/dbg/ Dragon Ball General

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Last time on Dragon Ball G!:

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Second for Destroying all filthy monkeys!

>it's a "opponent back hits you from literally anywhere" episode

What's the drawback of kaioken?

Post CaCs

Not him but I was about to ask the same. I never really had much of an idea beyond go ssj3 and punch shit.

I feel like I should have some kind of beam, running Rise to action, final blow, sledgehammer and max charge right now. Ultimates are ki explosion and energy wave for placeholders.

New Japanese trailer.


Frieza taking over Conton City; possibly the first world event?

Mind if I take a bite?

The CPU has frame-perfect backhits, if they decide to backhit you then you are going to get backhit. You have to learn the combos for their character and vanish away on a heavy hit that takes a little bit to recover from and backhit.

stamina drain

please respond

This one's a keeper right?

stam drain
can't use potential unleashed

Started working on this last night. Had a feeling Namekians were gonna get hit with the patch but not as much as they did. Officially not worth even playing them anymore

xth for Based Jesus.

Best one I've seen. Well done.

As long as it has ki and stamina +5, yes.


>Not Buubble

>goku's voice
please just end me

starting 1:30 is probably about future gohan becoming a character and tutor right?

>still can't make shota human/monkeys
Fucking DIMPS

nobody want to see midgets running around

all we can make is muscular midget manlets
the MMM Saiyans

He wants little boys, not Krillins.

This is my current wear until I find better stuff from PQs. So tempting to go Golden Power up just for style.

Anyone got the patch notes for PC?

The more mentor quests I do with Raditz, the more I keep feeling he could have been talked down if they just tried.

okay lets see how big the differences are

Only a slight step above buttposting, but it is what it is.

>Namekians get fucking shafted with the patch
Thank god I'm just a marshmallow with an awakening shitty enough to keep us off the chopping block.

I shouldn't of left Guru's House entirely until post-game. I dreaded the Buu House but I just binged on a lot of item shop food and did it in five minutes. But Guru, fucking hell. Every mission is only 8% in the progression bar.

Please tell me after the second loop there's at least a unique mission, and not a third loop.

Just repeats over and over and over.

What did you combine?

I really think they should have done the Dragon Ball Online thing were you start out as a child and from 1-20 as you level your character ages

I did it right as it was available and only had to do 2 loops

>chopping block

Not even close. The stamina regen Fembuus get as well as their increased defense overall is absolutely insane. The more I use them, the more I feel that FemBuus are the best race in the game. Even with Purification existing.

Note could probably break Broly's pelvis in two.

Whoever designed this questline needs to get fired.

Why does default look so right

>There are people who don't use all three Radtiz' marks and use the combined nickname of "Low Class Warrior"

You'll rile up the shitposters by saying things like that.

holy shit I keep falling through the world what is oging on



When do Majins get the kid buu transformation?

Do marshmallows count as a Halloween candy?

Other races have good things about them but it's slowly starting to become obvious.

And Giant Namekians didn't need a nerf. You can perfect guard their attacks and drain their stamina like crazy.

>No God Note x Broly lewds


>monkeys are such scum that everyone would rather have a human around, rather than a monkey


be water my friends

what is this? card game?


absolutely disgusting

So apparently you didn't get a rank in PQs online unless you were the host. This isn't a bug, dimps unironically thinks this is fair.

What a shitfest.

This hologram of me is too lewd

>tfw you are the only Freiza who uses the horns that are cut off at the base

Hollow will be for sexual if i have anything to do about it

It looks dumb, user.

You could say that. It's more of an arcade game, though.


Finishing up mentors, finding that fucking nimbus, then doing the Pq's I haven't yet before I make a new character later tonight. If anyone wants to play on PC I'm down, always in the market for moves and shit. Got one preset left that I need to fill.

Cute Buu

Rad Steampunk Cyborg/10
Looks like one of the villians from the movies

Tasty name/10 wish I had thought of it

Cause the default uniform isn't shit this time around. I'm usually just as happy to get clothes as I am moves in this one.

Lol great image, rolling a saiyan next, how are they? It'll be nice to play as a race with a decent natural transformation. That gold is so cash.

Kind of agree, but at least you still get the items so it doesn't bother me too much.

you look dumb

I look great

It's for imitating Ginyu's poses more accurately.

She's a majin, so she can change her hands into something else if it bothers you that much.

Is the PvP completely fucking broken on PC for anyone else? Or is it just me?
>Constant disconnects, being stuck at the loading screens, virtually no players

I'm lucky to even get one match in before the brand of buggy bullshit starts.

all the better for fisting you with

nice cumslut


>falling for the pc meme

Be glad you get disconnects rather than dealing with people with infinite health on using trainers.

This game could use more "what if" characters and stories.
Golden Final Form Cooler, SSJ Raditz or Nappa, timeline where Vegeta and Goku switched places, what if Frieza won.
These are just few of my stupid ideas

I'm trying to go for "Fast".
I'm making him a thin midget to maximize his speed, and since Golden form forces you to have purple skin/gems, I'm trying to keep some consistency.

Does the grill look too edge? I'm trying to make him look aerodynamic, and the grill made me think of a biker helmet.

I can't come up with any colors that really shine with this shade of purple other than white.

Beats shelling out for a PS4/Xbone at the moment. I have my PS3 which is (very oddly) still getting the occasional game with crossplay.

I also dealt with hacking schmucks on that thing too.

Bring it bitch.

You wanna 1v1 me?
You wanna 1v1 me?
You wanna 1v1 me?

level 35 I think.

Any meta builds yet? I want to know what I'm doing before going to ranked

Is your internet bad? This game does NOT deal well with it right now.

base stats for level 80 without weight bonus, clothes or skillpoints, incomplete

male saiyan (needs double testing)
basic ki blast:
strike: 6.89
ki: 6.76

female human (needs double testing):
basic ki blast:
strike super: 6.75
ki super: 7.63

male majin base:
melee: 6.87
basic ki blast: 6.87
strike super: 6.89
ki super: 6.68

basic ki blast:
strike super: 6,57~6,66
ki super: 7.5

fem majin
basic melee base: 7,21
strike super base: 7,68~7,75
ki super base: 6,74

fem saiyan
basic melee base: 6,71
basic ki base: 7,76
strike base: 7,22
ki blast base: 7,75

Does the "Battle Suit (Ginyu Force black)" set has any glove or shoes item?

D-did I make a mistake by being a fem human ki blaster?

I'm still cruising through missions and I'm at level 55 now, but from the sounds of it my attacks and specials are garbo in comparison to nearly every other race/gender.

>been trying to do the 50 hits combo challenge the past 4 hours
>always fail at 49 hits
>getting sick of it, I take a break from the game
>come back and check Play Data
>Highest Combo
>haven't done it in training as I never went in it
>I have actually cleared the challenge long ago
Someone fuck me.

Wew can you change the flight controls in canton city? Pushing in the stick to descend is FUCKING ARCHAIC. Control Type C is the only good one

>didn't switch to control type C in time
>my memory is already used to the default buttons
>have to relearn every combo if I switch to type C


You've got it chief. All set up to record some fights for the weekend on my end Played like a scrub this entire test match. Didn't even transform

Flying around the city trying to spot one of you guys then this happens.

Why would they invent something as shitty as Feint Shot?

No, they're fine as ki-oriented attackers. It does depend though, did you make her thin or thicc?

>Forgot the picture

I'm a natural at this

Well fuck, you're right. My internet's going through a total shitshow right now for whatever reason.

I had the opposite of this. I was posing for a screenshot and saw him flying in the air, approached him and then got him destroyed.

One step off thicc, one step off tallest. I wasn't aware that character build influenced statistics.

For some reason I am missing Supervillain Cell. What fucking PQ unlocks him?

>tfw to intelligent for xenoverse

10/10, hope you can go full super robot someday.

user no. The marshmallow will get in your hair and other places and won't come out for weeks.

Also, "Hallow" is supposed to be a triple pun. Halloween for magic and ghosts, marshm-allow for candy, and hollow because of those gaping holes in her face she calls eyes

where is the butt?

Yeah, then you're good to go stat-wise. Might just be your QQ bangs/attire or potentially bad moveset selection.

>do PQ #4
>level 80 fucking time patrollers

Is there an easier way to get dragon balls? This is dumb.

Expert Mission against Cell.

There was a strike super that I was under the impression Ginyu gives you on Frieza's ship but I don't remember the name so I can't look it up. What's the conditions to get it? Maybe I completely misunderstood this. I remember the attack having "Ginyu" in the name.

Probably my QQ bang, then. I wasn't aware that the special stats were basically meaningless. Thanks!

I've been spamming PQ23 and I get 1/2 dragon balls per mission. You can cheese lv 80s, it's not even a problem.

Type c is basically tenkaichi controls I don't know what they were thinking of with XV and XV2 Type A controls when they perfected it 10 years ago

What are some good Ki blast supers I can shit out in the middle of a combo?

Death Beam is the best one, easily