There should be a basic income for everyone that would be about $1,000 per month, that should be enough to make $600 rent, $200 food. $200 utilities. Will we ever see it in our lifetime?
There should be a basic income for everyone that would be about $1,000 per month...
>the US is 19 trillion dollars in debt and running a deficit
>communists like OP just want to spend more money
>mfw I used to fall for the universal income Jew
Might work in high-trust, productive, homogeneous countries like Switzerland or Japan but it would be a disaster for any country with minorities over 5%. I am still not convinced it would be stable in the long run in a best case scenario.
Get a goddamn job, lazy sack of shit
>There should be a basic income for everyone that would be about $1,000 per month, that should be enough to make $600 rent, $200 food. $200 utilities
What if rent is now (Old cost + [monthly basic income]) ?
What then
this is the inevitable rub/pinko slippery slope. Housing, food, and energy costs are always in flux and are only at the current price in a relatively free market where everyone has to pay their own way for the most part.
As soon as you introduce legislation to cover basic necessities you open the door for resource and efficiency micro-management on a government-wide scale.
Suddenly you only get your rent and power paid for if you decide to live in some commie block apartment where you share a shower with 30 other people.
Suddenly you only get your food paid for it you eat at some public slop-line cafeteria.
Suddenly you only get pocket money if you are a Good Goy who never annoys the government or gets into trouble and has the "wrong ideas" about things.
The whole thing is a slippery slope right down into an Orwellian future.
Millennials are such fucking cancer when their first solution to a problem is to pray to the gubbermint to step in and be surrogate mummy in exchange for revoking their autonomy and humanity.
Isnt social security already basic income? It is $1 trillion a year. Why should boomers get it and not the rest of us? They are too old to even enjoy it.
The idea behind Social Security is that people pay into it by working their whole lives and can only draw out of the same pool once they reach retirement age, which when you account for early death and other factors SHOULD prevent the pool of money from being depleted.
Even with all that SS is failing and will probably end up insolvent in the next 20 years without huge government bailouts. I don't think boomers are entitled to that money since they single-handled wrecked it with bad policy and economic practices.
A government option that the government is allowed to borrow against and fuck with is almost always doomed to failure in the end.
People should be taught how to prepare for their own future security in old age without relying on the government dole. Historically we lived in a society that cared for its elderly without having to be told. Short of savings or investments there should be churches and charities that run/fund retirement homes or senior assistance on a community level.
Although i 10000000000000000000% don't agree with OP, who is a pinko, we do need a major overhaul of asylums for the poor and insane. Worked in patrol and now comfy desk assignment, fucking majority of calls were public ordinance bullshit about homeless n(otniceguys) and re(tandem bicycles) pissing or masturbating in the streets, better to have them locked up somewhere without access to crack or speed than out on the streets where they disrupt day to day life, fucking animals.
Now rent is $1200, food is $400, and utilities are $400. What now? Raise the basic income again?
>Swiss people
Why would everything magically rise up? You are overestimating peoples greed.
>basic income
Fuck off. The world doesn't owe you shit just because you were born.
>basic income
Its basic fucing economics. If everyone has more money their purchasing power is reduced. Basic income doesn't work.
If you weren't born in a first world country with opportunities, you wouldn't be saying that. And even in the first world, lots of people work extremely hard and do not have a good quality of life. It doesn't have to be this way. If you put in your 8 hours of honest work everyday, you should have a nice life. And that's not the case for many people.
Basic income at this point is untenable.
However, when automation and artificial intelligence reach the point where most jobs become entirely automated, then a basic income will be necessary as the natural rate of unemployment will be something like 80% or higher. But that level of automation will not be reached for at least another 75 years, at the most.
>You are overestimating peoples greed.
Yet here you are asking people to give you $1000 for no good reason whatsoever you fucking snake
kys yourself
edit: You're not asking, you're of the opinion that people should be forced, at gunpoint (because ultimately that's what it boils down to, somewhere down the line), to give you $1000 / month.
Please explain how this is moral.
>kys yourself
Looks like you need to kys faggot
No. Get a job. You're breaking the system by being a young white nigger.
So your saying since it costs 1 trillion dollars to give someone shit income for the last few years of their life, we might as well just give it to everyone?
Give tons of free money to people
Those people buy stuff
More money in circulation
Fewer goods in circulation
Market forces change prices.
>Wahhhhh greedy greed greed
Jesus. Fucking. Christ. This is literally how fucking stupid Bern victims are. Op should very seriously be sterilized.
The ultimate loser/lowlife/nigger fantasy.
> too dumb to fantasize about becoming a highly paid professional
> can only dream about sitting on ass, collecting welfare check
Fucking niggers.
Id probably want to kill myself less if this was the case, but it will never happen.
it's a meme you dip
>RIP in piece
god stop being so fucking new could you???
Historically shit like that didn't work, and it still doesn't - just go travel abroad and see old folks eat out of trash cans. Or wait a few more years and you wouldn't have to travel. Thats why the system exists.
There are 242,470,820 adults living in the United States.
242,470,820 x 1000 = $242,470,820,000 ($242 billion) a month
>Will we ever see it in our lifetime?
No, and for good reason.
>At least
>at most
>Will we ever see it in our lifetime?
With inflation and time, yes. Things like SSI and certain other programs will eventually increase to that level.
>basic income for everyone
This is unlikely to happen.
It would work on the condition that it is the only benefit.
>Remove minimum wage
>Remove food stamps
>Remove all subsidies
Then it would streamline arguments for or against social welfare into a single number.
Nothing in this world is free. Either you work hard or you don't get shit. Also I live off $600 a month very comfortably.
All commies must leave.
holy shit
describe your budget
> inflation
We're already reaching the point as a society where tons of jobs suitable for the masses are disappearing. This will only exacerbate as we develop self driving cars, advanced robotics, and conversation level AI. We're literally engineering out our need for humans to do shit.
The only important jobs left won't be able to be done by 90% of the population. We'll just need a relatively small number of man hours required to maintain and develop the robotic production system.
And so we'll reach a point where the total GDP of the world is enough to provide for everyone comfortably, like extremely comfortably. We need a new economic doctrine, because the one we have now is not equipped for the future.
Why only $1000???
Too little. Minimum $10k for every citizen per week. We can afford it just tax the fatcats more
>taking bait
kys yourself faggot
fuck off communist
>institutionalize hikikomori
they would burn you for this idea
universal base income is fine for a society where production barely involves any people. we are not there yet. but on the way.
I hope post scarcity isn't a meme. sounds nice
Bro, assuming we don't start WW3, (which even that isn't a completely negating factor) we will achieve post scarcity in our lifetimes. the service industry because that's all that will be left in 10 years.
They should do it in the UK.
£300 a month jobseekers (£3600)
OR £500 a month disability (£6000)
£275 a month housing benefit (£3300PA)
No council tax etc...
Lets just assume £6900-£9300 is the norm received from people not working, and lets just average of that is at £8100 a year. Now assume that currently goes to about 10% of the population.
Why don't we just spread that £8100 between everyone one and give everyone £810 at the start of the year to feed clothe and house themselves.
Personally I'd be all for that. When what the poor people want is their £8100 in a lump sum so they can blow it in 3 months. They complain if only I had £8100 I could start a business and become self sufficient.
The truth is they can't which is why they aren't doing that already.