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Delicious non-pyro tears edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Dark Stoneplate Ring

First for mischief



>Pyroniggers get mad when I based aveyln their subhuman asses

>stay within range of pyro so they can't cast shit with long cast times like serpent/floating chaos/whatever without you punishing them
>stay just outside of black flame range so if they miss you can immediately attack
>don't try to trade unless they're using fire surge in which case you can walk up and roll catch since they're guaranteed to roll if you run up to them
I seriously don't see what's so hard about this.
You people are fucking awful at spacing if you're having this much trouble with black flame.

Are they just trying to cast every time you fire and don't wait until you're reloading?

Warrior's starting shield would be better for that

still, pretty good

would be cool if you could bullet edit boulder heave to fire emit force for Unrelenting Force

Did the Gravetender use magic on anyone else?

He switches to it in the second phase if you don't kill him fast enough.


>lol just don't trade bro!!
that's only doable if your weapon is long enough, if not you're eating a black flame since it casts instantly and breaks hyper armor

So I invaded someone, dropped me hello carving, someone else invaded and we all just kind of ran around and use emotes for 10 minutes.

So that was cool, I guess.

Yeah, I felt like it's one of those things people don't see because the bosses die too fast

Sounds boring


>casts instantly
are you just blind
it has a clear windup and if you miss it's at least a full second if they want to try casting it again
if your weapon isn't long enough run around just outside of the range and then WD in
it breaks hyper armor but it doesn't give them any so you can stagger them out of any fucking cast if you're fast enough

I've never been hit by it and I use a LKSw


hey uh, buddy

kill urself

>kill urself

I already do


>do all sorts of dumb shit with CE since release
>leave in july for other games
>come back for dlc
>log in and decide to try a new build
>rename character
>go about my business
>two days later

bravo from, meanwhile infinite stats and consumables goes undetected lmao

Yeah, fuck him on SL1 seriously

Rename is only safe if you do it on a new save slot and offline

>blaming someone else for getting caught

if you wanted to play the game why'd you cheat?

I think it's a her

Is there a better feel than swatting Friede cosplayers while they're mid-air?

Mustards are all casuals. They don't actually want to play the game.

>Fight an invader in the wolf-field
>Spectre of frost or some shit
>Full Fride cosplay and a frostbite spell
>Meme's jumping around like a weeb all the time, shit blast them back to the shadowrealm with a jump R2 every time they try it

>no force
Sun princess ring

>no force
It's not complete yet

>Ignoring the fact that he is using the TRUE cancerous, OP, fotm weapon:

It's not, it's a dude.

I want to make a Batman cosplay, does that mean I need to use fist weapons? Any of them viable in 3vs3?

>bf just passed pontiff
>gets invaded by some aldork named Friendly Phantom?
>full fallen knight with friede's scythe+snap freeze spam
>tries to use the WD and he just walks up and kills him with 2 great club R1s
I laughed pretty fucking hard

>being this gay

How do we fix DLC 2?

Says the overbotch poster

You know the page mentioned is who you actually fight, right? Not the champion himself

It means you use caestus plus kukris for batarangs

I don't know what I'm missing here. The Champion was a male, but his page, the Gravetender, is female.

I'm basing this off her voice when she gets hit

abort it

You can't be bat man there's no bat hat

Black Knight Helm looks pretty batty

make it longer, that's literally all there is to it. they wont though

Because they're realizing that most people only buy DLC to get the hot new pay-to-win items, not for the story or gameplay.

What items are pay to win?

1) Add parties to the arena.

Okay, you have my permission.

I know you're retarded and don't know you can just have someone drop the dlc weapons for you, but even so the stuff you can't get normally aka spells are all incredibly average and situational

>DLC weapons are shit
>"lol this dlc is garbage, nothing in it is worthwile"
>DLC weapons are good
>"pay to win"

parting flame and follower sabre are both very strong, although CCS is still arguably better

>win duel
>pinata pops out of nowhere with streamers and a big "SURPRISE" banner

I'd buy it.

So they aren't pay to win. Strong, yes, but that should be the case.

I think parting flame is well balanced too.

What chest? Drang? Don't forget to make the skin black

Its not P2W if you can acquire it without paying at all, ie: having someone drop it for you.

>don't want dlc
>find out pyromancy parting flame is overpowered as shit and can one shot people with black flame

literally forced to buy the dlc

So because someone else paid for you to win, it's not pay to win?


Oops, my mistake. I still wonder about the choice of armor for the gravetender.

>on release black flame/great combustion were literally worthless because the hitbox was busted and half the displayed range
>they fixed it later in a patch
>now spells got buffed to break poise so it's super strong again, albeit worse range/cast speed than DaS1 and still requires 60 points of Stat investment
works I guess

That's how it always is, magic has a huge stat investment, and when it makes its way into the meta people bitch that the level is too high and they want it dropped down to dex only levels. I wouldn't be surprised if people called for level 60 builds after all this.

It's too weird not to be supposed to be replaced by a player. He also has those medals. People must have not figured it out yet. Any info from from?

What exactly is so special about the parting flame? Looks to me like a pyromancy flame with slightly lower spellbuff and the ability to recharge estus.

>there were no invading npcs in AoA

I've only ever played das1 and das3, is it common for From to not put npc invasions in their dlc?

I said from the start that 120 was too high and no one believed me because "Pyro and magic/faith NEED the levels!"

Now look where we are.


Just face it, we'll never have npc invasions as good as 2's again

Look around some more.

>The next DLC is going to be just as short and rushed, and then they're just going to start having interns create "weapon packs" over the weekend that they can shill for $10

I don't like the skirt on the Drang armor, I was thinking Black Knight without the cape.

And yo what the fuck, why is the neck showing. I don't want to make a black Batman


>Overpowered as shit because its only better than regular flame with one Spell

>people complaining about casters in quality souls 3

Seriously if you have trouble beating pyros you're shit. No other way of putting it.

Make the skin black but use the solid dot tattoo over the mouth/chin and color that skin tones

Yeah it one shots with flame stop defending it

actually pure casters can function just fine as low as 60 while a melee build is going to be worse off by not being able to have enough VIG/END/STR/DEX
with a pyromancer you can go 30/30 with witch/swamp rings and still do comparatively better damage than anything but a UGS/UGH since STR builds only need 27STR+VIG and end

stop having shit dark def+playing in arena

>Can't go into melee range bexaude black same can one shot you
>Can't stand too far because serpents cost almost 0 fp
>Forced to stay mid range and with crossbow and play a passive reactionary game because going aggressive means dying

The skin shouldn't be showing anyway. If you're on PC, I recommend replacing the hair ID with lorian's armor and wear drang armor normally. You can also try setting your age to 3 if you dont want to make the skin black, but you'll get a beard

Oh i forgot about dunnel, he was just so set up it felt more like a set piece than an invasion.

Haha what? hell no, to get any returns at all on spells you need 60 stats total in your damage stat. you'd be waltzing around with minimum hp to get any damage at all while a pure dex or str user would have an overwhelming hp and stamina advantage.

You think she might have the same mechanic from looking glass knight? That would be pretty cool.

Did you know you can dodge roll in this game? Try pressing O on your controller sometimes.





How does rolling change anything I said? You have .5s to react to a black flame cast it's safer to stay our of range and play the boring meta game of either play passive and stay in pyro dead zone or roll a pyro yourself

>I can't just run up to him and mash R1 like I always do
>I actually have to play smart to win ;_;

>no dark resistance ring
Taking break from game until they add one, peace.

Like I said, pure caster
definitely not as strong as SL80 where you can have stronger spells and also more VIG but I'm killing alright with this

I've beaten pyros by simply dodging all their spells until they're out of fp and suicide by jumping.

If you lose to a pyro or any caster in this game you got massively out played. End of.

Or you can red bug pellet+red stoneplate + dragon crest and equip something to run them down with like a straight sword or washing pole.

No, but it might be old monk. Besides, memeyahacki doesn't gate des like ds2
That is true for mages/clerics, not pyromancers. And reminder that sorcerers can have the needed stats at that level, so they are in 1 shot territory

But you can just press black flame once and win, but I guess that's skill because you're a caster eh?

darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Dark Stoneplate Ring

>just roll around blackflame lol

That's literally taking a risk with how fucky netcode is. Dodge timing is always a variable, and eating a single black flame could possible turn the whole match.

>get invaded
>connection seems fine
>enemy phantom doesn't register damage from hits and BSes
>there's no health bar
wonders of CE? or just hacked save file?

Right because dying to a instant kill spell means people are bad
I use washing pole. I'm not losing to them, I'm just finding it stupid I have to play a boring playstyle because From is too incompetent to test new weapons and their effects on PvP.

every time i alt tab back in my character disappears and i'm unable to move or interact with anything except my menu.

Is there a fix or do i just have to feel with it?

>If you lose to a pyro or any caster in this game you got massively out played.
Unless they just one shot you from off screen in an invasion.

I don't play as a caster. I beat them with my eyes closed.

Have you ever considered that you might just be shit at PvP?

Its the same thing as dying to a swordswing. Difference is that the sword swing doesn't cost fp.

Go watch Scott's video about how shit pyros are.

Casters are gimped as fuck in ds3 and quality babbies still bitch about them.

>shit dark/fire resist armorfags complaining about pyromancy/black flame
>cloth armor high mag resist master race not caring
Why don't you babies just use Stoneplate rings and pellets?

Yes invasions are a different matter. Pyros and sorcerers can do quite well there. I was talking about 1v1 duels.

I do it gimps magic damage more than fire though, with respect pellets and stoneplate rings