>tfw thursday qt grill brings in dunkin donuts offers them to literally everyone but me
>tfw today guy two cubes down brought in cupcakes and offers to everyone in my area but nit me
Post your office feels lads
>tfw thursday qt grill brings in dunkin donuts offers them to literally everyone but me
>tfw today guy two cubes down brought in cupcakes and offers to everyone in my area but nit me
Post your office feels lads
try r9k
Everyone loves me.
People specifically bring me food and drinks to make me happy.
People give me advice for job searches to further my career.
I get tips on safe investing and real estate.
Boss knows that I am applying to jobs and wants me to stay.
I'm the most popular guy in my department of mostly women.
I'm still horribly depressed.
>I'm still horribly depressed.
I'm a single man with no friends. All of the women are married or pregnant. And I don't like working 60 hours a week and dealing with the max security at my worksite.
I moved for work and found the environment incompatible with my hobbies that brought me joy and the habits that brought me comfort, without which I find it difficult to maintain mental stability.
The fact that I can tolerate this until I get another job is honestly a testament of my fear of failure to be hired should I simply quit more than any desire to stay.
But my manager might give me a retention bonus to stick around.
Can you buy happiness with 20,000 more dollars? I can't say. I couldn't buy it with the first 80,000, though.
I spend all day smiling and making lame work appropriate jokes and I cry myself to sleep most nights now...
Fatties shouldn't be eating dunkin donuts and cupcakes
Lol suck if I got the best bagels
>had no friends in the office
>no one in office liked me
>one day stopped going into work just worked from home
>no one ever said anything
>been working from home for the last 2 months
They still don't care about me but at least I'm not there
Start eating salads without dressing at lunch to make them jelly.
Have you tried actually speaking to people on your lunch hour instead of hiding in some corner somewhere?
>Force myself into social circles at work
>Shape my work personality after them
>Integrate well within a year, lots of work friends, hang out sometimes after work
>Many laughs. Many smiles.
>fastforward 18 months
>They've all been laid off, replaced with Indians
>Only two remaining that I talk to, one is trying to leave.
>The other changed. Management now, won't talk to us.
>No laughs. No smiles.
Get a new job. Yours is being outsourced.
It truly is. I have one lined up for March but the whole system collapsed recently, I can't get it back up. I'm the only one left that handles it, the guy in India only knows what little I showed him.
Might be sued for sabotage if I leave (it's IBM), might have to wait til they fire me.
The trick with outsourcing is to tell your 'trainees' complete bullshit while maintaining your own personal quality. If you're asked, tell your superiors that you tried describing your work to your new equals but failed due to communicative differences. That way, you'll end up on top and the company will probably promote you.
>fire me
I'm sure that there's a cost-benefit relationship here...
Yeah but I legitimately can't get this back up and running. I'm not going to get into details but something in our system that normally IS NOT customized....was customized. From scratch.
A team of 15 developers made this, I never did, I only used it, and they laid off all the developers and got Pajeets to make the products, but they don't know shit about the custom system.
It broke. Been doing 70 hour weeks to get it back, no luck. This is the end of the road for me, friends. Perhaps I'll get to experience some time off after all.
Are you open to moving to a more open US company? The rest of the world doesn't understand that the US shouldn't have a monopoly on the consultancy business, but you should profit off of this when/if you can. Move to freaking NYC if you have to. The most important thing to do is to learn from it.
Fuck that
Lunch is my time
I'm on break don't fucking talk to me
I'm the same way, honestly. But my job is fairly secure.
Try something new man, if ur trade is allright, find some other place to work or some other place to stay, if ur company has other locations, ask for a transfer, download tinder or get a cat or start a project
do you have red stapler by chance OP?
>Work at restaurant full of middle aged women
>user you're so cute
>user I should set you up with my daughter/neice
>Still a kissless virgin
Why do they always get my hopes up?
> tfw the office is always at 65f, because the fat lady towards the front controls the thermostat.
>work night shift
>dayshift crew throws a bunch of parties for a variety of different teams
>we don't have parties
>sneak around while on break and steal their candy or leftovers
My trade is literally full of control freaks, and I don't care as much as they do. My ultimate goal is to quit and stay home working on projects, but I want money to spend on various things.
Hello user. Former IBM'er here.
You're sucking down a cold hard cup of reality right now. IBM has an amazing reputation among hiring managers and HR people but if you look under the hood they're utter shit. And getting worse every year.
If you get laid off your chances of finding a new job decrease significantly. When you look for a new job while employed, you're more marketable *and* you're better positioned to demand a higher salary. Leaving IBM for somewhere else just increases that leverage.
Get out now. You're about to get laid off.
are you me?I have the exact same problems except instead of the retention bonus. instead, the benefits and pension keep me glued to the job,
oh, and about the tolerating? I've been here 9 years. if you can leave, do it. I get more and more miserable every day.
I have two jobs that have given me dollar amounts. Both are 40 hours per week government jobs, but more taxes and less money to take home. I think I want to negotiate salary before I end up being happy but poor.
Damn nigga you need a new job.
I've been on the money train making good money on a track that I hated, and I had the guts to switch to something else. You'll thank yourself later.
>sneak around and steal their candy or leftovers
Kek you're pathetic man lmfao
>in my department of mostly women
>I'm still horribly depressed.
these might be relatedfam
You're what's called a pussy, go see a therapist
You at least pick your last check?
This kinda happened to me.
>Cute grill asks around to see who wants to have drinks after work
>Asks guy who just started like a week ago
>I'm there the whole time
>No invite
>"Oh, user, can you hand these files to user? thanks!"
Hope you're asking for a raise to do all that shit nigga
>customer enquiries requesting free sample
>quick bit of Googling to see if they have any internet presence
>They do
>Give them a sword for free, but they pay postage
>72 hours later and I've sold four of the same type
>everynight before sleep get sudden pangs of guilt, fear, and anxiety because whilst I'm doing what I enjoy in a community that I am a part of and am making a reasonable living off it as it scales, my parents and friends tell me it's not a real job because it's fantasy stuff and I "only" make 40k per year currently, not enough to raise a family on
>I am 23 with no degree
Turns out when you pour your guts in to something to make it work, if it's not normal it doesn't count.
Where do you source your swords from?
Sounds like a good job, you could make bank by selling specialty swords.
Why are you guys surprised that white supremacist Trumptards are ostracized?
The nation decided long ago there's no place for that shit in the future.
Write these exact words minus the acronym somewhere in sharpie at work
>Where do you source your swords from?
Variously places like China, India, Pakistan, Eastern Europe...
If I get local manufactured ones I sell those as well at a premium, but mostly just sell the smith and their services/other products. Give them a referral code and boom, get 25% per item sold of theirs.
>Dude recently sold 213 forged iron bottle openers to a tourist ship for $13.40 a piece.
The thing is because I use them I also q-check each one then make minor corrections (like uneven tang shoulders), semi custom work (usually removing paint or parts of guards, "antiquing"), and re-profile blades if needs be. It can all mostly be done with a grinder/dremel.
Plus I get sent "seconds" stock which I combine to make one off pieces.
I like doing it, and people in the community help he re-sell stock and take a cut (They keep 75% I take 25%).
>For example I recently equipped a local all girls Highland folk-dancing school for their shows. They loved it and put in a good word for me the local police pipeband. Now I'm selling regimental style Scottish baskethilted broadswords (and backswords for those who need lighter weapons), dirks and even targes.
But I still get shit on by older people or college grads because it's not STEM/Startup codeshit.
I like things that are tangible, so digital stuff ahs never been my bag more than to just get stuff running.
>Work as teller
>Smoked weed for the first time last night
>It was a blast, but now my mind is fuzzy
>Accidentally give out extra 1000 dollars today.
>Probably not fired since I've been the best selling teller for the entire time I've got there but fuck me, I'm never smoking again.
Sounds awesome man, I'd love to be doing that and getting paid for it.
Just do you, don't let other people dictate what is and is not 'acceptable' to you.. these people are extremely unhappy with their own lives and projecting their jealousy onto you.
Thanks man, really appreciate it.
>on Veeky Forums of all places
*tips fedora*
The catfighting is real.
Fuck being a teller man.
kill yourself
Absolutely stunning crazy hot 11/10 qt from my department
> lesbian
The only other serviceable girl in the company
> lesbian
I went on some company outings where they brought their respective girlfriends and fiancées to make sure that they weren't just lying to stave off male attention. What are the odds ;_;.
If you made 40k in Louisiana youd be rich.
>tfw went out to lunch with one of the qts in my department
>she only invited me
[spoiler]She doesn't want the d but it's pretty funny considering this time 2 / 3 years ago I would've been far too beta to even talk to a woman[/spoiler]
Man. Fucking 4chins captcha fucked me 3 goddamn times now but i feel like its importand for me to tell u to do anything u can to be happy.
Find another fucking job where u can be yourself and find new hobbies.
Depression is a cunt and u have to fight it daily.
Dont let lofe fuck u user. U gotta grap that cunt by its haunches and h-HUMP it into submission.
Turn to your friends, make new ones, do anything u have to do to beat this shit or it will consume u.
My best friend an hero 6 months ago and none of us had amy fucking idea he was depressed.
Took everything i have in me and then some to take that 12 guage barrel out of my mouth a coupke months ago but im glad i did.
Misd my buddy something fierce but ive never been this happy or able to process emotions rather than just bury shit till i hang myself...
Guy that used to be my grandpa is oretty high up there. If i can find him i could probably have him save your job or move u. Havent heard from him in like 15 years so its a gamble.
>mfw 10 hour days and no lunch brake
Dickfarming ina nutshell. Have to have a "normie" job too. Feels batman.
Fuck the haters user.
>sword salesman.
Coolest job title ever.
They shit on u to make themselves feel superior but are actually wagecuck normies and hate themselves while u have freedom and have to hold yourself accountable. Kids are overrated. Dont start a family unless u really want to since u will never make "enough" money until u learn to invest.
I am a faggot and i'm sorry i can't type.