chizuru a cute girl? or a dude?

She's a girl, but a used goods slut who can't take care of her children.

Did you start after last Halloween? Fat Chocobo sells 2 of each of them, which if you had last year's set and/or got the log-in gift, you should be able to make a +++ of both.

>blade mastery without sakurafubuki

I'll get to it eventually. It's not like Chirijiraden is that much worse and it's still going to be the best overall attack increase when you factor in Blade Mastery.

Not +++, just ++

Anybody who didn't use those things like rosetta stones is an idiot. Except not because it'd actually be cool now.



>tfw dug out my old vita

Can't decide whether to get World of Final Fantasy or the Dragon Quest monsters game.

I know this is the most unbias place to ask, but any tips to poke me in the right direction?

Bedile. Thanks game.


I got a 3* Gilbert, fuck you.


b-but i'm tired of BC lids

will it be good?

Fuck builders not monsters. I cannot type.


so they aren't giving us 100 a day like usual, this is instead of the daily login rewards.

As in, it's shit.

As someone who's finished both, gotta say I liked Builders a lot more.

I wouldn't mind a Shadow for once, all I keep getting is Sabin's and it's driving me nuts.

>all I keep getting is Sabin's
Sabin's what?

Here's the stats on the hat and out of synergy, anyway.


>Bitching about 1k Lapis, 8 tickets, 8 quartz, and the moogle we're getting
>On top of the usual 1500 lapis from dailies
I think we hit the point where they were too generous with rewards and now people are feeling entitled.

How long did WoFF go?

Would it not be better to keep the hats separate?
I have abyssmal XIII synergy.

so it's true that choco has another set on it's store? cool, goona grab them to make mine silver too

Trying to ween us off huge lapis

No, they weren't being "too generous." They were being "almost as generous as JP."

Now we're back to the jewry again. These are only slightly better than the typical login rewards, and nowhere near good enough to bring us up to what JP players get every day.

About 35 hours with some fucking around here and there. YMMV depending on how much you care about sidequests and colloseum and stuff.

Same with builders, I fucked around and explored a lot and I feel like it lasted longer than WoFF, but I dont know. Depends what sort of game you feel like playing, desu. They're both very good.

>They were being "almost as generous as JP
Did Japan get 150 daily lapis at this point in the game? If not, your argument is completely fucking moot because these games always give better shit the longer they go on.

I guess the only thing that will save us at this point is if PvP arena is announced this month because that will give us more lapis per day.

If you're planning to go mage heavy (not a bad idea for XIII), it's probably better to have at least two + hats over 1 regular and 1 ++ (assuming you have last year's), because armor is scarce enough and mage armor doubly so. Up to you.

Should be fairly safe to max one Evil Lantern if you want to keep any at all; the only Thrown user in XIII is Hope who's a mage (and the Lantern is physical-oriented), so it's not a big help in CM, but it could help as a synergy weapon. Probably no big benefit to having two, though.

Lol faggots ITT bitching about free shit not being good enough.

I have 70k candy corn.

Do I splurge on the Moogle, or on 4 Auras for my new BC Lid? Or do I keep grinding over the next few days and get both? I'm not against spending Lapis on energy refills if need be... Help me, /ffg/

They got even more than that.
JP was more generous from day 1, and not just in terms of lapis.

You can see it with shit like awakening mats being impossible to get (JP users have had full inventories of sacred crystals/6* mats since the beginning, they'll look at you weird if you say they're rare) banner rates being worse...etc.

Gumi shill please go. They are being objectively stingy in comparison to JP.

... Go play on the jap server.

spoopy auras

I give this game a year before they discontinue it in the west.

It's competing against Pokemon, Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh
Hardly any marketing
The artwork on it is all stock images making it look cheap

I did always want a FF card game but not like this.

Do you need a BC lid? If not go for the moogle....

I take it you've played from day 1? Actually, it really sounds like you're full of shit so probably not.
>JP users have had full inventories of sacred crystals/6* mats since the beginning
1. whales don't count, of course they're going to have an inventory full of shit. The reason everyone has a shit ton sacred crystals now is because the enchanted maze gives them out like candy.
2. 6* materials weren't even in the game since the beginning and they have always been limited to event currency and the maze.
>banner rates being worse
do you have any proof for this? I'd love to see some large scale data collection for early JP banners
>Gumi shill please go. They are being objectively stingy in comparison to JP.
I'm not shilling, I'm asking a question. A question to which you haven't given a real answer to, just asserted things without any proof. You're literally just asserting the way things are in JP right now is how it's always been.

I do.

Doesn't mean I won't complain about you バカ外人 getting jewed hard

Not since day 1, but since before GL existed.

Firstly you never asked a question I didn't directly answer (lapis).

Secondly, yes even Sacred Crystals were more common in the beginning for JP. 6* mats were super common after they launched, and kept being that way forever. Why are you having trouble believing this?
Why would you assume a company whose entire track record has been jewing up JP for the GL audience would do anything different?

Ask 2ch /ff/ if you don't believe me.

moogle is a trap

i dunno wtf theyre thinking, releasing this game with no marketing and stock images

just give it real artwork like wtf

Super common is bull shit.
Just saying.

So how much lapis did JP get 4 months into the game?

What source of sacred crystals and 6* mats did JP have that global doesn't?

I don't want rhetoric, I want data if you're going to assert the rates are worse.

>Did Japan get 150 daily lapis at this point in the game?

Depends on your definition of trap. A free 10% towards any trust mastery is nice if you are a F2P. It would make a difference to get me from 20% on an Excalibur to 30% since I won't macro for the Excalibur.

And the daily could be much better. 100 Lapis per day would make a world of difference since that could be saved up for a banner or used to increase equipment/friend slots/material slots.

>2. 6* materials weren't even in the game since the beginning and they have always been limited to event currency and the maze.
That is true, but they give 6* currency at ALMOST EVERY event. Same with Sacred Crystals.The guy has a point. In JP have have mats to 6* everyone. Maxing units out is the hard part.
>banner rates being worse
do you have any proof for this? I'd love to see some large scale data collection for early JP banners
Rates are the same and a few youtube vids have tested this. Rates were the same until gacha change. That point he brought out was fucking false.

Brave Exvius Questions:

When is a good time to use your Lapis? I assume its just when you see a banner that has characters you like at high rates, though I still would really like a good Tank for my party. Russell isn't grow much further. I suppose I should just hold out. Really would've liked Cecil but I joined a week late for his banner so who knows when the next one would be for him if ever. Do I just do daily 250s in hopes or just hold out?

Also, since I'm pretty weak, the only way I've been getting candy is via Pumpkin Rider BGN. In any case, I have 8500 candies and the thing I want to get are the last three Summon Tickets (18000), Chilling Aura for my Black Cat Lid (5000), and all the as many 6* Materials as I can get (19600 for all the cheaper ones). I can't get them all, so what should I focus on as a newer player?

>since I won't macro for the Excalibur.
then you will never get excalibur, and there's especially no reason to get the moogle.

sell the corn for 3.5mil instead

I wonder how it's doing in Japan, can't find info anywhere. It's been going for 5 years there apparently so it must be doing something well.

>want to get into BE
>I waited too long and now I can't get any of the halloween goodies like black cat lid
>have to wait until the next big event starts up to try and start playing
>I'll probably just miss that one too and have to wait again

>but they give 6* currency at ALMOST EVERY event
I'm not talking about JP right now, I'm talking about JP 4 months after release. During the month and a half or so when I played JP, events alternated between currency grind and one time clear shit every other event, which is exactly what we have in global right now. I remember having to grind the everloving shit out of the maze to awaken my summer Majin Fina because there was no currency grind going on at the time.

I don't have numbers recorded stretching back half a year for a goddamn cellphone game. All I know is nobody (myself included) ever had issues with sacred crystals or 6* mats. Special box deals a la the summer sale crammed with sacred crystals, new content coming out all the time with them as rewards, they were just generally plentiful.

You only needed to farm INT awakening if you WERE a whale, otherwise it was a non-issue.

We also had events like the chocochocobos that made esper leveling a joke too, while we sat there and struggled in GL.

I mean the banners themselves suck. JP has NEVER had a 7 unit banner, but GL Gumi topped that with the FFIX one (and two of them were trash units too). Not to mention the complete lack of single unit TMR banners like Vaan, Zidane ...etc to help people get by.

When gumi has changed banners around, it has always been for the worse.

Even in Japan most people get into TCG to collect cards of cute girls. Here I don't even understand though, its all just shitty stock images ripped from the game's official art. There's little to no appeal.