/wfg/ - Warframe General

general was ded for like an hour edition. im the captain now.
previous thread: >>READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
General: pastebin.com/SYUXsKPv
FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Tierqueer Filters: gist.github.com/JustEndMyLife/8d7d68d5ebdffe5995a53c42edf43663

CURRENT UPDATE: Recurring Nightmares
> forums.warframe.com/topic/711418-recurring-nightmares/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/691098-the-silver-grove-hotfix-3-nekros-prime /
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if its not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


We were finally free

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Internet Addiction Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

But I am the screen nigga

Wow it must suck being chained to the desk and forced to browse /wfg/

what about some potato posting?
i love my potato

Why bring this general back? We were fine without it.

Fucking DE females have the same skull from males(with slight modifications in their brow and chin mind ya) thats why they look so ugos

in the mean time male tater dont look so bad
check it out

Were you guys talking about this recently?

terrible, stop posting and kill yourselves
potatoes were a mistake, quit with this shit


Oh captain, My captain.

>stands on desk

Ya screencap from a couple minutes ago.

So since no one answered in the previous thread, is Secura Lecta good and if so, how should I mod it?

look, it's the edgy retard who hate everything including himeslf
maybe you're the one who should kill himself

so grow a pair
if someone told you, your colors are shit its because they are

The only comment from me in that is to make a new thread.

nha it's not, execpt if you want more shekels

but i don't hate everything
i just hate the taters, they were a truly mistake
also conclave, conclave and taters are mistakes

now kill yourself please, taterposter

passive is shit, damage is meh
it has no crit, so just build damage

soooooo... you like archwing?

nikana, galatine p or jet kitty?

I dont like melee but I want ot have one poatatoed/ formad stronk melee weapon just in case and to break containers without having to shoot my tigris

the vauban?

Taters are to be treasured.

headbutt them with a bullet jump then

jat and galantinep wont be good for crate bashing, too slow

That wasn't a sleek or webm, maybe the one with a mag on the simulacrum?

treasured in the trash were they all belong
i'd pay all my plat to be able to remove them from my ship forever

I'd pay to kill the little girl in the back of my ship in a quest.

>half an hour
>still no kubrow egg
at least i still have 10 platinum, but i still need to get the power core

Is she pretty potato?

Please no bully ;__;

Volt's head looks like a penis lmao

I had answered that in the previous thread, you blind faggot.


Telos Boltace is the king in that regard, but you actually have to equip it now, because of whiny forumites.


please just leave

I don't know, that was someone else who said that.

maybe it was the nyx
in either case he was expecting a circlejerk of pity or nihilism, he isnt going to get it. its a rare bug caused by lag that isnt going to be fixed.

get rid of the inner eye glow

change the lips, cool it with the neon eye colors

since you don't like melee i think out of these 3 the nikana p will be the best for you

I like your sigil placement.

she would be pretty without those flashy pinky colors

I politely decline. But then again since eye glow has no effect on anything the Taters do anymore, I might as well.



did I do good?

no ember goes for 1200, you could p

>only 1100

Do you think I could make a macro program for Rhino to spam stomp on a defense mission?

I'm farming relics.

Lotus went back in time.

If I were you I would selling for 1150p, 50p discount is enough but hey everyone gotta make money somehow so there's not much harm done.

But really I could go on hours and hours why you shouldn't do this in the future. If I wake up and the thread isn't dead yet I'll write something about it.

Do you guys actually find 4 people with the same relic when you open them?

Protip: Even if you are THE master-overjew you still will make less plat in this game per-time-spent than a part-time worker at macdonalds could buy with his wage, again per-time-spent. If you really need to sell something, just sell it way below market price to get rid of it quickly, your time is worth more than the plat you COULD have gotten by fucking around jewing.

Duh, not doing so defeats the purpose.

theres a whole fucking chat channel dedicated to finding others with same interests


Ya I guess I'll try again in a couple hours when people get off from work. My first time farming relics, trying to get this cool guy.

Oh, hes not cool anymore. Djinn is the new hotness. You'll find no one trying to get him.

>be working at McJob
>using hard earn dosh to buy plat instead of food and necessary living expense.

I did worked at McJob before and really had to save up all the money...

>If you really need to sell something, just sell it way below market price to get rid of it quickly

We have the same mindset here, totally agree on this logic but then again every little things add up to big thing. With the direction warframe market is heading I really have to scrap every plat I could with out overcharging which lead to loosing the buyer of cause.

>your time is worth more than the plat you COULD have gotten by fucking around jewing.

Again you are right but this is probably the only one game I'm sticking this long all the other games I just lost interest in, maybe it's because all the plat I made from months of playing.

>literally deleting your post to censor a TS that I don't even know if people use and a public steam group
wew lad

Before i go into missions i type in "wtb [tempo royale] pm offers.
buy wanted mods like heavy caliber and tempo royale and post them on warframe.market People will sell HC for 18p, sell at 35. TR at 30p sell at 55

I do this and it makes me like 15ish plat a day for a couple minutes of time invested. Lets me buy the mods i want without having to grind.

Why is her face shaped like NetherRealm character?

She is literally a strong 6 but thanks to her stalkers she thinks she's a 8 plus

Are all Canadian women faces shaped like this also? South Park was right

>High Voltage
>Not Shell Shock
Man...just give me the mod.


>buy mods to sell mods to
>buy mods
Nigga what the fuck are you doin'

Man.....I'll be back when TWW drops, you shitters are stinking up this place something serious

>look mom I did it again xD

Yes user-kun, we saw it last time.


This is my previous postI'm not this guys , Don't know what the fuck he's on about.

Sonicor, Kulstar, or Staticor for splash group clearing weapon? I'm waiting for 3 fieldtron to come in from an invasion.

I just really dislike the Tonkor, and rather avoid it.


t-thanks for the advice

Sonicor is the meta of the 3

I like this gun so far.

is Akstiletto the best secondary right now?

can you use it as primary?

That isn't Pox but yeah you can just ignore your primary with Akstiletto Prime.

pretty much

lexp and marelok are still strong


You can only spend $699.99 per month on Platinum Packs though, once you've spent more than $500.00 on them in a month you can't buy more on that account. With 22 or 24 daily trades you can get over 2000p per day if you actively trade. Passively trading you can still get over 1000p by just leaving Warframe.Market and Warframe open whenever you're on your computer. Even if you spend as much money as DE will let you on Platinum and Prime Access you can still get more Platinum by trading, and the only costs associated with trading is your electric bill.

nope when furis ambulance exists
>using secondaries as main damage dealer

But you can't go above 175% of the original ability cost

>Been Warframe clean for a year now
>Check the general for shits
>Frames now have faces

but you can still mod for it. the cap is on energy consumption, not the mods


Then you'd still have been around during the potatoing. It's literally evangelion like we all called back then

I don't remember it back in late October/ early November. The most recent screenshot I have is of me getting a shitty login reward with a hotfix 17.11.1 notice on the news monitor.

Yes, but the point is there's no difference whether you're at 175%, 200%, or >200%, it's all effectively 175%.

My mistake, looks like you bailed a week before U18 and the tatering hit. You didn't catch any of the hype?

>no "I want to rape my tato" option

I fell into that rut of "Log in, claim reward, do a mission, log out" like most others and just kind of moved on.
Also I'm pretty sure U18 was still NEVER EVER, even back then.

And things still remain the same. The next 'big cinematic quest' has been coming Soon™ since early March. Even Steve recently admitted he fucked up hard but knowing you're a fuck-up doesn't excuse being one, ya know?

>get kubrow quest after Venus
>can't get the materials for the power core until Jupiter/saturn
I just want a cute dog/bat/thing

You really don't.


They're that bad?
what's a better companion?

>some games let you dual wield two secondaries as a primary
>some games let you dual wield two secondaries as a secondary
never have I seen another game offer the option of dual wielding two primaries as a secondary
why is this even a thing?
why do none of the design choices make any sense?

No you don't. Just like how you don't want Archwing.

I wish that most current semi-auto weapons to be switched to an "auto" trigger so that they aren't such a pain in the ass to use. Stuff like the Lex series can remain true semi-auto, but weapons like the Akmagnus can currently only achieve their true potential with a macro, carefully managed mousewheel or a sick trigger finger.

memes. But if you want to complain about something so arbitrary at least focus on the biggest offender; why do the twin memekatas have no recoil?

so ive been away from warframe for about 3 months. has anything happened in the time i was gone?

I still cant comprehend how they came to the decision that it belongs in the pistol slot
>those double rifles you have, the things that are primary weapons but you have two of, yeah, they belong in the slot for smaller guns.