Master of shadow edition
>Patch Notes:
>Useful Sites:
also lolking
>retarded Pre-season and Assassin's stuff:
Master of shadow edition
>Patch Notes:
>Useful Sites:
also lolking
>retarded Pre-season and Assassin's stuff:
Other urls found in this thread:
What is it?
>tfw lol is dying and their euw server is shitting itself for a week already with no compensation
Xth for Katarina
best girl
finally able to shunpo infront of u
>tfw you get a grill streamer playing support on your team
Panda Annie
not going to get me this time.
>play a free game
>spend hundreds of $$$ on skins
What's wrong with me
the wind is whispering "sexualize yordle boys"
Kog is for aggressive cuddling!
>Look at friends Curious Cat
>See that webm
>Go to new league general
>See this
Small world.
>nerf all the assassins by making them slower
>nerf armor pen
>buff supports
>add some stupid rng shit in jungle
>call it "assassins update"
small indie company
xth for not giving up
Uh, no?
Fuck shit champ
Also got a gem
Should I get another box or save for the skins?
Thought those were tomatoes for a moment.
How do I play the Ekko vs Irelia top matchup?
It's funny because Irelia actually used to be my most played, and I've matched Ekko several times. But it's so damn hard to do the opposite. I'm an awesome Irelia player, but an alright-great Ekko at most.
I've tried the following:
>Tabi/Sheen > Trinity > Tanky
She goes a similar build but her damage output is higher.
>Zhonya + AP oriented
Good damage, but paper. Can't match her sustain.
I'm not looking on advice on how to farm, I can farm vs her. I just can never engage her, which is a bit annoying. Her stun is obviously easier to land if I engage and then she'll just step out of mine and Q to me if I try to run.
I guess I'm mostly just looking for the right build path here. I feel like at all stages of the game she counters me 1v1.
Xth for perfection.
It's Mycull Santearna
tfw already knew what would happen when i laid my eyes on the thumbnail
>I feel like at all stages of the game she counters me 1v1.
Because she does. If you can't kill Irelia early the best you can do is turn it into a farm lane. Irelia's an absolute cunt to fight once she gets going unless you have some way to negate/slow autos or just outright burst the bitch.
place your bets lolbabs, im ivern
Why does this get me all the time? They look so fucking real
>Quite literally never lose my lane
>Get fed 90% of the time with my lane opponent being down on CS unable to farm
>Still can't carry games for shit.
Why is this allowed?
i don't want to sleep alone anymore
>MF support
What do you play
you are shit in team fights
>meme fortune support
yeah buddy you're fucked
You dont know how to carry your lead. Getting fed means nothing if you dont force your advantage on other lanes early
post all of the devil teemo you have
>be born male
>nu-uh am female now
>fuck your body up and basically dig your own hole for the rest of your life
I literally have a kid on the way and i'm going to fucking beat the shit out of him/her if they even dare to utter a single word of this marxist cancer "im anything i want to be DAAAAD"
sleep with a dog!
I learned this after climbing to plat and smurfing in silver for fun.
There's playing for objectives, and then there's playing for KDA. A lot of games I've been shut down in lane but I farmed so well and always kept the pressure that my opponent couldn't roam without missing CS or me taking objectives.
Of course, your team needs to have brains as well.
>someone revealing the targon's bug for wukong clone on leddit
get FUCKED karu
>Karu has a kid
Jesus fuck. I thought downies were sterile.
Well that went just about as expected.
I hope you didn't mean the enemy jungler. I said hi for you, though.
i have way too many, devil teemo has to be my favorite thing league released in a long time with kled.
i'd most more but i need to rest
play a 1v5 champ like kennen, wukong, illoi, kayle, rumble, yasuo etc
if what you said is true you should be challenger by now if you main any of these
>thinking about drawing bara devil teemo
as anyone played ali on pbe yet?
is he a good jungler?
draw transgender devil teemo
In Qts last stream where did he tilt off the planet?
Why is Thresh the best champ?
After enduring the waking nightmare of Alistar jungle season 2, I hope that fucker never gets played jungle ever again.
do it!!!
Top lane.
Meme champions like Illaoi, Jarvan and Yorick mostly.
If I wasn't so stubborn, I could pick up a hard carry like Irelia and just go off big time but I don't want to go that route.
Could be true.
Probably this too, I tend to sit in my lane a little too long.
I tend to be all about the objectives too over caring about my KDA.
Not much I can do though when my team aces them and backs instead of taking some turrets/baroning, despite me pinging for assistance.
Illaoi gets wrecked by anybody that can kite unfortunately, and in the vast majority of my games, bottom feeds.
That is no exaggeration either, bottom is feeding in at least 75% of the games I play, so come late game, despite being beefy as all fuck, I can't really do shit against their AD, especially the likes of Ezreal and Vayne.
Lmao, NA's never gotten shit for server outtages, and it was a mistake to ever give EUW anything for it, because now they come clamoring for more any time their server has a hiccup like the vagrants they are.
>500rp never forget.
>there are people here who haven't beaten lvl 100 doom bots
what is your excuse?
>silver V
I don't play meme game modes
There's no actual reward other than bragging rights. If we were to get an actual icon then I'd do it I guess
>Level 2 ganks
Cant milk those
at what elo can i abuse yi until?
climbed S5 to P3 this season one tricking him and I thought people would have him figured out by now.
>on Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums /lolg/ general
>for Leggo Leggins
>posting moeblob anime reaction image
You belong to the kind of people who shouldn't have kids at all.
You get an icon for beating any difficulty though, right?
I never said I was good sonny.
>He flashes over your wraith wall when you're still level one and headbutts you
i dont give a shit im going to be primarily jungling anyway like i have in every season past the first
why do you wish ill upon me user?
maybe you dont know how to play illoi properly then? i absolutely hate playing against one because she can 1v5 so easily if your team makes even 1 mistake
its like katarina but tanky and selfhealing half her health every second
I've seen one or two guys one-trick yi in d2-d3
Yeah it's a devil teemo icon
you have no business discussing the game if you're silver.
We are the 99% though, user. Gold and below have the most business discussing the game.
>why do you wish ill upon me user?
I don't I actually like how you trigger newfags. Was just pointing out some redditor here likely leaked secrets and riot cant ignore it anymore
will shyvana be nerfed the next update?
>more illaoi asshurt
Can we go one thread without sperging out over the green lady of motions?
>Level 6 Ali with a chain vest coming out of your jungle, down your lane, ignoring tower all the way.
I still have nightmares.
Are you ready?
Oh sorry, didn't realise I was talking to an actually autist.
Being good doesn't equate to a more valid opinion or vice versa.
I think it's past your bed time.
I met her 4 years ago in this very place, we will literally have a shitposter family soon
not asshurt, shes just a fucking monster to go against
wukong has no problems because he can just bait her ult and then shit all over her once it ends
that and w blocks her spirit grab shit
>Want to play mid.
>Would be happy putting support as a secondary but actually doing it is as good as just choosing fill.
So Doublelift got his cocky ass kicked out for fucking up in worlds, right?
I doubt qtmeme will be much different.
>Did I ever tell you the story of how I fought in the shitpost wars of '85
>We lost a lot of good men
Easy there Bernie
Bjergsen enfuriates me, he looks like such a smug cuck.
He's on break for the spring split and he's gonna fight for his place during the summer, I don't REALLY think QT is on TSM esp since there will probably be tryouts for the role, but I can dream
>Neutral Face
>he looks like such a smug cuck.
u wot user
I do know how to play her though, I had one of the highest win rates with her before I stopped playing for about 6 months hovering at around 75%.
She is quite literally defenseless against anybody that has some range/the ability to kite.
I could have 8 kills by 10 minutes and a 0 kill ezreal/vel'koz would still be able to kite me to death for eternity.
Of course though, if the ones that can kite me die I usually clean up the rest, and I make it a point to tell my team to get rid of the problem targets that I can't realistically get to, but nobody ever listens so my huge lead usually goes to shit.
>A European looks like a smug cuck.
What a surprise.
I was worried you were going to be one of the spergs whining about how she's overpowered and has no counterplay. Any champion with mobility or stealth like wukong really fucks her up.
What's your avatar from?
>this is the third time karu has abused a bug to gain rank
>he drops back down to plat every time it gets fixed
Are people still surprised?
I thought u lane wukong
Anyone do their All-Star picks? Not sure what to go with, I don't know a lot of individual player skill out of LCK/LPL/NALCS
what is th bug?
>purchase the happy tree man of peace and friendship
>walk around being a happy little tree
>feel confused but manage to get shit done
Any tips for playing Ivern? He's a pretty cool jungler. I wanna git gud
You cant read faces at all. Do you go outside?
you can targons to your clone so you can run targons on a solo lane for insane sustain and increased gold income.
Hit me up for 20 on blueside user.
>junglers that ping you down from top to do herald and then don't know to stand behind it
>you're playing a ranged top laner
These masteries are fucking disgusting
Wukong W clone counts as a champion, so if your clone last hits a minion it'll execute it with targons, giving you the gold for the minion and the bonus gold from the targons proc. So basically you get double the gold from canon minions with it.