Stardew Valley General - /sdvg/

Custom NPCs' Hostile Takeover Edition

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>/sdvg/ Recommended Mods

>Where are the Jas Marriage/Yandere Jas Bachelorette/Bachelor Vincent mods?

Jas Marriage Mod (in the description of the video):
Yandere Jas Mod (in the description of the video):
Bachelor Vincent Mod:


>How do I zoom out / downsample from larger resolutions / take those cool giant screenshots?
Guide: (embed)
Or just wait for ConcernedApe to add it (embed)
Or try using your GPU features: Nvidia -> DSR, AMD -> VSR

>Interactive farm planner


Other urls found in this thread:


Are the Obelisks worth it?

Oh, so that's how you can be "not-discreet", I had always wondered if there were some ways to be a dick about that.
It would have been even better if you could make his relashionship with Marnie public, and in general if you could choose to be a dick in a way that affects the relationships of the villagers.
INB4 in that case everyone would bully the shit out Pierre.

I want beta-shane to tear my asshole

The "not-discreet" way of dealing with it was actually added with the 1.1 update, Lewis didn't react in any way before.
I'm with you though, I want the real possibility of becoming the most hated person in the entire Valley by making everyone else's lives miserable.

I mean, it'd be a nice change of pace from the countless nice guy/gal playthroughs. It'd also give something more "evil" to do other than joining Joja.

jas lewds when?


Reminder that Maru is the superior wife and so the best girl in Stardew Valley based on absolutely objective truths:

Not shallow
Can adapt
Not a spoiled emo brat
Respects her parents
Loves her brother despite everything
Has dreams but knows her limits and accepts failure
Immune to her dad's autism
Has created a sentient being (which makes her a literal life-giving goddess)
Her insight on the vastness and voidness of the universe doesn't give her an existential crysis
Not demanding
Delicious brown
Kinky in bed
Best butt
Widest hips
Easy to please
Likes stealthy standing sex while Harvey is visiting patients
Anal queen
Can orgasm from french kissing
Squirts the most
Exhibitionism fetish
Builds custom made sex toys for you and her
Looks best when pregnant
Gives the children with the best genetics
Breeding machine
Knows how to rise children
Absolutely loves you and so she will forever

she is a mulato, because of this all of that is irrelevant, if you did a little bit of research you would find that those half breed have higher chances of having a dna genetic disorder.


Not the same person, but actually it's quite the opposite, if I remember right. DNA 'mixing' creates stronger strands, covering things that one part may not be able to cover, and vice versa.

and it also increases the chances for new fucked up strand, the best example of this are dogs, after 100 years of badly breeding the dogs have created new genetical disorders that they didnt have for hundreds off years. the problem with race mixing is the fact that you no longer have the same thing that you started with, because of this there a higher probability for new genetic problems to rise. pretty much is just a trade off . and honestly if our scientists gave a fuck about the future they would be studying the effects of planned reproduction. instead of this garbage where everyone reproduces because of love

fucking asshole dog actually made me pass out at 2am once before I learned you can just push pets out of the way

Counterpoint: Maru is coma-inducingly dull.

Honestly, I can agree with you on the planned reproduction. It'd make our genes much, much stronger without nearly as much risk. But then there would be the market for 'designer genes', people paying more for whatever more advantage they could eek out.

its going to happen anyway with the new technology the chinese and japanese are developing.


I wish I could sell that dog.

I already bully Pierre every year at the valley fair.

Put them best to worst

Robin, Marnie, Caroline, Jodi


Jodi > Caroline >Robin > Marnie

Nice and likeable woman, would fuck her every day while Dem is researching things.
Desperate housewife that needs a good unfamiliar dick as soon as possible.
annoying old hag.
I mostly ignore her.

That's why I'm looking forward that event so much. In my first year he beat me, now it's time for some delicious payoff.

Meant for


I beat him for the first three years on a new character.

What other Stand users are in the Valley Veeky Forums?

What's its power?

>Its a "cant catch the fish you want for the bundle" episode

Fucking Walleye.

Physical attraction looks for obvious factors like health and is also attracted to non obvious factors like immune system compatibility. But since you're talking about
The Nazis ruined that word so say hello to another hundred years of dark ages.

Paralyzes its target in a sense of euphoria and induces hallucinations.
That's all that we know of this stand for now.

is it just me or is 1.1 a bit underwhelming?

Nah, it's a substantial update, what did you expect.

For the standards of a full videogame, Stardew Valley was always very shortcoming. But if you consider that it's made by just one guy alone it's pretty impressive. I'm sure if he had the help of a small studio or at least two more guys to make sprites and some code it probably could have been on par with a real HM/RF game. This guy clearly has a vision AND talent, but his capabilities as a mortal human only go so far, dude's burned out like hell.

i mean
if you're not interested in emily/shane there really isn't that much new content

more farm maps are nice but it feels like it's just more of the same minmaxing to buy even more horribly costly shit for... bragging rights
a new profession would've been nice, at the very least giving cooking some depth

I agree, the scale of the game is pretty good considering it's a solo operation.

when does this game get updated so I can NTR everyone in the valley?

>if you're not interested in emily/shane there really isn't that much new content
He added new maps, new buildings, new crops, new goods, new end-game goals, new post-marriage mechanics. If all you care about is min-maxing for profit then yeah I guess he didn't add much, but that style of play is always going to be extremely limited compared to other styles.

Should i? I haven't delved into the skull mines much yet

What are you going to do with just one bar? Make a sprinkler?

Dunk a quarter million gold into a metric fuckton of stone and bombs/food.
Go deep.
Go super deep.
No. Go deeper. Don't stop.
If you aren't pulling a thousand iridium from the caverns you're doing it wrong.

That's a lot of gold for something you can get for free in 1-2 days into year 3. If you don't have access to iridium yet and want better sprinklers and have the kind of money to blow on that bar, then just buy iridium sprinklers from Krobus.

>rushing the dungeon part.

Not that it's your fault, but it's sad how a part that should be about exploration and fights gets always rushed.

I mean, its not like its a good part of the game. The first time sure, but if i want good dungeon combat/exploration I can go play a roguelike.

I know, that's why I said that it's not your fault. I try to use less stone ladders as possible, but I understand that it's the game itself that makes people rushing it.

Why did this fucker survive?
Will it grow grapes?

Post your farms!

That's one of my favuorite. Mine is still pretty poor.

Winter is gonna suck all the dicks.

Do I have to stay awake for pigs to find/produce truffles?

pigs don't do shit in the winter

I mean prior to that.


>8,456 people are playing the game right now

Not bad.

I'm wondering if it can keep up this popularity for a whole year. Been about 9 months already and it's still one of the most popular games on Steam.

I'd say for some other months for sure, everyone puts at least 30-40 hours on the game.
Then it mostly depends on if CA will keep working on it, I guess.
If he will release a proper official modding tool popularity will rocket for sure.

The game is actually fun and has replay value though, it's uncommon for such a small-time indie title like this to take off so well and it has so little hype compared to something like Undertale which nobody even fucking plays anymore.

I wonder. If we had an official modding tool (which I sure hope we're going to get) do you think it would reach - even if on a much, much smaller scale - the same stability in popularity that Skyrim got?

I mean, the game is easily moddable already. If we got an official modding tool, it would be even easier and it would help more people get into the game.

We could get dlc-sized mods with entire new questlines, places, npcs and stuff, maybe even overhauls.

The only thing that'd stop this game from growing bigger is the probably the fact that this is an indie game, so way less people know about it, and way less modding-oriented people are drawn to it.

A sandbox mode along with the modding tool would be pretty cool too.

I think the best we can hope for if we get modding support is a constant, dedicated following of a few thousand players that will stick with the game forever, similar to M&B Warband.

What's going on there.

>Amin Yashed
>Am in ya shed
>I am in your shed

The popularity isn't that significant for a big modding scene to establish. Look at Rimworld, which is also sort of a one-man project currently still in alpha phase. He added sort-of modding support very early already and there's enough mods already to triple the content of the game. Considering it got exposure to chucklefuck's forum all the starbound modders are able to see it, if there's word for a modding toolkit i'm sure a lot will jump on the Stardew train as well.

Fucking english language.

What should I do with the rest of my farm/?

Bulldoze it and replace it with something less autistic

unless you've tapped trees outside your farm, get a small area for syrup/resin/tar

Move the clock. Add another Barn and coop, and add a shed.

Oh, I was thinking about making a pretty similar farm.

you may want to add more lightning rods

Get rid of the fence blocking off your fruit trees.

>Alternate Elliott

I like the hair, and I'd probably like the beard too if it was a bit longer and maybe more wavy, but holy shit that nose.

You can easily see the flaws behind the programming in this game. Like how every npc has only one line per day of the week and how there isn't a difference between animal artisan goods/plant artisan goods.

There's nothing rush-y about spending a small empire's worth of gold to go FULL RETARD dungeon diving.

You can certainly run it the normal way

Yeah, the game needs polishing from basically any point of view.

Really good, this is one of the very few mod portraits that I like, it would fit pretty well.
Has he remade some other character?

Nope, seems like it's their first mod.

Really hope that he will make the other ones, I hate how 99% of the mod portraits don't fit the game and the characters at all.

flo lewds when

Stop minmaxing

>Beating Pierre's ass in the fair


>Sparrow got commissioned for Stardew Valley porn
>it's fucking horse dongs

Pierre is based as fucked, he called out that jew Morris for his shit and then punched him out through the motherfucking roof.
I don't know why people hate Pierre, he's literally the most useful person in the whole valley for you with his shop.

He only wanted to out jew Morris. He'd have done the same thing.

What's wrong with a man earning a living to support his family and his golden Yoba statue

Nothing unless he won't shut the fuck up about his shop that he tries to shill 24/7. I think he is a decent bloke but man shut up about your store. I don't give a fuck. He almost makes me
want to go shop and jojew.

Praise Yoba, peace be upon him.

Probably never.

I've ended up drawing shitty, traced porn of him myself 'cause I know that he's just not popular enough.

There's barely any porn of Stardew Valley as it is.

nothing wrong with a man passionate of his livelihood.

we need more flo lewds

Is that it?

Is this the same guy that did the Vincent and Jas lewds?

You're right, there isn't. But has he ever spent an afternoon with his family before? There is a point where you go past passion and into obsession and beyond.

Praise Yoba, peace be upon him.

dunno if it's by the same guy, I only found it by really digging around.

didn't even know there actually were vincent and jas lewds, I thought that was a meme.

but yeah, that's it. only thing I could find of the guy.

maybe if Caroline and Abigail aren't jobless leeches, he wouldn't have to work so hard

>I didn't even know there actually were vincent and jas lewds

The Vincent ones are here if anyone wants them:

I don't know where the Jas ones are though.

style looks pretty different, I don't think they're by the same guy.
then again, styles change. so who knows.

Probably if Caroline just stopped ordering take out from the saloon every single day.

Praise Yoba, peace be upon him.

In my first year, went down the caves in the desert the first time and got fucking wrecked.
Is there any way to get more defense or HP?

Yeah cook something with +defense, I guess. Carry a bunch of healing food.

If you shelled out the dosh to fix the bus, you either have a resource stockpile or you're an idiot.

Needed to fix the bus anyways for fish bundle, but yeah, I have some resources lying around.
Guess I need to make some food, thanks.
Even though I hate wasting my resources on food.