/mbg/ - Mount & Blade General

Shalom edition.



Gamescom Siege video:

Interviews with Armagan at Gamescom '16:

Last blog:


PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/HPJiGhg0

M&B Wiki: mountandblade.wikia.com/wiki/Mount_and_Blade_Wiki

NOOB GUIDE: imgur.com/a/FMAqV


>user's mods and upstab guide:
>/mbg/ Steamgroup

New user created stuff:
>Undead Calradia

>"I made a mod recently or updated it. Wat do?"
Link to the OP in your post so that it might be easier to find for the one making the next OP (also for regular people).

Other urls found in this thread:




>Australia is Khergits
top kek

idea for Undead Calradia user:

find an musician and make HEAVY METAL COVERS OF MUSIC (especially battle music)

nothing goes better with undead than kickass metal

also whatever happened to your google doc suggestion links senpai

this is retarded.

t. swadia goy


This post is dedicated to all brave Rhodok fighters, defender of the oppressed folks.

Reminder that Prima Nocta is the birthright of every Noble.

hey guys is that a rhodok sharpsho

Sturgians are Slavs, they said.

Don't worry Rhodok's long unlawful dynasty will die out in WW2 because of degenerate lesbianism and heresy.

Indeed it is.

>Muh superior british steel folded one gorillion times
*wades through swords*
*teleports behind you as described in Flos Duellatorum PD (1410)*
*wrestles you to the ground*

is dickplomacy user working on an update?

Man, that show was absolutely painful to watch.
Literally the only good thing going about it is the ost

How was it painful to watch?

Also how gay was it actually? Like from 1 to 10 with 1 being pretty much any harem series and a 10 being PMMM.

>Literally the only good thing going about it is the ost
Don't forget the realistic gun sounds and the ED. It's painfully mediocre, but for some reason I want to know what happens next, just because of the witch vs. the imperial machine plot (like FFVI). Its dyke-o-meter level even lost to whimsical show like Flip Flappers. They even already went the princess route, which is a guaranteed pairing. Unless Izetta gets NTR'd by the homo emperah or something, from Fine (lulz).

I don't really mind the gay prolly 6 or 7 on your scale but the combat was horrible. Stupid as shit clumsy witch throw her ass on tank viewports and destroy entire armies

I can't help but think this show with all the magicwanking was made as a response to Gate's gunwankery

I'm gettting conflicting feelings of how gay the show really is from these two posts.

Also bad combat sounds like a real turnoff.

>bad combat sounds
What? I implied that the only good things aside from the OST are the distinctively realistic gun sounds and the ED. Are the gun sounds actually unrealistic?

I think your english is fucked, I said bad combat sounds like a turn off as in "the combat being bad is a turn off"

is croatia zendar

No zendar is jewland

so i found this game on steam when i was bored, did anybody else try it ?

basically it's a mount and blade online

>everyone controls their squad of inf/cav/range in a 5v5 match
>the progression system is like world of tanks, it doesn't look p2w but it's grindy definitely
>it's set during antiquity, so far you have the 3 kingdoms of china (i know at least one poster here is definitely into that)
>soon they release the romans and then the persians
it's rough around the edges, bugs and glitches everywhere but eh i'm having fun
anyone who played it, what did you think ? is it still fun at higher tiers ?

I know your not a shill because you never even said what game you are talking about.

Oh shit. Sorry, I just woke up. It depends on how much you can tolerate the magical aspects in it. For example, in episode 1 it's a 'Bane crashing this place' scene with lesbian magic. In episode 2, it's a dog fight between her on top of an aircraft weapon and a squadron of recon fighters. In episode 3, she flips tanks up and around the battlefield. She fired off antique late medieval iron lances she found from an old castle towards planes. Everyone sings the national anthem after the miraculous victory. Princess hugs the witch while overseeing the cheering troops. Then the King dies. It's so funny when taken out of context. The yuri stuffs are all subtexts.

i'm impressed by your sheer willpower and dedication shilly chinanon..

i'm still reporting you though

Okay I'll bite.

What game?

it's called tiger knight : empire war
which is a terrible name btw

user i promise i'm not chinese
it's a mount and blade ripoff i just thought it'd interest you guys

Oh wait is this that Dynasty Warriors + Mount & Blade Which KOEI already made PIC RELATED that gets mentioned every once in a while?

Didn't know that was getting released in engrish. To bad it is a multiplayer game.

yep i think that's the one, i never heard about it before though

also the interface changed a lot, pic related


>Ragnar being especially stingy and especially eager to conquer the whole map
>Owns 10+ fiefs
>Meanwhile I gather my forces near what used to be the Swadian empire for the impending revolt, and play the part of a gallant and loyal vassal while endearing myself to every other lord

Soon, brothers.


Undead vassals:

Other suggestions

>Tfw she will never dominate you

At least you have the sense to know where'd you stand, or kneel I suppose, in a hypotehtic realtionship with her.

Not that she'd ever take you, for I doubt you're anywhere near pink and acrobatic enough to get her interested.

Referring to Lindy being a britaboo

My bad. Misunderstood the "folded 1 mirrion times" as referring to the crossbow

>tfw just noticed there's a system requirement on Bannerlord's Steam page

40GB is a lil' too high, but the (potential) support for 2+ threads is promising.

>tfw full invasion 2 is fun

I remember Armagan talking about "agressive use of multi threading"
Don't know what that means though

It ought to mean parallel processing is used for AI in battles, which is exciting as fuck.

Probably means they'll try to parallelize almost everything they can whether it increases performance or not. Except that sounds incredibly dumb, so that's probably not it.

Pls just fucking google processor cores, and multithreading, we finally gonna get the game to properlly use our processor and have 800+ units in the field with no problems, at least the people who doesn't have a toaster.

Been out of the loop for a while now when it comes to Mount and blade. Any hip cool new mods in the last year worth checking out? Or just in general recommendations.

spooks are gone

thank god

It'd be nice if they remade the combat system in bannerlord to make it more realistic
Maybe makes it kind of like in kingdom come deliverance

what's with people shilling kingdom come a lot here lately? their combat system is trash, go watch their "epic large scale batte" clip. it's a fucking snorefest lmao

even a fight against a gang of looter in warband feels more fun and engaging than that

it was just an example
even making bannerlord closer to chivalry's combat would be better than just copying the clunky mechanics of warband

Warband's combat is already in a really good place and I hope they don't try to fix what isn't broken
Kingdom Come looks like stale trash

>even making bannerlord closer to chivalry's combat would be better than just copying the clunky mechanics of warband
Opinion discarded

>even making bannerlord closer to chivalry's combat would be better than just copying the clunky mechanics of warband
are you fucking serious


This may be a dumb question but:

If you give a troop more than 1 set of arrows they will use them when one runs out, correct?

*taps feet menacingly *

anything would be better than enemies sticking to your body like glue coming at you in a straight line and spamming attacks without ever getting tired or hitting through their friends body ...
it looks really stupid and all the player can do to fight back is walk backward and spam attack buttons themselve and hope they hit first


i think so

are you making finnish light cavalry?

I think the AI bots only can use one quiver. Not sure though, surely some of the mods fags will be able to answer that better than me.
Even if it is so. Just create a new quiver with the same arrows and stats in Morgh's but with double the size and a different name and not showing up in merchant inventories and give it only to the troops you want.

The field battles in what was shown in Bannerlord so far seem promising. Not too hot about sieges though but I guess that's how siege melee was historically.
What is stopping us from firing onagers in the melee though

Nah I've been tweaking Nords' ranged troops to make them a little less shit.

Might just scrap it and make a different tree that is a dedicated to throwing weapons.
Raining javelins is pretty fun.

how many of you guys still play mount & blade regularly?

it's the only game i really play with any regularity

this was discussed before, i remember the answer was no
a troop will chose only one type of an item from its item pool
this works tho

Once twice a week. I'm mostly done with warband. Just waiting for Bannerlord

One type as in 1 one-handed, 1 2-handed, 1 shield, 1 ranged (whether it be bow or throwing)?

Anyone else here hate degeneracy? Just the other day I heard my classmates talk about doing sex and d.r.u.g.s. Ugh. This wouldn't have happened if Prussia had enough Prestige from winning the Battle of Waterloo and was able to form German Empire earlier.

I keep coming back to it from time to time and looking for mods I haven't played yet. Right now I'm on a swedish mayo binge after a ~6month yatus.

it's the only decent game i could run so yes

Why the fuck would we be here if we didn't play it?

Waiting for Bannerlord ?

Good question, user. Why ARE you here? Go back to playing the game.

Which ranged weapons do you prefer for foot companions?


Do you want to give them a ton of power draw or not

Who dis waifu?


stupid waifufags

>Leading an army comprised 50% of mamluks
>Fighting Rhodoks

>Last dev blog in July


>Download `Diplomacy 4 litdum
Is just diplomacy with new armors

Matheld. Although the artist drew her too young.

I think is supposed to be Matheld

I'm legit asking who it is you silly memers.

Thanks for being civil desu

>not recognising Matheld
dumb waifufag

I wonder if someone is gona make a mod of Warband in Bannerlord, pls i just want to put the head of ragnar on a spike.

I wonder if someone made a Calradia mod for Total War.

I remember seeing a screenshot of rhodok sergeants in medieval 2 but I don't think it was ever finished, and I don't know the name of the mod either

I saw it too, sadly no way to find it now.

Can Mitch fucking release PoP 3.8 already so I can grind my life away

Look at how cute he is

>warband when

Europe in Flames any good?

>Allies can only use one quiver
Does this apply to companions as well?

>shit archers
>no cavalry
Would Nords even be a viable faction in Total War?

I know for sure that they can use two stacks of throwing weapons if they are the same. Not sure about anything else