/ps2g/ - Planetside 2 General

Women can't drive edition

The big October patch that will save the game has been released

New NS LMG - you will never have to burst fire again!
Charge removed from MAX units, Gatekeeper nerfs, SABR and Valkyrie buffs, new jetpacking proof carbines!

>What is this game?
pastebin.com/baxwRMDg (embed)
>How do I play?
pastebin.com/CWn3VQJD (embed)
>How do I play? (advanced)
pastebin.com/p0ZwzqSu (embed)
>Tweaks and optimizations
pastebin.com/MEqFBUut (embed)
>Weapon stats and vehicle weapons
pastebin.com/341Dv7Y6 (embed)
>Weapons chart some user made
i.imgur.com/HOdhWox.png (embed)

previously on DEAD

Other urls found in this thread:


Alright who wants to play on emerald with me, don't know what faction to join.

Someone show me the ropes !

oh fug already a new thread, alive game confirmed

someone from memerald take this weeaboo under his wings, we can't afford to lose new players

I would like that, I wanna get into the game and community !

clab shitposting is seriously the worst thing

Please respond ;_;

Idk what faction to join

Do you like to BRRRRRRRRRT? TR.
Do you like to PEW PEW PEW? VS.
Do you like to teamkill? NC

I wanna play with people from here, so I'll go whatever faction I don't mind

Go Vanu just to make Teary Republic cry moar.

not even sure who here still plays on Emerald, I haven't been to this general in a while. I think /ps2g/ played TR there though.

This place seems slow these days so waiting for them might be best if they're still alive

I just wanna play with people, I don't really care where

>I wanna play with people from here

people play all over the place/ servers. Just pick what color you like

you wont even survive few days so it doesn't matter

best bet is miller nc but they're yuros
other ps2g groups won't take you in
clab is ded though

Sent from my HE prowler :)

>girls can't be better than me at bideo gans
>must be a b*y
kys sith lord

go to cripplechan tbhfm. ledditors lurk the thread.

ledditors lurk in this thread***


play NC

I play emerald NC. We could play pretty much any time tomorrow.

>wanting to play with some random weeb from 4chin

90% chance he is a clingy homo/ tranny/ other mental illnes

at least he bumpes the ded

I might play with you later this week (probably this weekend) if you make up your mind

So cold ;_; I wish I was on Indar right now by

>heating system broken on
im dying
i wish i was on esamir rn

I still see [TG] doing shit ingame, don't their MEMEbers post here

I haven't touched this game in a long while. I used to main TR on Emerald and was with AODR but i've been since kicked for inactivity. I'm a CQB medic / engineer / HA / Vehicle gunner main and I'm not that great but I do have voidwell stats if you need them. Is this game worth coming back to?

>Is this game worth coming back to?


im so lonely ;_;

pls play

Ur funny goi, here's (You).

team up with this fag and then suck each others cute dicks

yes, this

and then report back to us in graphic detail about all the cute dick suckings

>I do have voidwell stats if you need them
post em

Send me some of your heat pls

r u coming on 2 me

Does it have to be NC? I'm not a big fan of high recoil weapons.


My dick isn't cute user, sorry.

here you go.


If they aren't then I will

>I'm not a big fan of high recoil weapons.
get out


o-ooh my

I'm not going to practice tshits all day just so i can manage recoil better for some dumb faction because they cant into proper weapons manufacturing.

christ mate, aim better

since im support a lot of that is cover/pre firing


gid out u fuggn gommie :DD

>since im support
PS2 isn't your average MMO. You're not support, you're a damage class. All classes are damage classes, just with small variations. Latching onto a skillsuit's dick and never letting go is not fun, shooting nerds left and right and occasionally dropping ammo and repairing crutchlords is. Same goes for medic.
>a lot of that is cover/pre firing
Those two have no place in planetside. aim better.

pls b gentle with our new friend

he hasn't been exposed to the salty vet lifestyle yet

im sure he will learn, in time

Good night!

He's right though, cover fire and pre firing will only get him killed.

good night memer :3

>not liking it when other people are bullied
guess I'll bully u huh

i didn't say he was wrong, i just said 'b gentle'


$ sh bully_user.sh

how long has voidwell been a thing? I've only just heard of this

Have you ever seen an auraxed dragon dildo?

lalunia's purpled a few already

oh fug


Ded game, ded thread

she prefers spawn beacons


there's a pic of her with a beacon floating somewhere in the intertubes, also has tentacle dildoes in a backpack

found it

apparently agile came back for a couple hours about two weeks ago

I want to spawn inside Lalunia!

He means self-professed cheaters from reddit lurk these threads and will try to get you banned by associating with them.

Never play with anyone with an average accuracy or hsr ratio above 40%

any other cool conspiracy theories?

t. shitter

found reddit

take that back u fucking bully

you're trying to bully in a bully-free-zone. Please cease your bullying IMMEDIATELY!

I really need to set a counter so I can determine ow many times I come here in a day just to be disappointed

>not being in a constant state of disappointment
it's like you don't even hate yourself

Firefox does that for you





Here is a post u might like :

Benin ;DDD

Does anyone have that copypasta about why it's so easy in the TR/NC/VS?

haha ebic 8DD

thought for a minute that I was in /4ccg/

i still think this is the best OC to ever come out of these shitty generals


hello is this the cool guy club for guys who are cool and also definitely have girlfriends and success ?

no, that's doublechin

haha jokes on you im not actually cool haha

this is a cute animay, mind if i save?

>fell asleep at 6pm
>wake up at midnight
>no mans to click

I really gotta fix my sleep schedule this shit is retardo


my main is on miller and I just play on emerald if that happens

if youre on emerald, just play on miller.

or cobad for some PvE

Daily reminder 5% of reddit admits to cheating

That's 1 in 20 players

>just play on miller.
I've heard you guys are really rough on young innocent memerald refugees.

Nyet is of skill

Everyone has known that for years, dummy. The only people pretending otherwise are the cheaters themselves and the deluded retards that think a free to play game is going to be cheater-free.

Any way to see how many pumpkin seeds one has?

slept like 13 hours yesterday and now ended up not sleeping at all for a whole night.
I know where you're coming from.


I watched a few of these popular 'good' players and every. single. one. of. them. is using an aimbot

Telltale signs: aim jumps between targets directly to center of mass or the head, and aim perfectly follows targets no matter what kind of movement they make - like following someone falling out of the sky at high speed

The cheating is so fucking blatant, but you can't call these people out on it because >t. shitter

Here's a couple cheaters I know for a fact:

Lagswitching, aimbotting, and esp hacks.

I really wish daybreak would fuck these people over instead of turning a blind eye.

If you have a membership or buy cash shop shit regularly, any reports against you basically go straight into the trash can. That's standard operation for virtually all free to play games.

>B-but SOE/Daybreak wouldn't do that! They're my friends and would put my feelings before their money!

The game has been in a bad place for years, they're not going to throw money away in order to appease some asshurt freeloader, especially when they get hundreds of false reports every day. If you're a paying customer the only way to actually get banned is to stream yourself blatantly hacking.

cool beans, any evidence to back this up or is this just more hot air?
Post clips.

What if you're a whale and you report someone? :D

Hot air of course. The game is cheater free thanks to BATTLE EYE