Challenge Mode Vosik is live, you must activate all the safety rooms using SIVA charges
Challenge Mode Vosik is live, you must activate all the safety rooms using SIVA charges
1st for year 3 lads
This general is actually going to die next week after Aksis' challenge mode gimmick is revealed.
And I mean we already know it has something to do with the super plates so...yeah.
Why the fuck do people go to reddit?
>complain about people in trials cheating
>post their tags so people know who's a cheater
>mods get completely fucking assblasted and go full censorship on anyone who even posts about cheating anymore
>instaban if you post about losing to cheaters, then you get muted from the mods' mailing list if you reply asking to be unbanned (this is because someone hurt their feelings)
What an incredible place. Makes me glad I have here honestly where I can call a fag a fag without being banned 20 times.
>havent even done hard mode yet
what the fuck am i supposed to do if theres no additional content ever. fotl was a fucking cashgrab
>implying alpha team won't get world's first again and we won't have a massive influx of redditors
>mfw I don't know what the super plates are because no one ever bothers with them
wait for IB, crimson doubles, and SRL
those last two will be FoTL tier cashgrabs by the way, gotta recoup losses from vanilla sales somehow
alpha team is gone and we have nu-alpha trap niggers in it
stop it with this fucking meme
I want chink moot to go.
>Actually contribute to a subreddit
>Get banned
>When I message the mods asking why they link the rules page and nothing else
>Tell them I know the rules and ask them which one I broke and which post I made that broke it
>"You know which one"
It seriously baffled me how a community of people that claim to be accepting and forward-thinking could have such power-drunk moderators.
t. Colt
3rd for Gordon Brown will never be your Prime Minister again.
y liff
>tfw cant cute it up in crimson doubles with jiro yet
Destiny has never lost money for Bungie.
16th for noobish is dead with dawggy
It's worse than Mussolini's secret police, seriously.
Also, everyone sucks their cocks, because if you don't, you'll also be banned and all the other drones will praise them for silencing you. Amazing stuff, it's so Kafkaesque it's insane.
>being an android cuck
typical redditor
3/6 for WoTM HM
PS4 or XB1?
I'll go. Do you know what happened to noobish? He hasn't posted or been on since monday.
I'm up for it
Saw him raiding with lfg today
Already full i suppose?
What are the ideal scout rifle perks?
Ok 6/6
Yeah sorry Ironic
We need to pick a man up for Aksis Pt 1&2 after a soldier was lost to real world stuff.
WotM HM at Aksis 5/6
Hello darkness my old friend.
Boners up for HM WotM?
>mfw I'm not Anthony Burch
>a soldier was lost to real world stuff.
I'll join
1/6 fresh HM
I wave death zamboni if you want to start there
I have that too on my titan
Would you like to start there?
depends on which gets people first but yes
Alright, then.
1/6 for death zamboni HM
>still raiding
>still playing destiny
You said you'd join if I got a group together, so I didn't count you. I realize now that was stupid, but it made sense a the time.
I'd buy Veeky Forums for 20k USD if he was to sell it
>11th gauntlet engram
this it boyos
I feel it in my bones
/pol/ is never comingback cuckstang
>/dg/er owns Veeky Forums
enjoy your sunbreakers
>implying cuckstang even has $20k
Got a little more than actually but I can only afford to lose 20k
Anyone raiding?
I'm trying to
4/6 for hm fresh run. Gonna do the cm as well.
I'm up for a run, with or without CM.
I want to raid. RAID!
I'll join
How rare is imago loop? I just keep getting the damn titan mark.
I'll join
3/6 then?
I've got nothing better to do. I might aswell join.
Sure. I'm just grinding strikes right now.
its not too rare. getting one worth using is whats rare
I'm down for it. Is 387 light high enough, or will I just be a bother at that point?
What's a good PvE legendary heavy for strikes?
There are't any, use an Exotic.
Shit. I just wanted to use Outbreak.
what exotic?
Outbreak is shit.
Use any of the Raid weapons, godroll Imago, Hung Jury, or literally anything that isn't Outbreak.
>Blacklist FurdoxR8
Just decrypted it now
I've been using Chaos Dogma, I just wanted to change it up a bit.
That's my boy. My praying always works. Enjoy them my homie.
The best is the best.
You can use literally fucking anything to kill adds though. Guns and rolls only matter for PVP and don't let anyone tell you otherwise because they'rw a faggot and you'll catch the gay from them.
>Airborne + Specialist + Telesto
Whoo, Lad.
RIP fagdox
Y'all still got room?
It's "wew" you tool.
fucking furnigger, serves him right
Lily take your hormone pills.
Yes! 5/6 with you.
I can participate in the fun times if you got room
>As a starting point, we used the animation rig and skeleton from the Hive Knight. This allowed Matt Kelly to use the existing Knight animation set. To give the Iron Lords their own unique stance, we layered on top of it a hunched pose.
Yep bungie the copypasta gods
Also pretty surprised their weapon is actually MG, that's some really slow and shitty MG
>accidentally put to much pressure on my headset's earcup extender thing
>wires are exposed
>mic doesn't work anymore but the audio is fine
new phone, who dis?
Good job bungo
Forgot name
sex with ________!
fill in the blank
Nevermind, I swapped out the 3.5 millimetre jack and now it works, but it sounds like I'm underwater like vhermin.
Not Destiny related. What's your favorite Grimoire Card?
Putting your penis inside someone is beyond stupid.