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Post one more image with a filename that contains "DX9" punk, I dare you.

Empire git out

Waifus are lore.

The claw doors were a bit of dickwaving of the whole "view item in inventory" thing, but the spinny combination puzzles did have a decent amount of variation in occassionally having to figure out which ones to move in which order to get the combo because they affecting one another and in having diferent places for the combination. There probably shoulda been more but it wasn't too bad.

Great time to post doodles
Post 'em

xth for Skyrim SE is amazing once you port your stuff over.

What does Serana's anus taste like?

Is Nate drawing you that?

You can't make me Todd.

Please help /tesg/, I get these huge dust particles whenever in dungeons and I've no clue what to do about it. Anyone have any pointers?

feel free to insult slutfu, she's used to it


No, it's just my drawfag friend busting my balls

I am going to toss Todd's salad with a wooden spoon

i don't know user, maybe look for a texture to delete? shouldn't be that hard but i don't know where you would find it exactly. ur waifu is shite

Hot off the presses. He's been sick for three days now.



Fuckass isn't a very Imperial name



Waifus and harmony living in lore

His actual name is Amerigo


>want to draw again but motivation keeps disappearing

That's what I figured too, but I really can't find the specific directory. I'm also not sure whether or not it's an ENB thing or not, which only confuses things further. If anybody has any idea please help, I'm really stumped here. Not sure whether or not it's intended, it looks almost decent in screenshots but it's god-awful in-game

I know


Go to bed, citizen.

What's that stomp from? Looks neat

is it Wildcat?

make me, блять

Is Witchcat your character? That's a pretty sick doodle.


Does Open Cities cause the instant crashes in SE?

Vigilant on SSE when?



Starting with all skills at 1, 1 magicka, 25 health and stamina, commoners clothing/boots, and an iron dagger. Adept difficulty.

Bets on how long before this character dies?

I think it's Imperious racials.

Instant crashes, like while loading into the game? That sounds like one of your mods is missing a dependency

Are housecarls required to what their Thane asks? If I told Lydia I needed to fuck her ass would she have to agree and give me her asshole?

That's a stomp? I just assumed that they got hit with some random magic. Looks a little janky.

Because of how Vicn's meshes are handled, probably not for a long time. Either that or it'll never get ported.

first wolf attack if you're lucky to make it out the tutorial

oneshot from first wolf

Like, I'm just walking along near/in Whiterun, and then all of a sudden the game closes itself.

I bet it'd look pretty cool with a TK Hitstop-type effect.

I doubt it. Housecarls are honoured servants, but they are not slaves. They're warriors and would be allowed to say no to that kind of thing.


Ayo hol' up

They're personal bodyguards and a steward, basically, not your personal fuck toys.

Get the fuck off this thread, you're sick, REEEEEE

>using MLGS

You'd better fucking be a mage, boy.

what are some good looking armor mods for Oblivion. no bimbo shit

when the new water works, it looks fantastic

but when it doesn't work...

Hm, that's odd. I did uninstall it (along with like 3 other mods) when my SE crashed, but I wasn't even sure which caused it really. Does it run fine in other cities/areas?

Yeah, but CT drew her.

>tfw liked all three of the Cries slabs you sent me
Those machines have no proof. No. Proof.

Not for a while.

Should I buy the old version or the new version?

Dunmer master race.

Does the Loverslab (ie: Sexlab) stuff work on Special Edition?


Yes, we fucking get it. You love cocks.

Jesus are gay people insufferable.

yo man, dats racis

I didn't notice nearly as much crashing in the Helgen-Riverwood area.

No, stupid

sick but not sick enough to party

Idk maybe it'll look better with an actual shockwave effect and a better animation for it.

Does it flicker or is it stuck like that?

i'm very ashamed of that drawing because it's a painful reminder that i suck at drawing human faces.

No, SexLab requires SKSE and that hasn't been ported to SE yet

I didn't post that, and that drawing is literally off a scene from El Dorado, but alright citizen.

absolutely not, no.

Naw, you aint that bad at drawing human faces CT. You did an amazing doodle with Snakestone.

wasted quads

No, you idiot.

[/spoiler]They know. They always do. They seeee everything[/spoiler]
But I think we got the malfunctioning camerabots for tesgw.
Also, where's that bottle from? I like it.

Really? I think it's pretty good. Obviously it's not 1:1 with the mouth positioning and such but it's got a good style to it.

More random objects, less waifus.

S-should I go eat something /tesg/? I'm hungry but I don't want to lose on precious skyrim time

>nearly as much crashing?
So it's crashing often? Maybe try getting rid of it. Also ik I was having troubles with crashing until I disabled my virtual keyboard, so try that next if it persists. I think it only happens for some windows 8/10 users though

my morthal water is stuck like that

>implying waifus aren't sex objects


I figured that much. I was just unsure if the 32->64 bit jump would break everything beyond just not having SKSE (I assumed it would).


I've killed 3 wolves, 4 goats, and cleared a bandit cave. Now level 2. On my way back to sell my loot.

So objects, lore and harmony?

>Defiling your waifu with sex
Why would you do such a thing?

How about no whyfoo shit at all?

colour me surprised. how much damage is one hit from a bandit doing to you?


cock isn't the only thing i care about

Because she was made to be a sex object.

>that spoiler
Argonians when.

Cries is a good girl, she never stole nothing. Drink is from nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68014/? - the house mod is fun, but there's so many fun Dwemer-themed meshes and stuff in this mod. Have fun with it.

then she is not your waifu

I uninstalled it; still getting instant crashes near Whiterun. Maybe the unofficial patch (made by the same guy) is causing this shit.

Dunno haven't gotten hit yet.

Molag Bals cum

So I'd have to rape her?

That's all I made my first waifu to be. A pretty character. She had no backstory. I came up with one later. I don't use sex mods though.

t-thanks guys.

That's weird. I wonder if it looks like that for anyone else.

>Argonians when.
Until I stop sucking shit at drawing them.

Waifus are the only reason to give a shit about TES games.

No, pretty sure I can mod the game into something legitimately interesting and not just a cancerous weeaboo faggot sim.

Yeah, or seduce her.

Nah, modding it is great.


Gonna try modding into working more towards barding around and not giving a fuck about the war. Imperious would work for that I think. Still working out what other gripes I have.

>posted the wrong webm too
I am a mess today it seems.
Sweet, Thank you. Though, I don't think I'll be able to use the mod, probably just rip the bottle.


>look up Enderal fan art for Calia
>all fan art is for Jespar