Blizzcon soon
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pruning season
*cracks knuckles*
you're gonna regret that one janny
what happened to the other thread JANNY PIGSKIN BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is neeb still our guy?
imagine being sickziis little spoon...
where is every1?
banned maybe...
janny banned everyone x_x
this is funny i think
Let me make a list: Stephin Merritt, Matt Berninger, Paul Banks... I'd kill for any of these voices.
im a manlet and dicklet...
>guys under 6 ft that's the fucking joke
i can't be the only one laughing out loud here??
holy shit this is like a comedy goldmine
that must suck
but at least a short dick is to be expected then so it's not that bad?
im just a dicklet which is weird i think
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 7h7 hours ago
So terrible that Crooked didn't report she got the debate questions from Donna Brazile, if that were me it would have been front page news!
it's okay to joke about exterminating short guys, a genetic trait that no one can control and is determined by birth
but joke about exterminating all retards, or blacks, or muslims (the last one even being something you can choose to be) and all of a sudden you're a hitler?
Day 5 no fluoxetine and I feel just f
ya it's pretty fucked
but fun as hell for a time
like racist jokes
wow he's crying again
what a surprise
losers always cry
im going to laugh at you libtard democrat shill nigger cucks once trump wins
i'd like to see that
too bad i won't
im going to screencap my post and your posts and post them in a week
trump is winning retards
u made a 1sided bet? what's the point
can a president pardon him/her self?
the eugenics society was started in america by francis dalton who was darwins nephew. the retarded and others were sterilized until at least the 20's. then gernany co-opted the idea
it doesn't work like that
if u get in srs shit u get suspended
Let me tell you, even CNN reported that Trump is winning by about 1%, EVEN CNN! That means that Trump's actual lead over Clinton is in the range of at least 5%!
heres the weird thing. that investigation of 650,000 emails will take forever but if it doesnt end in the next 10 days obama cant pardon her
but do it matta?
fuck off phoner
it's w.e
everything comes down to who gets off their ass and actually votes
how is the turnout usually? 50%?
had sex with a black girl :\
herp da durp
r u white?
i thought hurricane season was over
at least even the normies are noticing how fucked and biased the media is and how fake the celebrities shilling for her are
we're gonna need a bigger boat
no your mom is still breathing
yeah for your mom
what the fuck is with the mom jokearoonies?!
easy buddy its just a joke *fucks your mom*
not him, yes
some idiot thinks its hilarious how unfunny he is
lol good one
lol no
why the heck did u link such boring worthless shit?
is that ur stream mb?
this is SO fucking hot
yikes! niggers!
i just admire his golden locks and o-face omo...
i want that
i met a guy today that looks just like Tahar Rahim except more beautiful and like 10 years younger
god, he was so fucking beautiful and hot and im not even gay
i didnt know that ~slightly brown~ people can be so beautiful
ugh the new black pink songs are so good!!! ugh...
just take him to the locker room and have a good time. nothing gay about that
yeah i like black girls now so what
>fake ass
we always liked black girls lol
nigger lover, rofl. i would never
mb he had plastic surgery
if i was born in corea i would look so pretty thx to plastic...
i never did until like 5 days ago i started thinking about it
and then i decided i liked them
haha are people just being ironic or do they actually like that video? that """girl""" is disgusting
nigger gook
the only girls worthy of the name FEMALE are asian women
sure she's ugly as fuck in the face but thats part of the fun
big brown butt and ugly
we use brown switches
ever noticed how like
the first times are the greatest of all times
my first internet clique from ages ago is still my favorite
first time getting into "weird/different/experimental" music was an amazing feeling and I never get that feel again no matter how good the music is
first time going out to a new club is amazing
first time seeing an artist live is amazing
first time playing basketball with your coworkers was amazing
first playthrough of new vegas was brilliant but when i tried it again i was like ehh :/
first time this first time that
first 20 times hearing dsotm was amazing, but that album literally does nothing for me anymore
what the fuck dude
what if I really really really want to repeat the same amazing experience again and I want it to be as amazing as the first time
i want to get excited as i was the first time
first time with a black girl the list goes on... 1
>being a slave to sensations
>chasing delight like some kind of blood hound
first time getting drunk... i just want that feeling again...................
its not about first times its about young hormones
your emotions were heightened to a level you will never experience again
dude why did u make this into pasta??
imagine me... omo...
*imagines him*
the horrifying lows
the sweet highs
remember that first time you went to the club, and it was the perfect combination of music/people/drugs.
it happens again right?? right?????
im still going to the clubs, to chase that golden moment from 3-4 years ago.
if i just keep using drugs, the feeling will come back eventually right?????
no i dont remember that cause i never went to a club in my life
barely left my house for the last 3-4 years
i havent left my computer chair for like 13 hours. i havent eaten or drank anything so i dont need to poop or pee
no clubs are no fun
u need to do harder drugs u idiot
we type out the full form of 'you' now fyi
now u know how ppl die playing video games
just a day or 2 or 3 more and u'd be done
not so hard honestly, i think i could suicide like that if i wanted to
no we dont that makes no sense
we are the knights who say ni
we may never capitalize words or use punctuation marks (we do) but we will always always write you instead of u
same goes to all the other shitty abbreviations
why do gaypop videos have wgirls "now"? ruins my immersion
that's retarded as heck
looks like i just formed a revolution
i can answer this one