Fighting Games General /fgg/
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how's the online? no one seems to be talking about it, which seems like a bad sign. like at least /v/ had gg discussion when revelator came out.
Buy BlazBlue
How come I get banned really easilly on /fgg/ but everyone I talk to never bet banned for posting the shittiest of shitposts? Is it because I have a static IP and the jannies have a grudge?
I'm genuinely curious as I've almost completly stopped posting here because I just keep getting banned.
is Ragna good in the new BB? i quit after CS2 or Extend or whatever version nerfed him, he's one of the only characters i like.
There've been lobbies on /blaz/ even right now. The online is pretty active. If you mean in terms of quality, then it's the same netcode as CPE had by the looks of it.
>/fgg/ has become filthy anime degenerates
Finally I belong
maybe you should stop shitposting
Probably because you're a faggot
He's mediocre, but alot easier to get consistent damage with because of Belial Edge was replaced.
I would have gotten warned for this response.
>he thinks static ips are static
there is literally nothing wrong with SFV.
Yeah but I end up losing 1/3 of my HP trying to reach him. He's so unfun to play against. I don't understand why he's safe on a majority of his moves. He and guile get to roam free while I have to make hard reads on everything.
How are you supposed to pressure an opponent? I can UNGA him all day but he blocks. If I'm in his face than he just techs the entire time.
how honest is lili
i liked sf5 until i saw phenom plow through the gods while playing like a retard. there's literally no way you can convince me that sf5 takes skill after that shit show.
i'm switching to xrdr for good.
t. kappa
SF5 is fun
he only plowed through daigo and the bottom line is daigo got outplayed. he read that daigo was not going to tech throws so he dunked him 5 times. he could have dp'd to end the pressure and shift the momentum but he was playing as risk averse as possible, phenom identified that and adjusted his strategy accordingly.
daigo blew through him at the EU regionals so either phenom studied and adapted or daigo had a bad day.
when phenom beat fuudo to win the premiere, it was all fuudo's fault too. phenom dp'd like 15 times but fuudo would never stop pressuring him on wakeup.
I'm so sad
league of legends has very good sniffs
fighting game when
/fgg/ SFV Ranking Battle
We're doing a Saturday tournament this week because I have work Friday night.
>Currrent Standings - Top 8
1. tramps
2. SeaPerson
3. prl
4. ZetaZeta
5. bael
6. Pickles
7. Sharkboot / DE3
Top 8 at the end of season will participate in the '/fgg/ Cup' to determine the ultimate winner. In the event of a tie for 8th place a short deciding match will be held.
Here's a discord link specifically for this tournament series. I'll try to coordinate matches in here as well as stream chat.
>Previous Tournament vods
Round 2 -
Round 3 -
>he read that daigo was not going to tech throws
You can't tech command throws streamboar
What is the Street Fighter development team's problem with allowing training mode without using the goddamn training stage and its goddamn elevator wub music.
Traditions :^)
daigo wasn't teching throws period is what i meant, he was just going to block until he could escape.
What fighting games let me bully people into submission?
I need Tekken 7
The new SNK girl stole chun-li's boots.
it's kind of amazing how the character with 40 fireballs can't use a single one as a meaty for pressure
Are you talking about Dizzy? Because she absolutely can meaty.
>if the whole earth would have the culture of Japan the overpopulation would never become an issue
>mfw hundreds of people claiming they want to play
>mfw the competitive scene levels out to the same as it is now after a few months post-release like every other tekken
Let's be honest how many copies will MvC4 sell?
what ever became of Arturo "Netplay God" Sanchez?
none because its not happening
Actually this is a decent example of how Japan's birth shortage is sensationalized. But sure if everyone didn't let immigrants in and we bombed mainland Asia out of existence we wouldn't be having many population growth problems.
It could sell stupid numbers if they did some proper ad campaign.
Something like that Injustice comic tie in and shit and maybe some story mode that was written by a comic artist or something.
i bought blazblue, es, and mai and the rest of the dlc
how good did i do
This is the animator for Skullgirls
Not soon enough.
I would have sex with this woman.
What's really weird that some people see population growth stagnating as a bad thing.
We don't live in economies where manufacturing/agriculture can employ infinite amount of people anymore.
Does she realize her head isn't bigger than her torso?
If I had a dollar for each pixel in this webm I'd have 289140 dollars.
I would rape her. The prison time would be worth it.
sfv killed him
Why aren't you playing free form jazz right now?
Good. Now buy one for PS3 or PS4, whichever console you don't have yet.
if anyone has any skullgirls related questions, come to this thread
Why do the Indivisible characters look like geniune tumblr reject designs while Skullgirls had so many nice characters?
Skullgirls was a thing Alex Ahad came up with years ago.
Originally it wasnt even supposed to be a fighting game.
Looks like other people got involved and the result is shittier.
only peacock fits the style
Well it's shitty for the current mass of older people because they need cheap labour for when they retire.
What happened to the SG mobile game?
>1 character fits the style
that's kind of backwards isn't it
and that's kinda sad
No, Alex Ahad planned it as a fighting game from the beginning.
If the labour is needed the wage will rise to the point that somebody will do it.
Most western countries are drowning in unemployed people already.
Still in development, but the beta got cut short because it was, well... kinda bad. Apparently they're reworking a lot and will do a smaller closed beta soon that a few active testers from before have been invited to. Hopefully they can get it right by release.
There were a couple alright ideas in there, but some of the design decisions were so baffling it made me wonder if the studio behind this really knew what they were doing. Hopefully the beta feedback pushes them in the right direction, but I'm not all that optimistic.
indivisible has better character design than skullgirls and skullgirls has that tumblr western anime thing going on too it's the same artstyle except eg is more primitive and flawed in the designs
Jesus christ Karin looks like a pig in V. Disgusting.
You call this good character design? It looks like they have a checklist of minorities to represent. I wouldn't surprised if one of these was LGBT. I know you already have cripples and autists.
It IS a bad thing because capitalism is predicated on infinite growth. What good is industrialism without a labor force?
Holy shit this is like a satire on SJW designs. Please delete this.
>Shark tooth chainsaw
>Giant mecha fist
>Regal pirate
>A motherfucking dog
>they're all bad because some of them aren't white
Well that sucks to hear. The concept looked pretty fun to me. I was hoping to play it this month but it seems too optimistic now.
>it's bad characters because some of them are brown and not generic 1:1 white straight wysiwyg and it triggers me
>it's about ethics in games journalism
Anime games have brown characters all the time and they rarely look as offensively awful as this.
Who did they hire to advise these designs? Fucking Neofag?
Oh look, an Ibuki rip-off but this time it's a tranny because we're just progressive like that ;)
>muh GG boogeyman
Stop being a sensitive faggot and just admit the designs are pandering to a certain crowd. LZ doesn't even hide it. They went to Neofag and begged for their money in favor they would make these designs. You are trying to deny something not even LZ would deny. Look at yourself. And consider suicide.
>i can't enjoy interesting designs because of muh political views
too bad, go play games with generic muscle skinheads while singing the american anthem then
>KekeZ unironically thinks this is good design
Or he doesn't and just wants to jump in on the bandwagon like every other western dev
>it's a polturd triggered by videogame characters episode
good character!! i play it!!!
stop false flagging a villain just to keep your general afloat.
>implying Harada wasn't shitting on the exact audience Indivisible panders to
Harada has had to endure a lot because western SJWs can't cope with a heterosexual male expressing himself through his games.
If SF2 came out today, would people call it a SJW game??
>not every character is white cis male
yep it's sjw
he's shitting on people who get super mad at character designs be it polturds or sjws
It was before automation.
Now it's all about raising productivity per laborer.
I'm not saying that everything will be done by computers soon, that's science fiction, but that's the direction manufacturing has been going for half a century now.
>unironically using terms like cis
How is that Gender Studies degree working out for you?
>literally the same defense mechanism
They still haven't bothered to fix this ass shit netcode almost a year after release. My God I hate the baboons at Capcom.
delete ibuki
like you deleted your vsav tournament
I'm calling le body positive purple hair amazon and the tumblr logo throwing nigger and no one else can use them.
Good rebuttal, you sure showed me with those points you made.
jack daily!!
You want points, start giving arguments instead of just greentexting like an idiot to pretend I said these designs weren't good because they aren't white.
Fuck am I on kotaku?
its nojack november fuck off
You just can't handle non-binary non-white non-conformist non-ableist characters, you cis scum!