Rumble edition
>Patch Notes:
Other urls found in this thread:
First for me, the only Poppy true main.
xth for accomplishing the dream of achieving plat
Xth for booty
>One win from gold
>Expecting the utter most bullshit the next game
>Play Quinn
>Go mid
>Stomp some Lux at level 2
>Hit level 6, go top and make Kennen blow his flash
>Go back mid, kill Lux again
>Immediately head bot
>Triple kill
>Go back to buy
>Go top, kill the flashless Kennen
>Go mid, kill Lux
>Kill Lee at his Red
>Go bot, double kill (holy frick...)....power of....Quinn.....
xth for Tomoka replies to himself
i need a meme pick to main
post ending with 5 decides
AD Leona
Lulu jungle
I fucking hate Bard players.
They're the 'Riven Mains' of support.
AP top Shaco
>Thread only just started
>Some autist tries to make everything about him by derailing with muh gets
Kill yourself, if get you uninstall. I want screenshots.
Ad morde
Best junglers for solo queue?
Relatively new but I've taken a shining to Vi and enjoy her a lot
is Nidalee/Hecarim really that good? They get banned often
>in a thread about league
>its about league
>no discussion otherwise
im just bored and im sick of sion right now
Bard jungle.
he got a new trip genius
He claims someone else was using his trip to make him look retarded (lol) but kept using the same trip for months anyway
He finally wised up and got a new one but that doesn't make the screenshot any less ebin
>Bored of Sion
ap sion if get
You're just jealous of his (You)'s.
AD Bard
Ap hecarim
Stick with Vi
You're too stupid to play Nidalee and your team is too stupid to play around Hecarim. Just stick with Vi.
lol this assmad idiot
keep replying to yourself weirdo
AP Trynd
>It's a Rumble thread
>Best Lore
>Best voice actors and quotes
>Best skins
>Fun as hell to play
Yet Kindred isnt playable anywhere else than bronze or normals.
It hurts so so much.
buffs when?
im not bored of him, i just cant handle losing on him after doing well over and over
That's pretty harsh, you don't know anything about me other than the fact I'm new and that I play Vi. That was quite rude user, hope your morning gets better.
she should have never been made, fuck Kindred
full ad zed
Is bewitching tristana legacy?
I played against a Kindred for the first time yesterday
That was fucking horrifying get out of my jungle WHERE DID MY HEALTH GO AAAAHHHH
Member when there werent defensive stats built into literally every item?
Crit Susan
Don't be down buddy, it's a wonderful morning to incinerate some waifufags in solo queue.
>be rammus
>kindred walks into my jungle
>im maxing shell and have frog buff on me
>she kills herself
mother FUCKER
bard is a ton of fun
fuck people who cry about it
Hecarim is free right now, just give him a go
Nidalee is quite complex but amazing in the right hands
Nidalee has the highest mechanical ceiling of any champion in the game on top of being in the most impactful role.
If you're learning to ride a bike you don't start with a fucking motorcycle.
Without Health Rumble would be absolute dogshit
These are tears of happiness, user
Divination by ENTRAILS
im going through with it you piece of shit
Kill yourselves :^)
Sauce plz?
Some said that it was from ININ 2 but the page wasn't there help a fellow brother out will you guys,and yes i'm literally asking dicks for spoonfeeding
where have you already checked?
Shaco seems to rip up low ranks, is there anyone else who can really stomp on people who don't know how to deal with them?
nhentai and e hentai
It's on sadpanda isn't it? Fuck
shaco is just a diceroll champion. Cross your fingers and hope he's retarded.
are you asking for the translated version?
because the ching chong versions are on those sites
You rang
Hey! I found it back.
It's an edit and you know it.
Nope,and languages will do.
I'll take a look on it
but halloween skins return every year, usually on sale
Have fun user
Sorcery +2% damage (abilities)
Fresh Blood + 11-28 bonus damage every 6 seconds
BattleTrance/doubleedge 5% damage, Bounty hunter 1.5-7.5% damage
FerverofBattle 1-10 to 6-60 AD (no longer on-hit effect damage)
assassim 2% damage
Merciless 5% damage to weak targets.
Greenfather 3% current hp on first hit
There's so much DPS in the new masteries, I'm tempted to start going fervor wukong instead of thunderlords. EautoQtl is always a fun combo, but as it stands now EautoQ sets you up with 6-36 extra AD which will make your ult or duel much stronger.
courage of the colossus is a 4 second shield on a 30 second cooldown. it isn't strong on poppy. The part about Grasp of the Undying that makes(made) poppy strong was the balance between having unreasonable mitigation % while under 40% hp, a shield you can't eat through, and healing for 3(4 with visage) % hp every 4 seconds. This combo lets her stay at 20-30% hp almost indefinitely. You can see it happen several times in worlds, when a poppy just sits at 10-20% hp going back in for stuns then getting the shield refresh and grasping back up to 14%, hit down to 6%, back to 10, shield back up, over and over till a teamfight ends because they can't finish off the pop star.
How does this happen?
Because not everyone is young with athletic reflexes and motor controls
Or also because some people deserve their elo
Can't get past sadpanda,was it posted on the other sites?
If not then i'll just have to wait then
>have 14 chests
>never ever get key frags
cmon man...
what did you type in the search bar in nhentai and ehentai?
cmon man, you can do this
Oh my bad mang
Are you retarded or something? If you are searching for porn of League of Legends what the fuck do you fucking type to search it?
>It's an edit
I took the screenshot myself you double nigger
What is this face your making.
I bet my LOVE FOR POPPY that I am the most dedicated Poppy main here
This shit is also actually fucking cringworthy. Please don't turn Poppy into the next Lulu
Listen senpai. I gave you all the pieces you need to make this work, its not my fault that you don't want to make it work.
>just download the fucking sadpanda thing and make an account
I've reached a breaking point with my main duo partner, he's Gold 3 and I'm Plat 4 but I can't duo with him anymore. we used to be the same rank but I outpaced him by winning more in solos. The teammates we get while queuing together are visibly worse than when I'm playing alone and he doesn't have much of an impact anymore. Part of the point of duoing with him when I was the same rank was having somebody I could rely on to win their lane, now he never wins it.
How do you tell somebody you're gonna be going solo without being a dick? He's not a bad guy he's just not good enough anymore.
Dude that's sick
They just keep doing it. Lulu was always like that, then they moved on to Trist Who is a slut anyway and now they're going Poppy
We need someone to fuckin husbando the shit outta some male champs
Wanting to have sex with boxbox while he cosplays as Riven isn't gay right?
Giving him a reach around isn't gay either, yeah? I mean when he cosplays as Riven, he's a girl.
Pretty sure you'd have to be legit gay to not want to rail that.
Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.
Unlike the Lulufag, I discourage the Poppyposting. We can stop this before it begins.
My LOVE FOR POPPY however, is even bigger. I'm sure you dropped her as fast when she got nerfs on 6.9.
boxbox still plays with bunny ears? aww~
oh man self-reply, So I usually run 19 armorpen runes on wukong. it got buffed to 24 lethality. first item duskblade wukong is 44 lethality. come out of a bush with E triggering greenfather, autoattack triggering duskblade for 50 + (44x2) = 138 true damage and fresh blood, Q for the reset, W for the 1 second stealth to reactivate duskblade on your next autoattack for another 138 true damage. shit do you even need to ult? that damage is gonna be stupid. I gotta sleep but christ I can't wait to try this out when I wake up tomorrow.
do you think Riot would have made Lulu if they knew the amount of 100% pure autism it would unleash upon this world?
i bet you didn't care of her pre-rework
i knew a guy who was high diamond with her pre-rework...
>riven/vi unironically tries to dive with a shen janna and lux combo
Shields for dayuhs
I'll be honest, I haven't played her since the rework.
Top lane and Jungle poppy were so much fun when you could dive a cunt under a tower and walk out with no consequences
There are people who can ride motorcycles that can't ride bikes.
ok which one of you emailed rito support a ticket about whether or not Nami can get pregnant?
>tfw will never rape Vayne with your pale rod
I fucking did it boys. All the way up from bronze.
I'm still willing to see this.
You can still do the diving. But the jungle pathing is kinda hard. Ganks are really good tho.
Being fed as pre-rework Poppy was a magical experience, you could legitimately just pick somebody and they were dead. Her Q did stupid good damage with items. Shame she's a boring tank now.
play more udyr fampai, you seem good with him and he is defintiely one of the best ways to carry.
Keep up the good work
This is my thread for Rumble vladfag and I won't have you shilling your inferior champions here
>Shyvana in qt's stream with red smite and building botrk after jungle item
Why can't challengeshitters play my girl properly?
what should you build on her, frozen mallet?