/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: >[Halloween Comeback! Mega Huge Pumpkin Village 10/19-11/2]
- 4* welfare Saber Liz
- New challenge quests

-Event Shop CEs
>Brave Hero Eli-chan's Quest
Buster +10% & NP Damage +20%
>Wizard & Priest
NP Damage +15% & HP Recovery +10%
>Mata Hari's Tavern
Quick/Arts/Buster +2% & Crit Damage +5%

-Gatcha only CEs
>Dangerous Beast
Quick +15% & Stars +3 every turn
>Witch of the Moonlit Night
Arts +10% & NP Gain +5%
>Count Romani Archaman's Hospitality
NP Gain +5% & Defense +3%

-Halloween 2016 gacha:
-5* Assassin Cleopatra
-4* Lancer Vlad

>News and Reminders
- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/news.php
- New vers - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones&androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game
- Mashu's voice actress has been replaced with Rie Takahashi as Risa Taneda remains on hiatus to recover from illness. Her other roles remain unchanged
- Class dailies have been updated to include new material drops
>New bond CEs:
-Rare Prisms have been added to Da Vinci's Shop (Gained from using 4* or 5* servants as Reinforcement materials or burning, Welfare servants excluded)
-Rare Prisms are used to purchase previous event items
-Next stream 2/11/2016



>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>FL Spreadsheet
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA


>Alternate servant/CE DB

mediafire.com/download/960gn6g6w2p0l8q/FGO Material I.zip
mediafire.com/download/wj405jjjc9ly94e/FGO Material II.zip

Other urls found in this thread:



Best boy.

Jeanne is the cutest.

And Arash.

Caster thread.

Now we wait for a Jason to appear.

Place your bets.

List all the servants with wife's sons.


Fox > Elf

Did you roll Cleo?

Senran crossover when

She's okay. Too much of a bimbo for me.

>No Gilgamesh in the Vimana and Lancelot in the F-15
Are they too fast?

>tfw wasted my luck and rolled Cleo

whatever is coming on Christmas I'm not going to get it

What do you think will be announced?

It is not Babylon

Extella stream soon(ish)



Something FGO related is also happening, to be announced on the stream. Most likely having to do with Extella

Extella event maybe soon

Sita when?

no but I rolled LB Davici and NP4 Sad Vlad

He just won't stay down.

They're just too not in Camelot to be eligible for participation.

>No Mafia
>No Nobu
>Risa ;_;

I probably going to watch but still there is no excitement

New servant

Brave Carmilla when?

only on my alt, but I'm ok with that because I have NP4 Carmilla on my main

I love banana

Good enough?

nth for ushi


This fucking shit is triggering me, how can Gram be comparable to Excalibur when its origin, Merodach, is weaker than Excalibur? I bet they will retcon it and make it equal to Excalibur Galatine just like how they retconned Caladbolg.

Don't hold your breath.

nice shit taste

>Don't have any horseshoes for her third ascension
Where do I farm those shits.

Fuck. Meant for

No one cares about memegurd.

12 gems
4 gold apples
1 summoning ticket
and some shitty QP

How do you get all this stuff?

Watch the stream in another 7 hours or so


Nero a shit

Is there any place besides assassin daily to farm blue assassin cookies?

It's okay user.

You just have to spend the rest of the night in the dungeon.

>1,200 QP

Is this supposed to be million? Even that amount is laughable.

Nobu a CUTE.


How does Cleopatra even manage to be smug when she was the one that put the final nail on Egypt's coffin?

Does she have no shame?

ok thanks
dont fuck with me man

Yeah, that's less than the QP daily.
1,200 million QP though.

>How do you get all this stuff?
>Nerohaters are braindead now too

Wish we could get a rider Medea.

I'm not, you just need to think about it for a second.

But it's not her fault

Use her NP

Because she's a pharaoh, even if she's a failure. As Ozzy puts it, this is how a Pharaoh naturally should be, even if they are a failure. To be arrogant has nothing to do whether you were successful or not, by nature of being a pharaoh at all you have reason to be arrogant

That's how most Nasuverse kings are by nature.

Nitocris is the odd one out

Egypt was already dying.

Blacks are pretty smug by nature. Guess you haven't interacted with that many have you huh?

Excellence as a pharaoh? What nonsense! A pharaoh is glorious simply by virtue of being a pharaoh!
You presume too much to wish for anything greater!
After all, I am the greatest and most magnificent of pharaohs. All others are worthless before me!
Whether you are a pharaoh who only accomplished darkness and revenge, a pharaoh who conquered, or the last pharaoh…
…or even a child pharaoh who ruled for but a few days before his death…
To me, there is no difference between them!

However, that is all the more reason to strive for my perfection. It is insolent, but you should still try to comprehend it.
Humans reach for the sun, even as they know they cannot touch it. They are creatures that try to touch the gods.
There is no act more meaningless than the loss of hope, simply because you cannot reach me. That is true insolence.

>Even I know what shame feels like. Before the true pharaohs, I feel nothing else. …No matter how one glosses it over, the truth is that I brought an end to the pharaohs.
The others don't really put any blame on her, though. That became quite apparent in this event, which only happened because Ozzy wanted to give her a hand and snap her out of her two thousand years of depression funk, and in Nito's interlude, where the other pharaohs all agree that she's pretty alright.

She was Greek.

Greeks were black

nip spreadsheet puts Empty Land (無の大地) in Camelot at 41% chance per run, so that's the most efficient by far

it's the bonus map there so you might need to clear the free quests if you don't see it yet

I like how they made like a little pharaoh family unit. Nitocris is the doting mom, Oxzzy's the blusterous older brother, Cleo's the self conscious younger sister... And Alexander's there too.

ayo hol up

Don't shit on Alex, he's an older brother as well clearly in the interlude.

After rereading it its not hard to see how he set up the entire feast just to figure out how to give Nitocris more confidence, and try to secretly help her out a bit. Ozzy also wants to help, but he's more subtle and arrogant about it, so he wouldn't admit it.

Might want to add that he may have been a little tipsy when he said that. He was speaking from the heart though, I'm sure.

I get the impression that his absolute way of speaking is just an image thing. Nito does it as well, but she's not as good at it. She's more prone to losing her composure and blurting out nonsense instead of getting any point across.

>Greek is located in Africa

I've seen some stupid shit in these threads, but you take the cake.

Next Summer event we're getting Hawaiian shirt Hans, yes?

I got two Vlad

How good is she comprared to lskander? Is she even in lskander's NP?

Being tipsy was just an excuse to speak his feelings, its him being tsundere and playing it off with an excuse.

I want to hold pinkies with my waifu!

... I honestly don't know what to tell you, she is Greek. But a pharaoh.

>Is she even in lskander's NP?
All of his friends, and people that swore loyalty to him, are in his RM. So yes, obviously.

Ozzy really seems like he's protecting his public persona. They all are to some extent. Like in Camelot when Sanzou commented that his laughter was fake. It's like putting on a work uniform.

he's most likely just shitposting user

no fuck you

Waver doesn't remember seeing her among the soldiers. She may still have been in there somewhere, but Waver is wary of her.

Who is she?

she's an imposter claiming to be hephastion then?

>Well over 10,000 people summoned
>But I dont' remember this specific one

I'd be surprised if he remembered even five of them.

She's got mismatched eyes and wears a women's version of shotander's outfit and has a chariot pulled by skeletons.

It's possible that it's not even Hephaestion. One guy in the BL thread suggested that she might actually be Olympias. She's got some serpents/dragons she can call on, she's reportedly a follower with Dionysus, and she's presumably someone who was close to Alexander in life. So it's not a bad guess.


Die monster!
You don't belong in these threads anymore!

>tfw finally got Liz's theme in 8bit downloaded
Feels good.

This reminds me I was going to read that Mahabarata thing tonight. I like reading the stories of who I roll.

>that Arondight

Maybe. Maybe not. She's basically just a bunch of question marks right now.

xth for best Saberface, best Saber, Lancer, Rider, best waifu!

I wish she really was Demi-Servant Alex like we all thought.

I figure that if any one soldier from that army would leave an impression, then it would probably be the one with tits, ancient Greek ZR, and heterochromatic eyes.

Fuck off Braindamage.

Fuck off Misora.

>like we all thought.
Speak for yourself, not everyone made your mistake.

I'd say its the one that looks a lot like Waver, to the point that for the longest time people weren't sure.

Okay. I'll go play with Liz then.
If anyone is curious for it like I was I'll share it. Uploaded it to youtube too.
Goodnight dickbags.

Goodnight, person. Pleasant dreams of hot yaoi sex between Darius and yourself.

How did they retcon Caladbolg?


>Will probably never get another version of mi capitán

On the bright-side thats good because that means I'll never spend money on this game again, but its still a bit sad.

Aren't you man enough to handle Giganigga's love?

Well at least she's gotten a summer CE and her bond CE Drakefag.


Maybe not the best place to ask, but what exactly did Araya Souren want from Shiki and the root? Trying to get a fuller idea of Nasuverse cosmology but it's just so confusing.

Basically everyone has a bond CE at this point so that's nothing much.

Yeah, true. Whenever that CE translator ever pops by I'm going to ask him if he minds doing the summer one really quick because its real short.
Shame theres hardly any merch too. But at the same time, its good to have a favorite character that isn't too popular, else you know what happens. Its nice to be part of a small following.

Just to see it

Among other things, the Root contains all knowledge. Most Magi seek the Root either for the sake of obtaining all that knowledge, or just because seeking the Root is more or less expected of Magi.

Cool. Now why did I have to go upload my own instead of anyone linking that earlier?
You're all pretty much shittier people than me.

Fuggin ebin m9!