Challenge Mode Vosik is live, you must activate all the safety rooms using SIVA charges
Challenge Mode Vosik is live, you must activate all the safety rooms using SIVA charges
Is there anyone that can defeat Alpha Team?
Second for Destiny.
t. has-been
Any slowpokes still around to run a raid with challenge mode?
I've got an hour to kill, anybody wanna do just Vosik?
t. circlejerker
Holy fuck I thought they were Memeing
Is alpha team finally done with their mission for world's first?
>Get to King's Fall
>All of my friends are either not on or playing Overwatch
fuck off
Say it with me!
Wiped another Black Spindle run; any tips for a new-to-TTK shitter? I get to Driviks in decent time but then can't finish him off.
Anyone up for weekly or normal mode raid?
Armor of light and sword him to death. Have 3 people.
Maybe after this HM run
2/3 NF
I know how you feel man, I did normal mode but I feel uneasy to attempt Hard even though not much has changed between the two. I don't know why.
>THE Thundertouch
TFW Thunderbro use ta be a memba of tha /godcardsquad/ but now he black and he too good 2 b seen w/ u.
Fuq et, ain't like dime' be wantin 2 raid 2.
dam nigga
u cold
Literally a post on reddit by smoky, until Bungie tweets confirmation out they're not first at anything.
no they are still first place at being self obsessed faggots
Quick Guardians!
What are shittercrutch weapons a shitter like me should avoid?
ITT: Exotic ideas
Armor and/or weapons, include perks
>25 for noobish is dead with dawggy
>SIVA armour Ornament (HM) (Dismantling this gives 1 Silver Dust - Confirmed by Datto)
Jesus christ that man is absolute autism.
What does Challenge Mode do?
It challenges you
5/6 for aksis phase 2 on hard
it's extra drops for you if your fireteam completes a challenge during a bossfight.
wanna try my connection again? i think it might be party chat that fucks me
>Confirmed drops : Boots
i didnt get any boots
>bungie already releasing challenge mode
Did bungie release KF challenges this early?
Okay guys blonde question
If I get the year 2 void fang vestaments would I be able to upgrade the armor up to 350 and beyond? It's showing that if I get it with my 125 marks it's at 280 defense
Thank you in advance
Crucible has really changed over the years, though having said that it is without doubt the silly randoms we know to be 'potatoes', 'shitters' etc, have had plenty of time to get better thanks to the community lending a hand through informative videos and even helping them get better gear to have an edge in engagements. While ELO is a giant pain to everyone, it also keeps people on their toes and aspire to get better at the game rather than be stubborn and lazily get worse from farming new players. Bungie sometimes knows what they're doing
Yes you can infuse them to y3 enjoy your ez
Anyone up for some casual crucible or strikes?
Alpha team posted on the facebook group.
Bungie has given up at this point, no one cares anymore.
I can vome if you still need someone
>that name
>That last one
That looks so fucking good. Why didnt Bungie go with that
>that pic
are those like alpha/beta versions of what the inventory looked like or some chinese ripoff
The black/white shadows is such a nice touch
UI Stages before the final product
fresh HM CM 1/6
I really like the top versions of the UI/armor design
>cabal merchant
>that blatant evidence of how the game was more MMO-like
missed opportunities
Holy fucking Christ I hate crucible. These 50 primary kills are fucking cancer. Everyone's charging around with Shinobu's Vow and a goddamn Matador.
git gud shitter
They're early concept art and prototypes for the UI and inventory screens.
There was a GDC talk done by the lead developer on those, apparently for some of those early, early versions they were using placeholders and stuff, which is why the double jump thingy is the same icon for double jump in Guild Wars.
Another interesting thing the developer mentioned, the current UI and map design for the mission select/in orbit stuff? It was all radically changed into its current form months before release.
Apparently, they originally had a much more streamlined, simple version but in the process it was utterly sucked of all personality and charm.
I hope you get poison ivy on your taint
Not to mention the grimoire tab and being able to pvp in patrols with larger amounts of players
>While ELO is a giant pain to everyone, it also keeps people on their toes and aspire to get better at the game rather than be stubborn and lazily get worse from farming new players.
1: Elo doesn't start from 0, so you can quite easily "farm new players" if you're at the right elo.
2: Elo is a system designed purely for 1v1 games, and in multiplayer games loses its effectiveness and purpose. So the fact Bungie adopted it for crucible, of all things is beyond all sense and reason.
Whatever your opinion on it, your stance is horribly misinformed, and makes a horrible example of Bungie knowing even remotely what they're doing.
Why don't you go afk forever?
yes welcome to every fucking thread that was ever made
Found the talk! If you have the spare time, watch it. It's some really, really interesting stuff about a specific area of the games development that isn't covered very well.
Anyone up for a raid? Fresh. CM.
>wpvp was going to be a thing
fuck actiblizz and everybody at bungo who allowed this to happen
I'm immune you fuck up. Git gud at that too whole you're at it.
I havent played the raid yet but are the fallen trying to make a new traveler? or just a giant prime?
Actually that was just the trailer for it, silly me! This is the full one.
>Knight Sidhe
I'll join
Those early pics look pretty cool
*will afk and theres nothing you can do about it
u jelly
"I've got max silver" - sidhe, 2016
Neither. They opened pandora's STD riddled fly and have presumed that they have complete control over it whereas it seems to be controlling them subtly instead while having them spread its influence.
We're tasked with kicking in the door and killing big momma, big daddy, and their pimp mobile.
anyone have 3 reciprocal (t1) runes?
i have a stolen, but no way to charge it
Center left is an incredibly beautiful AI and there is no reason they shouldn't have gone with it, I understand the top row icons might have been nondescript, they could have easily replaced those with the bar we have in the current game, everything else should have stayed as it was well designed and feels incredibly high quality.
Top right gear system should have also staid in the game, the kind where a gear piece was comprised of different components.
>silver can max
really bugno?
>loledy completed challenge mode
What's your excuse?
buy them from eris
>whereas it seems to be controlling them subtly
But bungie stated directly SIVA has no mind of its own, and is controlled by someone. Why are you pushing this "Siva is controlling things" meme?
I haven't played in like a week and didn't know they released challenge
gotta be rank 5 senpai, and i'm only 2
Don't show me what could have been, it hurts too much
Well its not controlling with its own will.
Its programming is replicate, improve and spread. Its using the fallen to that extent while the fallen use it to improve themselves.
loledy is good, I'm not.
One more for fresh Raid. CM.
You all are going to regret messing with Oh no its Colt
you seem upset
What are you going to do, disconnect me?
>that armor in the top pics
That just looks so much better then what we have. The way the lighting is, the armor looks pretty nifty. Shame bungie abides to their activision overlords.
Don't give me ideas
I got bored like 2 weeks ago and I've been playing other videogames.
>loledy's group filled up faster then yours
There is a reason for this joff. Im surprised you are still here infact. Didn't go off and disappear yet?
I dont even read bungies weekly updates anymore now that FoTL is out. Did they even mention releasing challenge mide last thrusday?
I'd be down for it
I'd join for the CM but not the rest of the raid. Is this okay?
Am I the only guy here who unironically likes joff?
Yes, Prince
Guess again
fuck off joff
the challenge mode, fumbles