Titan Break-down
Pretty terrible, useful against idiots who don't know how to dash, teams which try and stick three legions through a tiny little chokepoint. He can be useful on maps like Complex and Crash Site, but overall he can't trade. By the time he sticks his head out to shoot and get back in Tone has put two-three rounds into him, Ion has laser shot him twice, etc.
He can't effectively trade, all his shit is massively televised and projectile, making it easy to avoid. He only works against retards, as characterised by "Heat shield is good because of the damage." Only a retard is going to let Scorch heat shield him.
Should probably be the what everyone else is balanced around. She's well-rounded, has high play potential but also counter-play. Trip-wire is pretty terrible and could do some work.
Obscene. Huge damage potential, and perhaps the highest survivability. A weapon which excels against both pilots and titans, without Legion's reload. With no regenerating shields particle wall because more potent, as it allows you to poke for free. Unlike other titans, like Scorch or Ion, which have to spoke shooting to put up their shield, Tone has continue to fire because of it. This accompanied with the new map design means it's far more difficult to get around the wall.
With the the improved particle shield the cooldown is something like 4 seconds. It's absurd.
But the most absurd thing about Tone is her Salvo core. It's the low risk - huge reward. It effectively instantly kills a medium class titan titan, she can simply boost, particle wall - salvo and bob is your uncle. It's also one of the least televised cores in the game.
Compare this to Ion's core. Ion's core has a longer wind-up time, Ion is completely vulnerable while doing so, Ion has to maintain line-of sight. It's HUGELY televised, the actual "cast-time" is longer. It's completely ridiculous.