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Oh thank god the halloween theme is finally gone.


post spoop

Post stomach? Post stomachs

Waifus and lore living in relative harmony

pedo faggot

moment of silence for another villager killed by a vampire before i could save them.

rip in peace

i keep looking down in the SE expecting to see my body but i'm just a floating pair of arms

>those breasts
>those hips

is goaty a follower yet

I forgot how fucking annoying vampire town attacks were until I played the SE vanilla. Can't wait for Run For Your Lives and When Vampires Attack to be ported over.

Are there any essential mods for SE yet?

10th for ragdolling centurions


Why is Falkreath hold so perfect?

im doing dawnguard right now so that they'll stop

they'll stop if i complete dawnguard, right?

Shut the fuck up pedo fag

Alternate Start
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
Campfires - Complete Crafting System
Cutting Room Floor
Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival
Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim
Static Mesh Improvement Mod
Unofficial Patch

>ebony warrior
>nigger elf
I'm triggered.

fuck campfires and frostfall. annoying time wasters.

>when you get enough magika to just spam fireball at will

>cutting room floor

Because comfy trees.

i like the reach

Mage Lyfe

Are there any higher res texture mods for humanoids that actually look like they fit in Skyrim (aka, no makeup, no flawless hair, etc, etc)

Harvest Overhaul port fucking when?!

How many weeks until all good mods are ported?


The week after SKSE is working

About 50 or so.

Is Ordinator fun? I never tried it out.

The game keeps freezing around Morthal. Gives me flashbacks to the regular edition WTF

Somebody can't get comfy.

Doing Alternate Start as someone who travelled from Cyrodiil, but didn't get captured with the Stormcucks.
Thinking of doing the "patron at an inn" start, since it kinda fits the background for my character.
Riften and Falkreath have the closest Inns to a gate, right? Which area is easier on a low level character?
Not only for enemy scaling, but more and easier quests to get gold and xp quickly.

Falkreath is really one of the most comfier places in skyrim. The rift is up there but it's so shit considering that they have a lot bears, spiders and crooks.


What ENB do you use fampai? It looks so soft.

>Is Ordinator fun?
Yeah buddy.

It's one of my favorite mods.

Get a breastplate you fucking craven whore bitch

Riften should be nuked desu.

With bonus GENTLE

Not nuked, only purged so the area will be pure.

It depends on your build, friend.

I find Falkreath is more forgiving of mages, somehow. Riften is good for sneak thieves.

>SKSE will fix everything
>as soon as we get a working SKSE The SE will be gud
>SKSE is our lord and savior
It isn't some instant remedy.
Some mods might get ported over, others not. SKSE wont fix the game. stop acting like it will.

At best we will have SE only somewhat inferior to 2k11 ver. in terms of mod variety. And that will be long after SKSE has released.

But don't expect it to look like that out of the box cause I tweak it all the time, especially since I started using LUTs


se is good right now. im having fun.

Which lighting mods are you using now that enb doesn't work?


I tried ELE and absolutely hated it. Will wait to see if ELFX gets ported and how it looks in SE.

Midriffs are extremely arousing.

reshade, and RLO.

I don't think reshade is working though. RLO is though and it's nice.

>those hips/thighs

i want to lick right here

>user can't reach maximum comfiness

post rosters


Best mods for an Orcfu?

but that means i have to take screenshots and make one

I play as one character, and when they die I delete them and make a new one.

I've played too many roguelikes.

Your character looks like someone out of the original mount and blade, and I mean that in the worst way possible

Trying to get back into oblivion, pic related are my mods.

The game works perfectly fine, but very rarely when I sneak attack an enemy with a bow it freezes. Any tips? It's pretty weird that it's crashing considering I barely have any mods.


>plebs in MY thread

How do I make cuties with racemenu? Lips and eyes always turn out shit.

>posting the shitty version

Nice autism faggot

>posting an even shittier version

So few people in these rosters know how to make distinct characters.

why does CK keep crashing?
Why is CK such a potato?


Thanks, I'll mess around with it.



Anyone know how to make hoods cast shadows on your face?

I see the same slutty wear with pencil thin noses and overblown lips.

That fat Khajiit is awesome, though.

I hate to say this but Clone-chan's Soviee is literally perfect.

rate my enb

He look so fucking angry. Why is he so angry?

Play as a redgaurd

A wild ride from start to finish, I dig all of these characters.

So which mod manager am I supposed to use for SE? it seems like my preferred manager, Mod Organizer has been out of the development for quite sometime now.


fuck off chesko. I'm going to spend time in cold places and like it. You can't keep me away.

Not shiny enough.

Let it go.


what a spooky bridge

It's made by Bethesda.

You should think before asking such a silly question.

Why do you hate to say that?

Because cunts are making him pay for books and knowledge.

Does Frostfall truly work in SSE? I'm trying to pitch a tent by dropping it, as I remember doing it in the original and how the website currently says to do it, but nothing is happening.

The daedra and zombie girl can be my girlfriends.

All this spook is a day too late my dude.


>When you marry your waifu in the comfiest region in the game
I have achieved 'the dream', as the kids say
SKSE mods cant get here soon enough

It seems generic, but somehow I like it more than any other anyway.