/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: >[Halloween Comeback! Mega Huge Pumpkin Village 10/19-11/2]
- 4* welfare Saber Liz
- New challenge quests

-Event Shop CEs
>Brave Hero Eli-chan's Quest
Buster +10% & NP Damage +20%
>Wizard & Priest
NP Damage +15% & HP Recovery +10%
>Mata Hari's Tavern
Quick/Arts/Buster +2% & Crit Damage +5%

-Gatcha only CEs
>Dangerous Beast
Quick +15% & Stars +3 every turn
>Witch of the Moonlit Night
Arts +10% & NP Gain +5%
>Count Romani Archaman's Hospitality
NP Gain +5% & Defense +3%

-Halloween 2016 gacha:
-5* Assassin Cleopatra
-4* Lancer Vlad

>News and Reminders
- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/news.php
- New vers - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones&androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game
- Mashu's voice actress has been replaced with Rie Takahashi as Risa Taneda remains on hiatus to recover from illness. Her other roles remain unchanged
- Class dailies have been updated to include new material drops
>New bond CEs:
-Rare Prisms have been added to Da Vinci's Shop (Gained from using 4* or 5* servants as Reinforcement materials or burning, Welfare servants excluded)
-Rare Prisms are used to purchase previous event items
-Next stream 2/11/2016



>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>FL Spreadsheet
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA


>Alternate servant/CE DB

mediafire.com/download/960gn6g6w2p0l8q/FGO Material I.zip
mediafire.com/download/wj405jjjc9ly94e/FGO Material II.zip

Other urls found in this thread:



Why does everything after F/SN feel like soulless degenerate garbage?
Where are all the heartwarming moments like from the VN?
Fuck you Nasu.

A shit!


>do pirate lesbians interlude
>10 million QP




cute male master

Thank you for informing me of this.

Xth for Liz!

xth for best Saberface, best Saber, Lancer, Rider, best waifu!

Onis' Bond CEs WHEN
Swimsuit servants' Bond CEs WHEN

>No pirate sluts
>No QP left

This is your LARPing group tonight.

Is pretty good at sneaky things and subterfuge!
Oops, we shouldn't' say that.

Xth for best archer also cirno, the sixth master mission is "defeat 15 skeletons" not "ghost".

Amazing. Another 10 million and you'll be able to level 1 5* skill from 9 to 10.

Just in time for Enkidu

The fuck happened to these four, anyways? Jobbed out to the Sakuraiwankers?

Regular Gil won't appear in Babylon.

This is the cutest girl in Fate and there's nothing you can do about it.

I think most people expect this.

Do you still level servants that someone on your friend list has maxed everything for?

Probably vanished after finishing the main quest line.

Good riddance.

damn it really made me think

Yes? Why wouldn't you want your servant to be as good as his?

Good because I'm not a cuck.

Yes, the support list is really random. Plus, if I like the servant I will level it, even if he isn't good.

What are you doing?

Nobu a CUTE.

What made Gudako immune to the grail corruption?

Liz a CUTE.

You can't corrupt the one who went through a thousand gatcha.

She's already corrupted by the gacha


Speaking of bootleg Archer, what do you fags think of Rewrite?

That's okay, Caster Gil is enough to carry Babylon.

Yes. Sorry Casko, I'm not your type anyway.

I hope Caster Gil is an old man Gil

This oni looks cute in glasses.

She's seihai-kun buddy.

>Where are all the heartwarming moments like from the VN?
In the cooking scenes.

She's the source of corruption, mate.

Gacha is bad civilization.

I want to hold pinkies with my waifu!

I hope to god the summer pirate sluts get a QP interlude thats similar

Daily reminder that Galahad >> Lancelot

didn't watch it
didn't read it
I don't care

Oh yeah the games out isn't it?
i wonder what kind of stuff will get shown off in the story.

>need golems for master mission
>decide to do 40ap90
>first wave all servants above 10k with np bars above 70%
>dragon time
>attacks once
>all servants on 3k health
you fuck right off you piece of fucking shit nigger you can't crit me twice on the first fucking turn without even buffing yourself you fucking cunt ass shitbag

I want to stick my pinky in your waifu.


I want to pay your waifu for anal sex!

Sakuya was literally the best thing in Rewrite.

why didnt just do the 30 ap with a LB event ce, its the exact same amount of golems

Wait, it's in english?

Altera > all

It's either fuckboi Gil, normal Gil, or older Gil. Any are fine.

Who's /Jeanne/ here?

The whole Extra world looks somehow similar to Monogatari series.

Wait it's out already?

>tfw no Jannu

Thats why Shaft got the rights to the anime

Not cool. Delete these.

Always here.

What the hell happened to her chest?

My sources say it should be out on the 10th
15th in english


2017 english.

seems fine to me

English release was pushed back to next January

the level 90 one gives more silver, right?

I got pretty much all I wanted from the shop but I thought I'd just grab some extra buff shit to trade after the event is over

still managed to recover it because two of the three had an evasion skill and I had a lot of np, but it pissed me right the fuck off seeing that dragon start his second crit animation.



Much better Welfare saber than Lily

>Your rolls
2 Da Vinci CE in 3 simgle rolls, I'm happy.

That's it, I'm way past the point of hating grinding for a 5th CE. No it's pure, undiluted RAGE.

Meh. 500 mana prism is nice (especially with the 5x 1000MP CE in the MP shop), but the rest is a little lackluster.

Still haven't got 5th Liz CE, it's summer all over again. Event seemed funny, I wish I understood moonrunes past the katakana words

>Final score
9/10 it's okay (IGN)

Transformation. Swimsuit Tamamo is Tamamo on the prowl. She's trying to outdo the competition.

A Medea thread would be nice.

>that outfit
I want this Tamamo to solicit me for sex.

90 Ap does give more silver, but i thought you were just doing golem hunting for the master mission

Europe gets it the 15th though

I want to fuck Jannu
Give me Jannu lewds

This, I have it preordered on Amazon UK and it says the 15th

Grail isn't the only form of corruption.

She doesn't know how nights with Carmilla end.


You'd like that, wouldn't you.

Pushed back here as well, also getting the same limited edition as America.

Gotta censur it for American eyes. Can't have it corrputing muh children.

merciless murderers can't be cute.

Jason did nothing wrong

Onis are probably going to get theirs in the next wave.

First third ascension.
It's pretty much the only archer I got at the moment, is Euryale good at all? I kinda got used to her now.

Which servants would enjoy extreme hand holding?

she's shit


Can he do it?

Better than Orion

Jason and Jasonfags are shit. All he can do is trick other heroes into doing the work for him.

jk. you guys are ok.

great male killer, though you should level Kuro if you managed to get her.

Pretty good at killing males

She's tied with Robin for best 3* Archer. Robin does it generally better, but Euryale fills her niche much better then Orion.