Why is the Eurozone economy stagnating?
Why is the Eurozone economy stagnating?
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Because their biggest market just voted to leave the EU, and their second-biggest market is threatening to elect a protectionist xenophobe as president.
Continental europe is heading for another war. Get your money out.
The biggest market is Germany.
Yeah, but economic unrest preceded the political unrest. The growth of Italy was almost zero, France has also been stagnating for years. Not just after Brexit and Front National.
Nice try Juncker. EU growth is slowing because EU policy is shit. It turns out having ridiculous regulation, enploying socialist policies, bringing an influx of leeching migrants, and trying to unite different countries with different spending cultures and different levels of healthy economies under one unified monetary policy is autistic. Especially when many of those countries are recovering from economic crises of 2010-11, which was prolonged due to EU policy.
I agree protectionism is bad, but it by no means has gotten any worse since brexit. Hopefully brexit will weaken the EU that those faggots will be forced to accept a real free trade deal with Britain.
since when did Germany leave the EU ?
also Le Pen will not win the 2017 presidential election
>EU employing socialist policies
stoped reading there
Don't forget that the EU has an ageing population, isn't having enough kids so has to draft in the retarded ranks of second and third world countries, has done an absolutely astounding job of not having any tech or IT companies, and of course has the single currency which is useless for managing asymmetric economic shocks - so different countries cannot exact their own monetary policy to manage their unique economies.
The whole thing is a lulzfest and voting Brexit was a fucking rad idea.
Morrissey agrees as well. And this song of his has never been more relevant on reflection of the liberal media's retarded response to Brexit:
they literally produce nothing. it's just a huge tourist playground for rich chinese people
First of all to the retards ITT:
EU =/= Eurozone
To answer your question OP, it's because the euro currency is the most retarded economic endeavour in the history of mankind. Pic very related.
>single currency which is useless for managing
Well, the entire idea was 'rope the UK in and make them pay for everything', but that failed out despite the Labour government at the time.
So, it failed but didn't drag the UK down with it. And now the UK is growing again, and the EU is stagnating and likely dropping in real terms.
Keynesian economics at work
Impossible, stagnation can't happen in a Keynesian ran economy
funny you say that, considering the Eurozone is pretty much the gold standard on steroids. Also european bureaucrats literally worship Von Hayek, as they candidly admit themselves
>also Le Pen will not win the 2017 presidential election
Says increasingly nervous Socialist for nth time this decade
The increased burden caused by refugees is a big part. The increase in the average workforce also contributes.
I'm still wondering why countries like Italy agreed to it.
Keynesian economics are prohibited in the EU via Maastricht criteria.
Socialism runs producers off, every time.
Cultural thing of 'do whatever germany says or they invade'.
>implying the EU is Socialist as a whole
Come on, their army is pathetic today. Possibly weaker than the Greek one.
>Come on, their army is pathetic today. Possibly weaker than the Greek one.
And yet, they teched up hard for WW2.
>Possibly weaker than the Greek one.
ignoring the fact that 99% of the greek, and approximately a third of the global arsenal is made in germoney
if need be they will go into rapemode