/dbg/ Dragon Ball General

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Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)19:21:36 No.159076719

Why is Cooler so based?

Claim your favorite original character to use in pvp
Cell (full power) claimed

Don't post your CACs.

One-off villain who was no-nonsense, flew through a Kamehameha to punch Goku in the face, and didn't overstay his welcome.

he spent more time in the fridge


Android 16


Too late.

>still waiting for best pan to return to super

Do any races have shitty attack strings? Male or Female?

I'mmah still do it.

So, why exactly is the HAAAAAAH! Z-soul Tien and not Cooler?

uniform suggestions? I dont have all the clothing yet but il keep track if i see it. i might make her hair lighter to fit.
Also, good ki skills for a pyromaniac?

Pantsless slime is best

>do the gohan/videl lessons
>videl spends most of her time bitching at gohan or telling him what to do

Why did he put up with this shit?

Still hoping for more Taino lewds to come out of XV2.


Because Tien blocks the kahmehameha in dragonball

Because it was carried over straight from XV1, where it was in the first DLC thanks to Tien being a teacher.
You literally had to buy the DLC to get a Z-Soul that protected you from Kamehamehas for shit like the Super Saiyan Bargain Sale.

I'll post someone else's then

I feel like namekians were bad at first but they grew on me noodle arms still blow though

Original series, he used Telekinesis to no-sell one lmfao.

Blocks? Doesn't he straight up TURN IT AROUND on Jobcha?
Then breaks his leg?

God that was an amazing scene.

I was going to pick Black, but then I remembered I didn't like anything about him except his Ultimate.

I guess I know who I'm going with.

Kame house is nice

First Pussy Syndrome

Namek finger is a fun move use

Most powerful snatch in the world, most likely. Kinda like what Goku did

burning attack, heat dome, all of nova shenron's moves, supernova, sphere of destruction, crusher volcano

oh shit look ma I'm on TV!

What's the downside of potential unleashed?

Freezies do have cocks, though.

Still gonna try to do the tournament thing this weekend. Have at least 10 people who want to do it so if you want in just let me know


the best fights in the show are all in dragonball.


saiyans are instinctively attracted to people with dominating personalities

>want to rewatch DBZA
>that godawful memeshit first half of season 1
anyway is the patch live? can I fight monkeys without them noclipping into oblivion?


Tessa is unf

I still have to watch it..

>There still isn't a Cooler defensive move where you swim up any beat attack and sock them in the fucking face.
It would horribly situational but so fucking cool.

Dead Zone has some okay fights, choreography wise. I think that was the last movie before AAAAAAH HEAH HEAH HEAH HEAH *ki blast explosions*

If saiyan's transform with a wig or the Roshi beard will it go golden? and where do I find the Roshi beard and glasses

I made a big green but super saiyan is too cool not to at least try out.

Quick, what do the 5 weird eggs the rifts give you do? I wanted to find out before I went to sleep but time loli isn't at her house to do shit with them.

Lightly spoil me so I can rest!

it has no Ki or Stamina loss or slowed regen, it has no physical disadvantages put on you, and it has the exact same damage gains as KaiokenX20 without risk

it's an Advancement Test reward for a reason, but once you use it, the only reason to ever switch it up is for variety or attempting to minmax with other forms, because it's so good.


>short hair
i don't blame him

Im here to say I will

>Meanwhile the human in the background desperately tries to escape

they clearly have a fuck fountain


>Horribly situational
Well, there's a lot of beams tbqh.

Also, change the future is pretty similar, except it's pretty awful against beams like Kamehameha and you kiblast them in the face instead.

You can do it with ki blast fist. You charge straight through beams and ki blasts to punch them.

Juju is purest fighter

I'mma blow you up fridge man.

Can someone post the picture of D4C?

well shit, it was supposed to be november first wasn't it? any idea when they'll drop it?

You should, it's excellent. Way more fun than DBZ.

That's true. And then that scene with Goku and Picollo fighting on the bridge happens.

Yes. No, none at all.

Why are all these end game pq's just "fuck it lets throw 15 enemies with a thousand health bars at them."

Don't tell me what to do.

doc what the fuck is this

Can you get Bulma's dress?

My ningen

I got a patch yesterday on the ps4. Australia btw so maybe that has something to do with it.

I like them. gives me an excuse to co-op

Doc it's been years. I quit cold turkey. What are you doing?

Aw shit I saw you walking around before I'm pretty sure. I was thinking to myself how I haven't had tiramisu in years.

Yes, along with the dress you get a skill called "cuck your husband like a whore"


shit, well thanks, now I know not to bother with experts yet

I'd rather have final form cooler transformation than a golden freezy transformation

future trunks costume 2

reminder that you are obliged to whip up a preset for when your majin absorbs your favorite mentor


I have a preset based around my Majin eating my android from the first game.

Gonna whizz red.

If only XV2 didn't require an unpack/pack method for mods combined with an unpredictable patch around the corner. There's already a one-armed Future Gohan model and making all clothes colorable for human/saiyan females.

I wonder if Frost will have all his forms when he is added to the DLC. I'd be pretty silly if he has more forms than Frieza.

One of these things
Is not like the other.


I have it once every few weeks or so. It's good stuff, and to be honest I couldn't think of a good Majin-sounding name.

Besides, Majins are supposedly lazy blobs of gum with a big sweet tooth, so naming one after a dessert isn't too far fetched I guess?

>Frieza (Full Power)

you gotta do better than that yo!

I think frieza had a stroke

So did I. I have an autistic headcanon of my new fembuu absorbing my old one as a workaround to the time erasure

Anyone wanna make a room for the Metal Cooler Expert Mission?

No way, dude.
If they had Frost's forms, you know they would have recolored them for Frieza to fluff the roster

Is Super Dragon Fist busted? Even when stamina breaking my opponents they roll out of the way because they regain their stamina before it launches.

>icon turns to a Z when you hit 100
I did not know that.

M-maybe we'll get both r-right? For Frieza and Frost?

inb4 Frost only has his final form

Sure I'll get back on and do it

Well, if you really want me to.

Fucking Super, they keep dangling the prospect of Vegeta being the hero who gets to save everyone in every story arc but then he falls just short enough for Goku to have to do everything again.

Just like the end bit of Xenoverse 2 come to think of it.

Future Trunks Long Coat 1.


Do any of you guys fap to your characters?

you on PC or PS4? PC has some hit detection issues due to stuff being tied to framerate, allegedly

Is Hit's Ult even any good?