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Strike the earth!
/dfg/ - Dwarf Fortress General
First maybe for oh shit did the thread hit the bump limit?
real first for you fucked up not chosing the gobling fetuses pic
Did that night creature fuck you up, user?
It super fucked me up. Turns out it already had 21 kills and used to be the leader of a group of humans before it lived in the sewers under my town.
Huh. Made a new adventurer to get my revenge and then this happened.
>kicking ass and taking names
>rageful over being abducted and twisted into a horrid monstrosity
>feeling better after mangling some poor fuck
>random newb walks up and stabs you in the brain
such is the divine power of the rng user
May future updates fix this dumb but lucky miracle
I shall commemorate the beast by making armor and clothing out of its body.
Oh fuck I crashed before I could save.
Looks like Armok was displeased. I shall earn his forgiveness by attempting to slay the beast once more and make a better show of it.
it was shit tho
you are allowed to have bad taste, but no need to show it
I have decided to make a frog man martial artist and put all of my points into punch and dodge. We'll see how it goes.
Remember to fight like a martial artist.
Punch the hand that holds the sword that is swinging at you, strike enemies quickly in soft spots to open them up to a haymaker to the face, etc.
>soft spots
I don't think you understand.
It still has a throat, liver, lungs. It may not feel pain, but it still needs to breathe.
Body parts with scars aren't any more or less soft than unscarred body parts. Irrespective of that, I assume he was just suggesting that you roleplay the role you're playing.
Oh of course I'll do it properly. I'm just in awe of how battlescarred this thing is. Its certainly intimidating. Its a shame that she laired in the town I've adopted, because otherwise I wouldn't have bothered with it. But she's become a threat to my people so I need to put her down.
Fair warning: telling people who knew her before she turned will piss them off.
Will keep in mind. Also martial artist was winded and killed almost instantly. Will be trying swordsman next.
Why do warriors and thieves and the like congregate at the town's castle? Do they actually do anything there?
I have a maceman and another swordsman by my side. I hope it will be enough to slay the beast in a more exciting fashion and appease Armok.
After 13 pages of brutal combat resulting in the loss of one of my comrades and the mangling of another, we finally triumphed over the beast. A fitting end for the foul monster.
That wasn't even the real thing.
You killed Grendel, but you haven't met his mom.
Well as long as that monstrosity stays away from my town, I'm not gonna look for it. Some things are best left undiscovered.
Well put, but they're the same type of beast, at some point we'll get stuff like Grendel and his mom though.
Are whips still OP
I think scourges made from heavy metals are still lightsabers. I haven't seen whips work nearly as well. Pickaxes are still the secretly OP weapon.
Force translation mechanics make combat a lot more brutal than before and really moved things up in complexity.
Also, armor deterioration is new to me and it's killing me. I went with the whole "wooden shields work perfectly fine" and now my dwarves shields are falling apart and being destroyed in the middle of combat and I'm very worried.
Well this just happened. apparently i had a hole in my defenses and one of my squishy crossbowdwarves was brutally beaten by no less than 4 trolls before my non-squishy military destroyed them. i think hes actually immortal.
his beating lasted for 13 pages. he just passed out at some point and the trolls continued to hit him in the head but he just got back up. (not really stood because his spine is broken but he isn't dead.)
The wait for the next update is killing me
I'm sure we'll have it by next month
Honestly this month wouldn't surprise me either.
It's possible
So, after artifacts, what's next?
Sex and shitting.
Hopefully not at the same time...
More seriously, magic and the full world-gen overhaul involved with it.
I think it might be time for him to retire.
I'm just getting comfy in my bed
Tell me a story /dfg/
>can't engrave constructed walls
In a time before time, I attacked me.
Once upon a time (in year 1053 actually) Dawndiamond was invaded by 53 undead goblin corpses. They were defeated after much conflict and strife.
In the year 1053 Dawndiamond was invaded by a vile force of darkness, a goblin army 97 strong.
In the year 354, in Ironanvil was besieged by 54 undead soldiers. The (Vampire) hammerlords of Ironanvil slaughtered all of them with only a missing hand as a casualty.
Urist the Melting of Whips was a Dwarf born in the year 42.
I just learned how to farm and now my shitty hamlet won't starve to death.
One uv da boyz 'id 'is werebison bite 'an switcht in da middle uv da grub hut last winter. We wuz roight suprised, but 'eh decided to spend is last minutes throttlin' a runty snaga git. Da boyz 'ad a good larf but now we'z gotz ta find a new book keeper.
You've got scourges and whips backwards. Scourges do edge damage, so heavier metals aren't typically the better choice. Steel is good, but adamantine is better. They basically behave like swords with only one attack and lower penetration. Whips are the weapons that have always been referred to as lightsabers. They do blunt damage and concentrate it to a very small contact area, making dense metal whips devestating. Steel is good, copper is better and silver whips are amazing. If you mod or get a ridiculously lucky roll on a strange mood, the platinum whips are even better.
>Hopefully not at the same time...
I don't usually mind tilesets, but yours is particularly fucking ugly
I remember when people were saying that in March 2015. And February 2014. And September 2011. A good rule of thumb is that if a major update looks imminent, tack on another 6 months.
I started out on obsidian but I'll probably switch to phoebus once the next update comes out.
>one of the trolls stole his pants and beat him with them
Fair enough, I use Phoebus myself. It's nice on my eyes.
I like obsidian because the creature and NPC graphics are on point even if a lot of other stuff isn't. In that regard it beats phoebus by a mile.
Ok so I have a ton of strawberries in a stockpile how do I make my guys eat them? I haven't seen them doing and I'm wondering if I need to put them in some special zone or something. Tried the wiki but I couldn't find anything.
I have an artifact pink jade door depicting the Ogress KindnessSongs beating a dwarf to death with his own alpaca wool socks.
It's kind of silly.
You don't make them eat. They'll eat when they get hungry.
Oh ok, that's good then.
So you gotta add a couple of tags to make it workable at a bare minimum.
I suggest stance climber where relevant, can open doors of course, and go into the teeth entry, then add grasp to the back teeth.
Normally you would just add this stuff and have the animal available when making an adventurer, but I went in to gm-editor and took a giant lion I bumped into, find the nemesis entry, change the flags to retired adventurer/adventurer, then go retire my current character and take control.
So now I'm running around as a giant lion now eating stuff.
It's a little silly that I knapped stones held in my teeth and made a basalt axe which I strap to my chest somehow, but you gotta be able to butcher kills and I don't know how to let claws work for that.
Sorry for the nooby question but how much stuff can a single dwarf carry around as equipment? The equipment page on the wiki doesn't specify and I can't find a page that does.
I mean I found the armour page that shows all the type of armour, I guess I'm just wondering if military dwarves can carry a crossbow and a hammer to switch between in combat.
> Thanks to everybody that helped out in October! The beginning of the month is going to see the editing of a textbook I've been working on with Tanya Short of Kitfox Games arrive at the deadline with a completed manuscript
So, what's the deal with Tarn and this cunt? She parades him around in some random convention, and now she's making him work for her. Innocent friendship or are we going to see Toady getting his autistic heart broken soon?
Technically, yes, but in practice... they'll favor one or the other, and they won't reload properly if dual wielding, you can do it as an adventurer but it's not ideal.
With their armor skill high enough they don't get encumbered by it, so that's nice.
Also, I'm loving this lion thing, I think I'm going to have to add the grasp teeth to all the big cats because I just snuck up on a dwarf out in the middle of a town with nobody nearby, clamped down on their throat and choked them out, then cut them up and ate them.
How do ensure I don't run out of trees on my map?
They just grow back every year automatically. You never run out of them unless you dig up or cover every soil tile
Huh, that makes things a lot easier.
Well, theydo grow back slowly, so you'll never get as much wood as you did when you first chopped down a virgin forest unless you wait several years
Maybe you could make it to where you only require the corpse to "craft" the dead body, and not the sharp object?
It's not a year. It takes 3 years for a sapling to grow into a cuttable tree.
I was thinking about doing that with an interaction, yeah.
I must say it is a lot more fun just surviving by running around biting stuff in the head than I expected it to be.
Yeah, I spent some time playing as a Giant Jumping Spider, shit was fun as hell.
It does get kind of tiresome only biting things, but you've got claws too. Do Giant Lions have [CAN_LEARN] by default?
Nah, should add that too, I'll probably toss in a couple tweaks so they can be used as outsiders. I felt like I would miss being able to talk but it's too amusing stumbling around drunk eating people to care.
Totally going to keep the "predators can grasp with their molars" change though.
How do I find the body of a dead dwarf? Gotta lay a ghost to rest.
build a tablet at a mason's workshop, inscribe it with the ghost dwarf's name at a craftdwarf's workshop, install it somewhere and the ghost will poof
I meant slab
Right got it.
Hey /dfg/, just wanted to let you know you guys are the best general, and I love you all.
love you too, user even though you're a faggit
I would like to be able to take control of individual dwarves. That would be amazing. You control Urist McLazybones and make him build that trade depot that's been sitting unbuilt for months. Or even just prioritizing building. Unless I've completely missed that feature.
This spurred a long investigation, checking, arena testing, etc.
My conclusion is that BOTH whips and scourges are significantly nerfed from what they used to be. Even adamantine scourges would only succeed by causing death by 1000 papercuts, and denser materials made them no better. Whips perform significantly better with weight but never ever good enough to replace the warhammer as the blunt weapon choice. Force translation on the warhammer is giving it a lot more power.
The best multi-purpose combat tool is the steel pick(uses mining skill). The pick is incredibly strong overall, capable of severing and killing unarmored limbs and necks quickly like a shortsword(or the slightly inferior battle axe), delivering force like a warhammer against highly armored opponents, or penetrating moderately armored and damaging brains and hearts and livers like a spear (although the spear in particular has the potential to pierce tougher materials while picks are much more reliant on the material they're made from).
Edged weapons of very large size and dense materials have incredible potential to penetrate armor and cause dismemberment. Most of these are impossible to equip in fortress mode, such as the Greataxe and Halberd. An actual cut-anything lightsaber, slicing through layers of steel, silk, skin, flesh, and bone for severing of limbs is possible-- with artifact weapons made of very dense material (ie. platinum) and large weapon size (ie. Halberd) if the dwarf wielding is sufficiently large, strong, and skilled. Basically, if the force behind the edge weapon is strong enough to get through the steel on the outside, it has excessive amounts of the force required to go all the way through.
Engravings don't give passing dwarves happy thoughts, so engraving just raises abstract room/fort value. It's useful for rooms, but if you engrave your hallways you're just inviting invaders, and if you can't engrave, walls/floors made of bars/blocks I think can have the same value as exceptional engravings. This can go pretty far with things like silver- you get 4 bars per native silver ore you mine and melt(and if you have some silver you usually have a lot of it), which is 4 smooth silver walls. Then a masterful silver cabinet/throne/table studded with and decorated in high quality cut gems can have so many times the magnitude of value in a single square you can easily absorb the loss of engraved walls. And also give passing dwarves a happy thought.
I went to a necromancer tower in adventure mode to prep me for tomb raiding. I can 1 shot most zombies with a blow to the head or neck, but I'm wondering if there is a faster way to do this. What's the most efficient way to kill a few thousand undead?
A->a->head->a(or whatever your weapons strongest attack is) until they're all dead.
Alternatively just sprint past them, grab the slab, become undead (no exertion so you can fight forever), equip all the shield you have, plant a weight on your . key and go afk for a few minutes. Assuming you have the [MORE] text set to the highest value you can, this ensures completely safe, completely AFK shield user, armour user, endurance and observer training.
Or you could just run past them all again.
>30 military dwarves
>1 speardwarf died due to drowning himself in the lake, 29 remaining
>Killed a total of 149 enemies in invasions
>27 year old axedwarf with 15 kills, just had his foot smashed
>115 year old captain of the guard with 12 kills and 2 notable kills on goblins, minor injuries
>19 year old speardwarf (in crappy copper armor) has 27 kills including killing the fire-breathing mountain titan, Fath Ormatzang Sunggloram, she is completely uninjured
>She is unbelievably strong, absolutely inexhaustible and basically unbreakable
She's actually only participated in two fights- against the titan and against the last goblin invasion- she actually killed nearly 1/3rd of the goblin invaders and the speardwarves have been drilling for only about half a year.
I tried the sprinting thing once before, but as soon as I leapt over the heads of the outside ones, I was in the middle of a room absolutely crammed full of the buggers. I couldn't make my way to the other side of the room before being swarmed, and they landed some lucky hits. It ended fast there.
You could also round up a bunch of villagers and lay siege to the place.
I am getting random "cancels gather plants: could not find path" from my farmers, what could have caused this?
Why so cynical, maybe they just both share the same insane game philosophy
After artifacts/some magic its BOAT TIME
They only really serve as short-lived meatshields unfortunately. Still, I think when I return for a third time I'll be able to finish off the zombies.
I keep running away when I start getting exhausted/hungry/thirsty/drowsy
At least I've ammassed a reputation as a bandit slayer after some idiots tried to mug me on my way back into town.
Hey guys it is Comrade from a few nights ago. I know some of you expressed that you wanted me to pop in and shill when I make some new DF videos.
I put the next two parts up to my mediocre shit-fest of a series tonight. Is anyone interested in links?
Also I just wanted to say after playing my other world today fuck spittle.
>his videos aren't /dfg/ exclusives
This is true but I did not try to hide it last time I was here. Its cool, I won't post them. I /dfg/ is a sacred place and I do not want to mess up what you all have going on here.
what's the point of posting your videos elsewhere
would you rather have 1000 elves watch your videos or 10 dwarves