Guild Wars 2 General - /gw2g/

QT Edition

Previous Thread: >I've been away from the game a while and what's new?
>F2P information
>GW2 Wiki (type /wiki [article name] in-game to open browser):
>I Need a Build But I Won't Say for What Mode
>The Mistwar
>World Boss Train
>Fashion Endgame
>Simple Traveling Merchant Data
>Roleplay Resources
>Misc Fun Shit

Guild Wars 2 Veeky Forums Guilds:

NA [HOPE]: Tarnished Coast, whisper Oothier, Vitto Mortemsen, Bonkk, Mexay Renatus, Peachy Panic, Rijakk, or Riathen
EU [FUN]: Seafarer's Rest, whisper Aktium, Amarin Luxtail, Kandra Wildfire, Strider Of Spring, or Dex Mindwrack

-Servers only matter for WvW and instancing.
-If no one is online, send a mail.
-If you are F2P, leave your name and region on the thread.

first for kys aids filled furries


>I'm a new/returning player, how do I join the Veeky Forums guild?

NA [DORF]: Tarnished Coast, whisper Edarkness, Reignofpain, Unwarrior Chicken
NA [HOPE]: Tarnished Coast, whisper Master Ruseman, Awena, Valsi, Meyer The Shark, Surbrus Mindfang, Apothecary Beatus, Ancora Softpaw, Oren Nil
NA [SS]: Fort Aspenwood, whisper Jakey Gyllenhaal, Ayo Girl Cmere, or Double A E D
EU [FUN]: Seafarer's Rest, whisper Farfelu, Aktium, Nalynea, Mo Zing Miko, Togo Hornblower or Kealdrix
NA+EU [USA]: Fort Aspenwood+Seaferer's Rest, whisper Squatfu, Buzz Spankleaf, Togo Hornblower, Vuncia, Kerolastic
EU [Here]: Tarnished Coast, whisper Surbrus Mindfang, Ancora Softpaw, Vae The Spectre, Roxtar

-Guilds are cross-server, and the only real reason to choose the server above is if you want to be on the same WvWvW team.
-You can also send a mail asking to be in the guild, if nobody is online

Or, leave your name and server here so someone can check this post and invite you
Don't Join [FUN] or [HOPE]

Those are troll guilds made to trick members away from joining the real above official guilds.

still cant figure out whats wrong with the ground textures in my game. they're invisible. I've reinstalled, updated graphics drivers, turned of occlusion, turned off reflections. I dont know whats going on

I have them somewhere from all the clones I make

tfw still no mcharr tiger face

I want to fuck Rikki while nibbling on his tiny ears I R L

no homo

Cool, post them for me pls and we can be best friends.

Maid vae serving all of gw2g tea and crumpets

if it helps narrow it down Im in the starting area for Norn

Charr are like the muslims of GW2 lol
>Worship some old metal building of "impressive" proportions AKA giant scraps glued together by cat piss
>Live in ruined land
>Bombed the hell out of that land with magic given to them by their false titan gods
>Live divided among themselves through legions
>Recognize the human gods as real but hate them
>Terrorist group known as "Renegades" still active
>Terrorist group known as "flame legion" very active
>Females forbidden from wearing feminine armor, wear male armor
>When problems come they mutter furry curses towards "ratfags" who are the westerner infidels from the southwest
>Their dance is primitive
>Their prayer leaders are "shaman caste"
>Allahu Akbar is "REMEMBER ASCALON"
>They have horns like the goats muslims fuck

yeah i'm really sure someone wants your sliders.

you're bi.

There's only 2 active guilds, HOPE and FUN in the OP. Please don't troll new players with that bloated list, that info is almost completely false or misleading, and I see you are now trying to convince people that it's not.

But as others pointed out in many threads before this, you contradict yourself by posting FUN and HOPE, that's just one example. It's pretty obvious you're trolling, but it's gotten old.

>implying anyone here would want to join any guild from this joke of a general

i was just kidding, don't kill yourself.

Guild Wars 2 Charr are like that.

kys massa

No, they're (soviet era) slavs.
>Live in the East
>at war with the West
>mass produce the shit out of everything
>huge armies of conscripts
>in fact, everyone is conscript
>everything is belong to state, comrade
>especially you
>mass produced equipment isn't state of the art but is relentlessly durable
>land war against them is ill-advised for all nations west of them because it involves crossing inhospitable frozen wastes
>veneration of gods is strictly forbidden, trying to do so results in punishment
>horrible, horrible prisons for those who do wrong (or what is thought to be wrong in their leader's eyes)
>Blood Whisky is to them as Vodka is to the slav
>squat like slav
All they need are tracksuits, helmets with flip-down ballistic shields and AKs.


>tfw calsi logged in and stood next to you
best rat

probably to put you in the trash

doesnt change a thing

How does one get put in that folder?

who knows but i think i see Niuvi in there

>Oh hey cool, free black lion chest and key today
>Get shit all

Well, it's better than a shitty fucking damage booster or something I suppose. Thank god they took those out.

So how does the new BLC wardrobe unlock work and can it unlock legendaries aswell?

Is a new map on nov 8th confirmed?

They can't unlock any exotic skin or better. You won't get any precursors or legendaries. It's just for unlocking random black lion skins basically.

vae the maid wiping tears away having been scolded for serving drosera his coffee anything but black

grumpy huge femcharr belittling Vae

>Old HOPE rats will never come back
>Old HOPE salads will never come back
>Old HOPE norns will never come back

And nothing of value was lost

>tfw motivated to stick with a garbage job for 8 months longer than planned and pursue, on a reckless whim, an opportunity to move halfway across a continent to a better locale with better opportunities that you never would have even considered if it didn't crop up last minute and also, by chance, be the home of that source of motivation
You don't even know best rat.



Nice blog! Good luck moving together with your boipucci~

someone locked a preschooler in a closet with a thesaurus?

>every class has only 1 fixed, universal, full weapon set and every class will always use their respective universal set at all times
>when weapon swap unlocks so do specializations
>each spec has its own unique weapon bar determined by a fixed weapon set and that weapon becomes the swap weapon
>only 1 spec active at any time
>universal set always has a low recharge gap closer if melee based or a ward/cc field if range based
Specs need to all be elite and more involved with the leveling process so people aren't waiting until 80 to play the real game.

Greentext is a shit format.

Nothing happened. I no longer expect anything. At this point, I just want to say "thank you" in person, but I'm not even really holding out for that much. I fucking hate the internetbut I'm forever thankful for that person's place in my life.

>Stayed longer at a shitty job and avoided traveling to a better place with better jobs to be with someone that luckily also lived on the same location on Earth
>That someone is also best rat
Kinda jelly, everyone I ever meet in this game lives across the goddamn ocean or hundreds of hours away.

Nice purple prose. I hope you die a painful death.

do you live in australia?

>Thread is five hours old
>43 posts
>21 unique ips


post ur line ups

no character select screens

Haha! I'm living a painful life! However, I won't succumb to just that, but when I go, I'll die with a smile. I hope you find your smile too.

i think my reading comprehension is busted
>hated job
>stayed for 8 months longer
>to be able to afford to move to a better place with better opportunities and rat waifu

Across the pond and along the northern, cascade coast, I'm afraid.

so you gave up a better job to move with the rat?

Don't be sad, user
At least you got to know best rat, right?

I'm not that poster, was explaining how I understood that post. But I'd love to meet some posters from here and have lunch.

And yet the other end fell through while my hand remained outstetched. Learning to bring my hand back to my side so I can walk normally again is the hardest thing I've had to do. Sometimes hopeless romantics really are just that: hopeless. Best wishes to you regardless.

I don't think I'll stop being sad for some time, but I'll never stop being grateful for knowing and sharing time with the best rat.

Post yfw the thread isn't how you remember it

1 ToT bag
1 Leveling tome
1 revive orb

T-t-t-thanks Anet, you are so generous.

meeting people from this site is always fun, i've gone to a couple group ups and it's really awkward at first but it gets really loud pretty fast.

to me? i don't even know who is who or what is going on lol don't be sad tho

That sounds like something I'd enjoy.

>Thank god they replaced the occasional semi-useful booster with 5s.

1 Trick or Treat bag
1 Revive Orb
1 Ticket Scrap

I should count my lucky stars that I got anything remotely of importance at all.

Did Keggin corrupt Delphy into a ratslut? Keggin is always prowling for rat pussy and Teyah is willing to fuck the thread, so. . .

no doubt in my mind eggin got to empty his frog balls in teyah more than once in all holes
>premium rat pussy is reserved
>discount rat pussy has already been filled with frogsura cum

Delphy wants to fuck comfyanon of all people. Delphy flirts with anyone who gives him attention. He literally has no fucking standards at all.

Worship the fluffy cunny, for the Khan Ur itself emerged from it.

I am a good person.

The last Khan-Ur is dead, though.

For some reason I doubt this, I wanted to get in there before he did :c

At least he's honest, I guess. Reminds me of a past rat poster who begged /gw2g/ to whisper them and fuck them. No shame is hot

>Reminds me of a past rat poster who begged /gw2g/ to whisper them and fuck them


Pls respond. I need some rat slut names NOWWWWWWWWW

I doubt they play anymore, I forgot their name but they were really slutty. Like they bought a GW2 account just to be a slut. Account name was "puppi" and they had a shark faced femsura.


Someone give me a name of official rat sluts that play or don't play anymore.

Smooch the fluffy cheek right now.

Give me rat sluts
give me rat SLUTS

GiVe M3 R@ Sl00tz


Any of Oothier's rats
If I can't remember the name unimportant

>official rat sluts that play or don't play anymore.
Most thread rats ERP with people they know, but I'm guessing you just want a shameless whore that would fuck strangers on the go.

Drosera Korruptia has a few, could try your luck with any DN rat, Teyah Leyrunner has said he'd fuck anyone from here, I don't know who else.

fierce flame legion cunny

>Teyah Leyrunner




لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله

*Jihadi Finger Point*

Loyally lewd:

Openly slutty:

Scratching vae behind his ears until he cums

just cuddling vae in bed and that's it

I wouldn't say every hole
Guilty I suppose user ;-;
Awww user ;_;
I'm still here

Scratching Snufflefu's fluffy buttcheeks until she squirts

>I wouldn't say every hole
Which hole? I'll fill it behind his back

Warm and fluffy femcharr

Warm and fluffy femcharr cunny

In the end only fluffy cunny will remain

Well user that would be telling!
I think it'd be much more fun if you tried to find out with me

Acceptable wielder of a 12-gague double-barreled Remington, made in Grand Rapids, Michigan with a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger?


Am I the only one that thinks that the default blunderbuss skin is the only good looking out there? Everything just seems too stupid or magical looking for something that fires bullets.

assnet broke all of the story mission instances in the norn starting area as well as a renown heart in Brisban Wildlands with the update today

several people have reported it on the forums as well as reddit, but there hasn't been any official response so far

with any luck, they irreparably fucked some coding with their latest gem store faggotry and will be forced to remove the personal story from the game

I've always really liked the hall of monuments skin and use it to this day on my engi

I like the Aureate musket and the bandit rifle but past that yeah not much.

I swear to god trying to find the perfect rifle for my engineer is a fucking nightmare. It's got all these blunderbuss focused abilities and yet the auto attrack skill is a full on rifle shot. It shouldn't rattle me this much but it does.

can I play on tarnished coast yet?

TC is currently open.


It's really only the Blunderbuss ability that is a blunderbuss, everything else is some sort of gadget-shot, firing nets and leaping around or knocking people back.

Personally I use Velocitas Eradico for my engi, it's got a neat high-tech design with transforming moving bits when drawn and stowed. Makes it easy to headcannon that there's a fire-mode selector or something so it swaps from firing normal rounds to net-rounds or firing off an inaccurate close-range cluster of shots, etc. It also sounds cool as fuck and isn't very expensive to buy off the TP.

>there is literal handcannon for karma in BC
>buying this