/bfg/ - Battlefield General

Do it für Him Edition

last thread Out for everyone now.

>Weapon and stats:
Symthic's already started their metacrafting autism

>Emblem stealing website for uncreative babbies: emblemsbf.com/

>BF1 Stats and Emblems

Q: Is BF4 dead?
A: Yes, BF1 now.

Q: Where are the BF1 Platoons?
A: The platoon feature (tm) isn't in yet for bf1, we'll post the info when its out.

Q: Where are the BF4 Platoons?
A: >still playing that shit LMAO

Q: Which VOIP Do I join?
A: Yuropoors will be more likely to find people on the Discord. Mumble seems to attract NA players. Use whichever you like.

DICE is looking to add quitting between matches, loadout editing in the main menus and other features that should have been in at launch, soon®

Mumble server (VOIP and Text)
port: 64738

Mumble download (Snapshot version is more stable and has more features)



Other urls found in this thread:


custom servers WHEN DICE WHEN

That all Supports running the Bar with Doughboy skin are brotier as fuck.

Thank them for the ammo that they feed you and the kills that save you from that bayonet charge.

I'm hoping that you're only pretending to be retarded

>save up for the most expensive battlepack
>takes like a week
>only need one more puzzle piece for the sawtooth knife too, so I expect the last puzzle piece
>don't get it

fuck you dice

>fao fortress is after amiens in every server map rotation
>half the time when i try to play a match in amiens i get put into sand nigger sniper land

So where are the Assault SMG good at?

>long range = get snoped, dmg drops, about 1 shot in 10 hits
>medium range = get fucked on by medic weapons/lmgs/snipers, dmg drops, about 4 in 10 shot hits
>short range = get blasted away by shotguns

>Ungrateful Millennial Detected

It's fine , no need to thank me. This is the burden I bear every single time i pick up my bar.

Guys, the one thing that's bothering me is marking people. In ww1 you could actually mark people because there were no coms. If I was out of shouting distance then my buddies are fucked. Please tell me I'm missing something.

you kidding nigga the Automatic trench is the most broken shit in the game

>not enjoying a nice game of King of the Fort

You people are the most anti-fun humans alive

>team takes fort
>enemy team takes every other base
>lets just sit in the fort and snipe xD


>the only rank 10 weapons I care about are the hellriegel and no3 revolver
>Assualt seems to be leveling incredibly slowly compared to my other classes

any reason assualt would level more slowly? I ptfo and focus on vehicles in big game types and abuse the explosives and Model 10 on small game types and I do well at both so I'm slightly bewildered and the seemingly fractional gains comparitively

just keep playing.

once you get it you become god status and shit on the rest of the plebs

Do I need something from the previous instalments of the battlefield games to be able to use premium emblems or is it some premium/deluxe thing. I only have battlefield 1 standard edition.

When will they fix the medal tracking?

I only like supports who run around with real mg's
Not that rifle with a pathetic excuse for a mag

when will they fix anything?

Don't get this guy started, he refuses to use an actually decent primary


>Dice/EA produced WW1 FPS
>Expecting any sort of realism in the core gameplay

Maybe the hardcore custom games will be ultra realistic, but think about their target audience, what they have become used to /expect from battlefield, and how they would react if if certian main stays of the battlefield formula changed.

Besides, spotting is the only non vocal enemy position call out in the game, as well as a good way to earn free points. People would be pissed if it wasnt in core

I mean I'm definitley going to, but its just really strange that my med is 9, scout is 8, support is 8, but my assualt is only 5 or 6 when I play signficantly less scout and support

I was thinking there might be a technical desparity, but if that's not the case then oh well


The Doughboy looks dum as fuck, too flashy. I had it, but I scrapped it for another battlepack.

Oh no, don't get me wrong. I love picking scout and just tagging up all the enemies so my team can see where they're at. Plus free points. I'm just wondering how that worked in ww1. If you're a sniper 100s of meters away, you're no good to your team except for the few shots you take.

>monte grappa
>that retard in the tank who starts climbing the mountain



>all these 3rd reich swastika emblems

people are so fucking stupid it hurts. Atleast use the correct emblem for the era

Snipers in WW1 were just tasked with watching the enemy trench line and take potshots as soon as something moved or showed. Their job was to make sure that the enemy never felt safe.

People just use Swastikas to cause a little saltyness. All the shitty clan emblems or whatever people use are way worse.

Just learned that you need to be rank 10 as a pilot/tanker to unlock vehicle skins

Selbstlader is fuckin nuts gun. easily can get 3-5 kills per life compared to rest medic guns.

all of medic guns are hidden op

Cei is pretty bad imo and Autoloading 8 has a too small mag.

Well, portable radios and radio technology in general was still going through its growing pains in WW1. They had pretty limited range and werent exactly easy to fix in the field if damaged so runners, pigeons, and I think even small breed dogs like terriers that were used as pest control were substituted if need be. They were using a grid system for artillery as well as designating POI like snipers so it probably wasn't super fast but effective none the less.

and for some reason I feel like I remember ground wires being laid by troops for morse code as well

Rigotti Rigotti gimme your spigotti fires fast and has little recoil
It is not completely useless

what can you expect from a gun that kills in 3 shots and has 26 round magazine

>try the Lewis gun again after using the Benet-Mercie for a long time
>oh sweet I'll use the aa sight on this too
>now have a UFO floating in front of me
Jesus. What other sights are insane like that one?
Also which are your favorite to use

I don't know if I want to give the general population that much credit user

Hell there have been several people who I have seen post here who have no fucking clue about history

>then he rolls all the way down on purpose
that's me

>get tank
>first thing I do is climb the hill
sorry I killed you and your friends in your tank free safespace


for what porpoise

Favourite sights? I might be a blind shitter but I can barely see the dot for the optical

>not hipfiring

>and for some reason I feel like I remember ground wires being laid by troops for morse code as well

There's a movie or tv show where a guy has to lay a telegraph wire, and the guy who was laying it before him got sniped, so it's practically a suicide mission. I can't remember where I remember it from, and now it's going to bug the everloving shit out of me.

So that's why I could suddenly switch around how my tank looks.


>thank supports for their ammo

Ya, if they would ever throw any.


>Most people don't realize how good infantry rifles are yet


What kind of website is this? Is it official? (like in every player listed)





Explain how to git gud with them


Bunkers make it broken as fuck

I feel like the only person who likes the MP18 Experimental because burst fire puts most people off. It gives you some usability at a decent range as only the third shot has any recoil/spread. As long as you're good at hitting shit and pause for a bit between bursts I've outshot medics with the damn thing pretty constantly. I'm so glad they got rid of that stupid 'jamming' mechanic that made burst weapons so hard to use in BF4.

The trade off being you get stupid high spread if you fire it at it's maximum fire rate but the MP18 sucks in CQB anyway.

I find the Automatico a one trick pony that will get you one or two quick CQB kills before you get killed having to reload all the damn time. The MP18/Hellreigal is a bit more versatile in more situations. I swear people are only using the Automatico because they just can't let go of the AEK from BF4.

The Model 10-A Hunter is also something you should be using because it's absolutely broken. Probably has a better one shot kill range than the pump actions with full choke in BF4 had.

headshots, sweetspotsgewehr 95 need not apply, cyclic rate with good follow up shotseverything besides gewehr 95 and maybe the russian infantry need not apply

They really aren't hard to use at all. Just don't try to play like you're using something other than a bolt action and you can be very succesful

To block out his emblem lol
It goes right over it

hmm. that spoiler fucked up

>stealing my screenshot

You fucking nigger

When game came out I was playing solid, no complaints. But few days ago something happen and now I'm having trouble hitting people. Like someone changes my aim sensitivity or something, it's still all the same, but I just shoot around target before I had absolutely no problem hitting for what I was aiming for.

the only good one imo

>tank free safespace
>rocky mountain top with million assaults and million places to avoid your line of sight
excuse me

>not using the memetini memery

I want to git gud with bolt-action rifles, but I'm such a shitter at it. Feels bad because the ability to run around plinking people like a motherfucker with a semi-auto/bolt-action rifle was actually my main reason for getting BF1.

>there's no giant storm like Paracel
>no loud earth shattering thunder
>no dark and windy night storm whipping around the fires and explosions

Same here, man.

>get off four shots before the enemy even notices I'm shooting
>only one of them hits, then I die

>your entire squad is always dead when you die

Takes practice. I was reluctant to use semi auto rifles at first but then i just imagined I was using the an-94 from bf3. Been working ever since.


>being le scopeless scout fucking up the fort on fao fortress
>secure fort
>all thats left is faraway snipers gunning me down

only scrubs let ASSaults fuck them over

nice powerfantasy

Field guns are the answer.

>see people mentioning hip firing all the time
>realize they're not using LMGs


t. scout who can't snipe though my shield across the map into the bunker

they can lock the door so at least one teammate will have to become a useful class

two types of weapon fails
>can't move
alt tab out of the game and back in
>can't shoot
change to another weapon and back


so, what's the best infantry rifle?

What did D.VA mean by this?

some guy actually said this
>"it's not the weapon that makes it OP it's the player"
When I said that even a noob could easily go on a 5 killstreak with the 10A hunter he just said
"no he wouldn't believe me :)"

Am I being baited by this hungarian cunt or what? He has his own youtube channel with like 3000 subscribers so the fact that he has a following is kind of concerning.

I regret buying BF1. Running speed was increased, and people just run and gun. Compared to BF4 game feels shallow. I don't really like the maps even, they feel off somehow.

Issue is that I've still played it for 10 hours now so I cannot get a refund.

you can refund within the first 24 hours of launching it for the first time.

Maybe make up your mind faster next time faggot

Gewehr 98 with a bayonet. Seriously I don't think i've ever enjoyed anything as much as the bayonet in this game

Trench fighter has great potential and the flares are really useful. Suffering learning to dogfight again. Do people just max throttle all the time? Fighters being so maneuverable and smaller targets I shoot down attack planes way quicker with the shitty guns.

I get the feeling that the various country's planes have slight differences in performance again.

I don't find it fun

well thats kind of a tricky question. Lee Enfield, russian, and Gewehr95 would be my suggestions to try out

>enfield has 10 round internal mag and closest sweet spot. little slower on cyclic rate
>russian has a good sweetspot for medium range engagements and has a good cyclic rate
>gewehr has no sweetspot, but has crazy fast follow ups for a bolt action

The martini is always an option for the 1 shot factor, but I personally don't care to use it. Just play around and find one that you enjoy and you'll eventually git gud with it

SMLE. Gewehr 95 if you prefer a smaller clip, less damage, no sweet spot, but a second faster ROF.

the game is miles better than lock-on field: medic warfare

enemy at the gates.

>tfw you bought into the russian lever action trench meme
it is a shit gun

Best rank2/3 Assault weapon?

The memetini without a crosshair or iron sights is truly the patrician's choice

Do you need to get to a certain rank to get to the class customization screen? I can't find it anywhere. I'm level 4 btw.

the BF1 dogfights have zero depth. pitch up to spacebar and hold it down. many people have standard controls and can't keep up with spazzing their mouse. fly a bit downwards to gain more speed and thus turn better.

the biggest fucking problem is that enemy fighter planes very frequently have some weird rubberbanding despite good pings on both sides. it's a game issue

death to italy! tod dem katzlmacher!

I don't miss the flir scopes either

Yeah they definitely laid ground wires. They had to do it like every damn day too, because artillery barrages would chop the wires up.

If anybody wants to learn a bit more about how completely fucked WWI was, read "They Called it Passchendaele" by Lyn MacDonald, it'll make you glad BF1 isn't more realistic.

Fuck you retard. You are the reason why community sucks, you pretend to be a great military hero you fucking 17 year old cunt. If I see you in real life I will cut your face.