/hsg/ - Hearthstone General

jus tree urself Edition

>Deck lists, news etc:

>Arena Help

>Open Tournaments:

>Deck Tracker:

>Upcoming Hard Mode Brawl:

>Hearthstone World Championship:

The Class of /hsg/ Strawpoll:

Ara ara you wouldn't like an old thread like:

>start of the season
>play against legendary cardbacks at rank 15
i finished rank fucking 10 last season.
i dont need this shit.
even tho games arent that much harder than rank 10 shenanigans


third for anal bleeding

when is blizzcon gonna drop all the cool shit anyway? i'm waiting for all the announcements.

So, what decks are you guys using in heroic brawl against all that midrange shamans?
>inb4 midrange shaman

>doesnt even have over 10k gold saved

what have you been doing?

C'Thun Priest! :D

the thing is you can only lock in one deck so even if you bring freeze mage you would still be better off bringing midrange shaman

Tournament amongst my friends coming up soon, but they're all faggots and deserve to get fucked by me boh in hearthstone and in the showers.

What's THE best deck of this meta? Midrange Shammy?

Not playing the game

Nah dude, it's renounce-lock


the 3 best decks imo are midrange shaman, maly druid, and c'thun warrior in that order.

Why arent there combos like pic related in hs?

We want the casual audience

Graveyards are confusing.

this webm is why i'm happy hearthstone is aimed as casuals

how come you can see the opponent's hand?

It's shit, user
nobody wants shit

>implying an insane rogue turn doesn't look somewhat similar
>implying pic related is a normal deck in yugioh

No, no, bleeding is not good for anal. Unlike what hentai teaches you, blood does not make for good lube, it gets really sticky. Believe me, I tried.


Alright, let's start the OC. The old classic. Every day until you like it.

Cute ara ara. I like you, user.

spectator view / match replay.


>shark and kraken
>not big fish and bigger fish

This was made when CotW was at 8.

how old is this webm lmao


At least a year old.

Hoot hoot motherfucker

>playing token druid
>shaman can fill his board and clean mine better than i can


>3 days until reveal.
>Still no leaks.

Normally the chinks would have leaked something already.

What deck is the most fun to shit around with until the next expansion?

>equip this
>stealthes your hero
>attack with it
>stealth is gone

feelio when j4ckie has given into the arcane giants meme

we got the best leaks last year

>equip card
>1 turn of stealth
>hero power next turn
>1 turn of stealth
>equip second sword
>1 turn of stealth
>hero power next turn
>1 turn of stealth

LoL a better Iceblock. Fuck off rogue shitter and keep your power fantasies to yourself.

Its an ice block that works twice but needs a few turns between the immunity turns

its ok shaman was the bottom class before tgt it's their turn to shine now
if you dont think they should have the best 1 and 2 drop and the second best weapon in the game you're a classophobe
maelstrom portal was a very needed card for shaman because just having 2 boardclears wasnt enough they needed a third one
especially a straight up better arcane explosion
also spirit claw is ok because it's hard to roll spell power and put thalnos/drakes in your deck
thing from below is also ok because totem golem should definetly be a 2 mana spider tank with totem tribe
ben brode you fucking hack go back to pizza hut

You rogues want healing?


posting QUALITY oc are we?


Yes yes well done However

r8 OC

I've got some old shit thats probably terribly imbalanced in one way or another. I should make some more though, its fun making cards.


I'd like to think this would fit in a deck eventually



Everyday until you like it

fuck funnel cake meme

I guess I also made this version? Both seem pretty niche

>Yogg Saron can only cast targeted spells
is Yogg fixed?

>Cucktrol Warrior Brawls my meager board
>win Brawl
>play Call of the Wild immediately after
>"Your opponent left!"

People said awhile back this might actually be really broken. The potential is high, at least.



Woah, okay, that's a lot of OC.

And that's a swole cat.


It would've been good when CoTW was 8.

>babbling books gives mage a flame lance to clear out my rag
i like it

wow congrats on winning that favourable match up, typical simpson poster

Its like making Sonic OCs but not as autistic and can be done in minutes so I'd imagine people would make a lot

THIS is my kind of OC

>take Dog's miracle C'thun rogue from last Data Reaper, -1 Refreshment Vendor +1 Edwin
>mfw it goes 12-6

What the fuck is wrong with this deck? I expected a fun but fucking stupid meme deck with a 40% winrate when played by scrubs like me.

>tfw C'thun, shadowstep, Brann, coin, C'thun
This much fun should be illegal.

>*tips Tank Up*
You seem upset. You weren't the Warrior, were you?

Normally I'm an OC fagget, but even this is too much for me. Cant' we just talk about the scam Amaz is running on Kickstarter?

10/10 cool

This is retarded and broken


Too strong

Why not




Amaz owes money to the Mongolian Mafia in xiexiebux and this is his last ditch effort before killing himself.


Terokk was a cool bird guy

There is not one good reason for there being

-less than 9x9 deck slots
-no match chat or rank chat

"9x9" means 1 page for each class and "rank chat" means you have an automatically assigned global chatroom for people of the same rank as you.

Feel free to hire me whenever Ben.



post dick pls


Every time I try to click on the latest Gadgetzan teaser, I get this shit.

It kinda sucks in a world where Counterspell exists. You'd automatically play around them both at the same time if you could, and if you can't play around them, then you're probably in a losing position anyway and counterspell would work just as well or better against you.

Sorry, meant Firebat's. That's the right deck in the screenshot.
No idea how I even thought of Dog, must have been because of watching his stream earlier.

Play A Friend


Dat Pathfinder
Dat Runescape

Yea this pretty much. I need CONTENT

Godammit. Just when Battle.net decides to stop working.

Hnnnng c'thunder warrior is so good right now

>run into secret hunters, tech in secret eater
>now running into mid shamans, tech out secret eater
>run back into secret hunter
Either fix matchmaking or include a sidedeck, this shit is ridiculous

>Either fix matchmaking
You mean stop fixing it.

oc thread?

Teching kills your overall winrate. Just play decks with good matchups against what you're running into.

We all know ladder sucks, but it's not like it needs to be changed purely so you can play whatever deck you want.

Your mom has -3 health while a bbc is in play

>Atrocious OC thread?



s-show me the BBC card senpai~

>implying it wouldn't be like this