This fucking TEITCH edition
>Patch Notes:
This fucking TEITCH edition
>Patch Notes:
Dragons are for ________.
>4500+ damage ult with lucian with lethality
How can I express my resentment for black people through my gameplay?
I love Lissandra!
Just put Jhin in a single player game please.
SEXUALIZE yordle boys
also sexualize Twitch he's cute
Post Taric
>Want to main GP and aatrox next season
>Also want to play 5v5 to escape the matchmaking system
>Can't do both
Any time you see a Lucian, Ekko or Wukong on the enemy team make sure to lock in Safari Caitlyn and dominate them. Make various colonial era jokes and quotations with every kill.
Build BC every game
The only time in recent memory I saw a Jhin lose was when he literally refused to group.
QT MOUSE do not sexualise under penalty of death.
>Not picking Officer Caitlyn and singing moonman lyrics
fight me bicth
poor quinn
play uncle ryze, recite "the white man's burden' in /all chat
Fair point about most champions with Good skins generally being accepted as evil in their base skins,but I think it can slide considering a Cosmic Reaver line wouldn't necessarily be all about being the good guys, like Arclight and Warden are. Then again I even an Arclight Talon could pass if Vayne can.
Either way, the similarity between Kassadin and Talon just begs for a Cosmic Reaver Talon
Which Demacian girl do you think is the most sexually frustrated? Lux, Quinn or Shyv?
Twitchfag I had respect mang
>Patch Notes:
>Useful Sites:
also lolking
>retarded Pre-season and Assassin's stuff:
>41 minutes
Really nigga
>tfw one time got an ekko shard but used it to reroll because I don't play black champions
OK so I decided to do it today.
I know my farm's shit, I gotta git gudder there.
>Easy trades and kills
>Diving is easier + you make it hard for them to gank you
>VERY fast yordol killing at incredible hihg speed
>Both mega and mini feel strong, transitioning does surprisingly well turning a trade around
>Kill contrib down because I had to run Ignite instead of TP to make the Stormraider's easier to proc (Might be able to work this around)
>Can't initiate as good as you'd do going tank.
All in all, I feel like their was a disparity between team levels on our favor so it's not really reliable.It didn't go as well as I expected it to do somehow But it's giving me good first impressions. Will try out more in norms before I decide whether to take this shit to Ranked or let the meme die.
>implying I'm a twitchfag
>implying I care about the respect of a nobody
fuck off nigga
>white man's burden
>depicts a Chinese person being carried
Didn't the Chinks literally invent the gun?
You don't always have to breed her hard
In fact sometimes that's not right to do
Sometimes you've got to make some love
And fucking give her some smoochies too
And then I'm gonna love you completely
And then I'll fucking breed you discreetly
And then I'll fucking breed you completely
But then I'm gonna breed you hard
We should have just fucking left them.
>Picking Officer Cait over Officer Vi.
>A champion who's entire backstory and VO are jokes about police brutality.
hunting down and making armor out of their skin
They never used it and were later conquered by Europeans who had turned their shitty fireworks and prototype cannons they barely developed into ship cannons and muskets.
Do that to me too user...!
>be jungler
>great KDA 4/1/4 and more farmed than my top laner and mid laner
>top laner and mid laner blame me for not getting dragon when we have a vayne that goes 0/6/0 and zilean that just roams around the map (which is ok)
>they constantly blame me for not engaging as vi while we have zero engage and no tanks whatsoever
>still more cs than these two
IIRC they invented gunpowder but never used it for anything more than fireworks.
it specifically means english colonies in china
by carrying chinks to the civilization the artist probably meant selling them opium and stuff and forcing their authorities to allow the drug trading by force
>eating an entire culling
>meant selling them opium and stuff and forcing their authorities to allow the drug trading by force
Reminder that the chinks were literally conquered by Britain and the west just so they could keep selling dumb chinks opium.
>still no images of the borders
>just posts full, single games with a build
>PBE games especially are prone to someone just getting ridiculously ahead and being able to build whatever they want and have it look broken
>not even a highlight video
>gonna make me sit through the whole fucking game just to try and see him use a 5/6 item ult on someone and hit the whole thing
Stop shilling this fucking awful channel.
>Stormraider's on Ekko
Why does no one else do this
I know there's a slight reduction in how much speed you can actually get over certain point but who doesn't want to be the speediest man in Runeterra?
>Still no wendigo champion
Kog'maw is for rough cuddling!
>Playing Ekko
At least the OP didn't forget eyoson
How do I actually win as an adc? It feels like if I don't get retardedly fed by mid game I'm completely useless. Plus every team fight I get dove like a mother fucker and peel apparently doesn't exist in Silver.
Any tips?
>Lucian and Ekko used to both be 24/7 banned when they were both meta cancer.
>Mfw Riot unintentionally made it so their playerbase banned all the black champions in every match.
Who's your favorite mage in League of Legends?
Mine is the Uninstall Wizard!
is it safe to put your penis inside his mouth
To make it even more confusing I'm talking about AP Ekko, although I'm sure Tank Ekko can proc Stormraider's without a problem
But I don't play that tank cancer
Because Fervor syncs better with the triforce build, Grasp syncs better with the old full tank build, and Thunderlords syncs better with a damage build.
He doesn't need to go fast, he already does that for free and if he's getting locked down he has a free escape and heal ult anyway.
I've been following this guide on Jhin. Should I be doing something differently?
By not picking garbage like normal crit build Varus and MF. Build armor pen and watch your abilities shred people, especially MF ult.
>ywn cum in that fertile womb while midriffbro cums on it
Everything sexual people talk about doing to champions I want done to me. I want to feel sexy and loved
I want to poop inside Sona's mouth
literally warwick
To bad you're a disgusting faggot that even the lowest of bugchasers would be too repulsed to fuck.
>crit varus
>crit mf
nice meme
what is sexy about giving people AIDs
Getting better at ivern means tanking W/L at the end of the season? I'm ok with this.
But crit builds outdamage armor pen builds in the mid/late game. ArPen is only good for cheesing your early laning levels, your damage falls off pretty hard later.
being used doesn't mean being loved
>Wolfman being anything remotely similar to a wendigo
The only things they have in common is that a werewolf occasionally eats people.
>tfw a memepick beats you
I really am at a loss here.
I want to have a nice, loving relationship with a cute dragon girl that goes out and slays heretics on a daily basis before coming home to her warm and loving family.
Just either. I want to someone to be attracted to me, sexually or otherwise
>I'm useless by mid game unless fed and my team doesn't peel for me.
>Why would I want to use the build that lets me get fed in laning phase and end the game by dominating teamfights before they can get strong enough to effectively dive you.
Gee boss.
>not picking captain volibear, literally the whitest champ with a police skin
he posts on regularly bro
>can dodge the fastest skill shots at very long range
>get hit by every max range TF Q and Morg Q
can't just be me. Shit, for TF Q is always dodge into them too.
wendy is often portrayed as something like a slightly tuned werewolf
>tfw syndra makes you feel helpless -_-
>Hey I'm not doing too bad let's check on my team
>realize you're a third of your team's kills
>the enemy team is doubling or tripling your team in kills
Every time
>GP buying spellthief's and cull
I know he's trying to get gold, but I'm pretty sure he's wasting more gold on the cost of those items rather than just saving it/using it for his build.
well your build is bad. Did you even read previous patchnotes? Anything that's not full AP vlad is trash.
Why is Evelynn so fucking fun?
Ghost Blade, Dusk, Rapid Fire, IE and whatever you want depending on the game as last damage. Swifty's of course. This guide is fucking shit in terms of the build.
t. Jhin main
Ap vlad is good again bois
there's nothing attractive about a slut who'd do anything for some attention
>piece of shit bug of 1 trillion damage stomping
>I go botlane and get stuck with an MF support.
>She goes 0/10.
>Next game I go mid and the opposing team has the MF support.
>She goes 10/0.
How come normals have more tryhards than ranked?
I dont thinks its just you m8. I dont play against
TF much, but whenever I play him. I ignore my laner and just farm with Q and my pick-a-card, but my enemy is 1/2 health for without me even targeting them.
well done, fuck that retard
Thanks, and it's in that order, right? What should I change in the masteries?
normals are more lay back but people don't play give-away there
Probably Lux, everyone seems to want some Garen.
Normals are where people go to get untilted from ranked.
And you get untilted by winning.
So you have angry people trying to win to feel better.
People who play ranked think they should practice in normals
For some reason, people think ranked is the main mode of lol, so that's where casuals that should be playing normals play ranked instead
So really it's mostly ranked people who play normals and none of the casuals
>updated for season 7
Because a lot of the people who play normals are too insecure to play ranked.
Normals is their serious space and their insecurity means they constantly have to lash out at people and remind them that video games are serious business.
Most of the people who primarily queue up in Ranked don't even bother with the Normals queue aside from maybe a quick warmup at the start of the day.
please love me
why not the crit build? Are crit builds just shit now, no one uses them anymore.
>People unironically think that it's unfair that Kha is losing his retarded isolation damage on his evolved Q.
Good riddance.
That's why you build ghost blade into crit. At least on MF. It gives you the early level spike and gives you respectable damage in the mid game. It's not like MF's ult doesn't crit or anything. I always do that on unless I'm suuuuper far ahead. Like legit an item and a half.
Jesus they are harder to make than I thought.