Ignorance is fatal edition
>Patch Notes:
>Useful Sites:
also lolking
>retarded Pre-season and Assassin's stuff:
Ignorance is fatal edition
>Patch Notes:
>Useful Sites:
also lolking
>retarded Pre-season and Assassin's stuff:
Other urls found in this thread:
Xth for Katarina
best girl
ryze is retarded just remove him from the game
Why have I won with kindred 20 games in a row? I'v'e only carried 5 times, 20 times cant be luck.
maybe youre just good at kindred
xth for Sejuani
Well, i'm asking: She's a carry, I dont carry. How is she still so good even when not carrying.
The ganks, the free dragons.
Sexy voices I can think of over the phone:
Wolf sounds like a disgruntled uber driver
Lamb sounds like the hot chick at starbucks
A fucking sex lord who commands authority. Probably works as either dean of a college or is a doctor
That guy who works at my barnes and noble and tries to sell me gundam models
That ONE guy on tech support who is helpful and is American and actually does his job instead of some indian guy who has to update his computer.
Pizza delivery boy on their way to deliver pizza
>Aurelion Sol
The movie theater ticket seller
>montecristos fake laugh
Bounty hunter is just better than the other options. Even if you only kill 2 enemy champions over the course of a game that's 3% bonus damage at no penalty while double-edged sword makes it easier for you to be burst down and Battle Trance offers nothing at all at the start of a fight.
NEW Fresh Blood
For those who aren’t content to sit back and farm in lane.
Your first basic attack against a champion deals an additional 10 (+1 per level) damage (9 second cooldown)
Alright, tell me in what language do you play because no fucking way it's english. Hell, might as well be martian.
>fervor is ad instead of on-hit now
>that bounty hunter buff
okay we get it riot this is the assassin update, very good
>tfw got first penta in ranked
I started panicking and mashing keys on the 5th guy but it worked out
Dear Midlaner,
You can apply pressure on the enemy mid laner by shoving to tower, instead of poorly roaming across the map and letting enemy mid catch up in CS. You can do this multiple times and force him to give up a tower or commit to a bad gank on his part. This is also the best time to for you to actually roam, you can either follow your jungler into their jungle and deny not only the mid lane (once again, you force him to make a decision on whether he needs his CS or he needs to save the jungle, and since you're so ahead you can win,) or help bot take theirs so you can commit to a dragon play/ or just applying more pressure on enemy blue. These are just some of the things you can do, instead of being a useless shit and giving away your early lead because some streamer told you, "LOL YOU GOTTA CARRY TO WIN MANNNNNN"
how do i do naut top?
Who would be some good champs for a new set of Riot skins? Braum is the first champion that comes to mind.
>Fervor gives AD
>scales up every single AD scaling ability in the game
>scales with crit
Daily reminder to stay motivated in your life!
Spooky edition
NEWGreenfather's Gift
Extra oomph for champions who duck in and out of brush between combat.
Stepping into brush causes your next damaging attack or ability to deal 3% of your target's current health as bonus magic damage (9 second cooldown)
As an Ivern player, fuck yesssssssssss
Tristana jungle only pussy bitch
>Fresh blood + Battle trance + Fervor
Are they for fucking real?
ad caster? more like ad cancer hehehehe
>51% win ratio in plat+
>32% play rate
How is this champ for brainless retards balanced again?
An Ezreal E ing and hitting his Q+W+R on the target (that he actually has to aim for) will do less dmg than 3 autoattacks of this dumb slut.
Where is the fucking fairness in this game?
Unless you have 100% crit it's still a worse onhit than old Fervor.
>mfw i always ban the highest pickrate champ
>mfw i have no face
>get a nice fight, kill enemy mid and top
>support and mid call baron
>i'm jg and behind a little, level 14 95% exp to the lee sin at 17
>ping back furiously
>nobody leaves
>we do it anyway
>lee flashes in and steals it
>enemy uses baron and pushes for win because they have soraka
>i get flamed for the call i tried to stop
unless you have an ability that scales with AD
good thing those are rare.
hows Kindred user?
it still helps, gota be positive lolbab because i live in brushes
8 pick my troll main
ap garens too troll
ap panth isn't
Thanks for the (You) user. :-D
Fixing errors and improving is fun. I'm a bit overly safe in lane, I only go for things in my favor. I'm being ballsier and being a lot more aggressive. Down side is that I'm more impatient with passive support and I've adopted an egotistical aggressive mind set. To be the best you believe you're the best...I'm assuming....
Anyone here also working on improving their game or themselves in general
also I wanna hold Jinx's hand
Just had a Yasuo int late game because he kept getting chasing Shaco instead of GROUPING WITH A FUCKING MALPHITE and dying over and over.
If you're in gold enjoy it while it lasts because platinum is not fun
I don't think ADCs are going to take it much anymore.
Obviously Ez will still like it, Lucian will like it, Kalista ayy will like it, but I feel like Warlords is going to even more than before become the standard for AA based ADCs.
Jhin might take Fervor now though, which is nifty.
AP Trynd, because it can still carry/win.
How does she never get a nipple slip?
>Literally every girl I'm interested in both ingame and out are taken
This is why I don't ask them out. It's perfectly normal to assume a girl is taken by default. If I went with this general's dumbass advice LOL JUST BURSELF JUST ASK HER I would've been shot down at least 10 times by now.
*cough* renekton *cough* riven
>Battle Trance
>Gain up to 5% increased damage over 5 seconds when in combat with enemy champion
Good pick for Poppy?
ADC Ziggs with Triforce as first item
not like the top has much to slide off of. Cute flat 2x4!
and recently they said they'll nerf rylai's but they don't know how so they they said "we're investigating"
classic riot
doesnt seem fun
how do i get my kat off my pizza box.
I want Vayne to wake up in my bed every morning, find herself tightly chained and instantly realize escape is impossible. I want to wake up next to her and cover her mouth with my hand while filling her with my morning erection and depositing another large dose of my seed inside her. I want to continue until she's in late stage pregnancy, incapable of moving fast or fighting me. Then I'll release her but she'll have no choice but to stay with me, at least until giving birth to my glorious Noxian child.
the numbers dont lie, mason.
ok redoing it
new number to roll is 6 im not doing ziggsu
fun shit
ap tryn
ap hec
ap panth
>all her damage is in her first two abilities
no. if poppy is going that deep in offense you pick bounty hunter
EVERYONE will pick bounty hunter if they're going that deep in offense.
ADC Ziggs with Triforce as second item
Dont say things and then puss out
Yellow belly coward
a big bust is a must
the biggest is a nice bonus
jungle jhin
adc ivern with heal-barrier for pacifism
AP sustain Xin
I need a top laner that even a braindead monkey could go even with against any matchup.
xth for not being sad
im not doing ad ziggs
full ad janna
>Armstrong goes full supreme gentleman and writes a manifesto about rankeds and how he's done with this shit and Veeky Forums
>still comes back
adc ziggs, triforce first item
AD attack speed Fizz
good idea
already do this on my 5th ivern mastery world
fug of ad
Irelia or Kayle.
>it's an "SKT wins worlds" episode
fucking pussy
you'll do this, cunt
Have you tried orange pirate?
Free QSS
Free money
Free global ult
Free upgrades
Free true damage
/lolg/, list champs that will be perma-banned and never see games outside of blind pick with the new 10-ban system ever again:
>Miss Fortune
RIP to those that main any of the above.
Where were you when Doubleshit was benched?
thoughts on the new rengar?
already did this before
>does a roll poll to pick his new champ
>roll picks his champ
>nah, not doing that lmao
finally some nice panth nerfs
>10 bans
>20 champions
>10 bans
>lists more than 10 champions
>People ban taric
>People dont ban thresh
>more than 10 characters
do you know how numbers work, user?
what the fuck
>tfw have to switch between computers very frequently
>Have all my porn collection hidden on a usb
>See a /lolg/ lewd image that really turns me on
>Literally all my family at home. Can't risk be discovered
>Go to the bathroom. Bring tablet that has a usb port and the usb
>Open my lolg folder
>Tablet suddently shuts off. No battery left
>Still horny as hell
>Fap looking to the usb thinking that the porn is still there, just encoded
>Play ranked
>Top chooses mordekaiser
>Think it's going to be a guaranteed loss
>morde shits on top lane then roams and gets drag
> He takes close to two towers mid by himself
>Proceeds to shit on everybody and carries us to victory
Uhh I thought morde was shit /lolg/
Some of the things he did was disgustingly broken
>platstrongs autismo manifesto
large scale multiple reworks are A TERRIBLE HORRIBLE NO GOOD VERY BAD IDEA
LIterally kill yourself you fucking faggot
I honestly haven't played GP since his rework, not that I don't like him but I feel like he's much too different for me to still enjoy. But I'll try him out.
I used to actually Teemo top often, but some matchups were very dangerously close like Vlad for example, or any top laner with burst damage/an instant gap closer.
I listed champions that very depending on elo. Either way they won't be seeing nearly as much play.
Also forgot to include Fizz and Leblanc.
You had a Brazilian player play Morde, only the BR can channel the true potential of Numero Uno
fucking this
>There are kind and gentle gods. Mine is not one of them.
>Enemy has top fizz and Teemo support
>Our jungle is afk
>%100 guaranteed win even as 4 players
>My dumbass team decides to remake
>This is a ranked game
Finally can go even more cheese on lvl 1 armor on Nasus