/lzg/ - Lab Zero General (Skullgirls and Indivisible)

NEVER EVER edition

>Latest News

>Skullgirls News
Physical copies! Japanese voices status: NEVER EVER

>Indivisible News
New home theme Sony approved status: NEVER EVER

>News Feeds

>Official Forums

>Skullgirls Stuff
/lzg/ Steam Group: steamcommunity.com/groups/labzerogeneral
Stream Calender: docs.google.com/document/d/1mNi8lajKTmYgwvi_6UkeR24n6DvTONHHYiaIyxuXbBI
Beginner Forums: skullgirls.com/forums/index.php?forums/beginner-forum.30
Steam Guides: steamcommunity.com/app/245170/guides
Resources: skullheart.com/index.php?threads/beginner-resources-thread.242
Public Discord Chat: discordapp.com/invite/0WWSQspQVqkHy4In
Wiki: skullgirls.wikia.com/wiki/Skullgirls_Wiki
Outdated SRK Wiki: wiki.shoryuken.com/Skullgirls
Just go to training mode and set "Attack Data" to "Advanced" for frame data
/sgg/(rip) Album: mediafire.com/download/9b02vpj9vvot9x2/sgg album.zip
SG Mobile Site: hiddenvariable.com/skullgirls
Official Merch: eightysixed.com/collections/skullgirls
More Official Merch: sanshee.com/collections/skullgirls

>Indivisible Stuff
Main theme(WIP): youtube.com/watch?v=mTFmaDYfKBk
Kickstarter with free prototype: indiegogo.com/projects/indivisible-rpg-from-the-creators-of-skullgirls#/updates
Forums: skullheart.com/index.php?forums/indivisible.103
Official YT: youtube.com/channel/UCSvJctUjDhlGS3jFwlhSB-g
Official Site: indivisiblegame.com

Other urls found in this thread:


Is there a chance the Japanese voices will be added anyway even if the pre-order count goal isn't reached?

>file name and pic
what are the chances of that actually being true?

Nah, it's definitely him.

Anniversary of that post is tomorrow by the way.

Why was /v/ so keen on making Lab Zero look bad?

The whole panty thing happened months before they started talking about it. It was blown way out of proportion. There was a collective effort to not get the game funded, and when it defied the shitposting they just changed it to "muh pandering".

Was it /pol/ not wanting a brown game?


>Why was /v/ so keen on making Lab Zero look bad?
Mostly backlash to how hard the IGG was being pushed there. I blame Skullheart

The panty "censorship" was just a tool for shitposting but they convinced a lot of useful idiots to take it seriously.

Evaxephone. If he still has a grudge there's a high chance that he was like half of the shitposts.


Wow I never realized how cool this move looks.