/gbfg/ - Granblue Fantasy General #753

>Schedule for November:
11/1 - 11/9 - A Peace of the Pie
11/9 - Rest of November - TBA

10/14 - 11/2 - Halloween Celebration (Magnafest, Daily Single Rolls, 100 Crystals a Day, etc.)
10/31 - 11/3 - Legfest Part 2 (New Characters Rateup)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning
granblue.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ (RIP old EN wiki)
alternate: pastebin.com/XAw8bBCf

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

>Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Hassan SSR when


I don't remember, with earth bonito I should get to 80% if my team is Sara/Gandalf/H.Eustace, right?

Delete homos
Eustace/Bea doujins when


doraf haters/pedophiles need to fuck off

I agree of this OP.

Nemo is so super cute!

When will Eustace finally let me touch his ears? Why is he so tsun?

Any of gbfg guild recruiting?

>Erin gets a SR
>Grueler gets a summon
>Some useless cow that has absolutely nothing to do with the event or the island gets a SSR

I'm glad HRT is gone, maybe the new guy will stop this retardation.

Preparing for disappointment

>literally the oppai loli race
>calling others pedophiles


send help on the ex boss please

Atelier will take you, but only if you can please Marie or Chen

Its not gay if its a dog, also Im fucking both so its fine.


Lily is strong nano!

Fuck firebeasts nano!

Right after Daryl Lionbrave gets one.


They're shortstacks, dumbass

>Got 3 4* unknown axes
Should I get the fist unknown?

Yes, let me fuck Grueler.

And I rolled a cow!
fuck me

>wake up
>no balance patch

Where will HRT go? Which division?
Is it that Uma Girls?

Cancelled with the new producer sorry

>more curves than the other races

>only if you can please Marie or Chen
Why and how?

Why do people complain about SOIYA homo OPs but not about doggie homo OPs?

and for the last roll of this memefest

Why do you keep forcing this shit every thread and get proven wrong every thread?

When you're under 130cm tall you'd sooner be a midget.

Careful with that word around 4chin m8, if it has fat thighs they are lolis, if they have wide hips they are lolis, but if they have breasts they are suddenly shortstacks :^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


Being deluded isn't the same as showing proof, user.

woof woof


Midgets are Harvins


I love Jeanne!

post lewd pengi so I can fap

Dumb EOPposter.

Works fine here.

So now that teasel is quitting and (You) is going to be under new leadership. We are recruiting new members who are enthusiastic about going 5-0.

Post your ID if interested.




lewd pengi so I can fap

just disband and form a new crew with a different name
meme magic won't let you be successful

Nice OP.

Can I be the new leader? I'm trustworthy.

Propagation with lily and erin!

So how was your legfest /gbfg/?

lewd pengi

You only get 60%.

>The only good waifu released since summer is Veight
What the fuck cygames? Is this why you got rid of HRT?

You all laughed and said we wouldn't qualify
You all laughed and said we wouldn't win a match
And you all got BTFO

We will go 5-0 now that we are under new leadership and there's nothing you dumb JOPs can do about it.

Cry more faggots

Suck my cock dude.

Shut the fuck you, homo nigger.

Cows ruin everything

I got limited Io and Zeus from memerolls
Better than previous memerolls where I got shit so p cool

fuck off homo

Remove homos
FMR will rightfully restore GBF as the /u/ game it's supposed to be.

H-how do they propagate?

>worst cog
Amazing how I like the SRs I got 10 times more than the SSRs

And this is why you should never join (You)

They're just a bunch of meming retards that don't really play the game and just shitpost forever. Join any other guild, even nip guilds are better than this shitter guild where only newfags and shitposters gather.

Fuck off Marvel, stop stealing my 2nd place chevs

Shut the fuck /u/, you're not welcome either

Hahaha dumb JOP got BTFO so hard, he's butthurt about it.

Stay salty fag.

only did one pull, got 9R 1SSR
But the 1SSR was monki so I'm okay with it.

H Charlotta and Carmelina in 30 rolls. It's alright.

>Suck my cock dude.
>Shut the fuck you, homo nigger.
Kinda gay dude

atleast they want girls
not like any girl in GBF is actually gay when Gran's around

Shut the fuck up and don't ever reply to one of my posts again.


No we will not accept you back.
Stay homeless poorfag

send help

you sound pretty tired user
wanna come into this gay bar and chill with me?

Only got H Ferry and a bunch of bronze moons

That can't be right.

But a quick look at all the new SSRs says it is. Absolute bullshit.

Delusional selfinsertfag.

>Btw i want to suck teasel's dick
Join (You)

Post AT teams

Dumb c/u/ck.

>Attracting girls

Make me shut my mouth, master. What are you gonna do about it, fuck me silly?

>SR Will
>H. Cog and Monki
Only 4 new characters and almost no moons.

Is it that time of the day?

>AT teams
>using special teams just for AT

>not using the cheesiest shit at your disposal

Hello I'm lily! I can be a lily bit silly!

You're the delusional one here, after all, they're all starving for Gran when the holidays come.


>It's morphin' time

Shit shit shit

Only thing I got was Baal and my fifth arriet harp.

Gonna feed it to my colo staff or something out of spite.

>needing Siete with Zoi

Propagating with Lily!

What did they mean by this?

My boyfriends.

kimura is going to fucking run this game into the ground it's fucking over

i want to believe that the rebalance patch will buff fire/water magnas to not be complete shit, but i know it won't happen

sluttiest loli