Fighting Games General /fgg/
sfv is shit
>inb4 sniffers sperg out
>Kbread on fucking suicide watch
Jesus he is getting fucking murdered
what the fuck does this have to do with fighting games?
SFV is alright
Combofiend is busy making videos explaining all the changes for SSFV right now
Get educated goober
>>>>>>>>>still no six stars
called it
nice op picture :)
one day
>the city of EG
>the city of K-bread
Play Guilty Gear.
We don't have A.B.A back yet. but still.
Not surprising that the biggest shitposter is an autismal meleebabby
>what the fuck does this have to do with fighting games?
t. waifueshitter
no seriously what's the name of this fighting game i want to play it on fightcade
Tekken 7 should hurry the fuck up with it's console release desu.
/fgg/ SFV Ranking Battle
We're doing a Saturday tournament this week because I have work Friday night.
>Currrent Standings - Top 8
1. tramps
2. SeaPerson
3. prl
4. ZetaZeta
5. bael
6. Pickles
7. Sharkboot / DE3
Top 8 at the end of season will participate in the '/fgg/ Cup' to determine the ultimate winner. In the event of a tie for 8th place a short deciding match will be held.
Here's a discord link specifically for this tournament series. I'll try to coordinate matches in here as well as stream chat.
>Previous Tournament vods
Round 2 -
Round 3 -
Nice op
Maisperg finally killed himself
where's vsav bruh
>k-brad free to the dominican republic
>literlly has a loli in a dress, jungle girls, and Ibuki
Reminder that jealousy of sfv killed this general
60FPS youtube channels where?
>grind points in shit regions
>still free when it matters the most
I hate the change Capcom did with the CPT and points. The old way was better because good players would usually get in.
I wonder if Capcom could make a better game if they didn't have to worry about actually 3D modeling humans.
Oh who am I kidding, they'd just ruin another franchise.
>take 4 day break from fighting games
>get bodied by players i beat free a week ago
never doing that shit again
I think you mean SIX STARS!!!!!!
he lost to br?
will he win the capcuck cup?
>take a few days break from fighting games
>come back better than before
yeeaaaaa buddy
He lost to DR Ray and was the free as fuck 3-1 in WF and 3-0 in GF
Grand finals will be a team kill between /fgg/|Knuckledu and /fgg/|Phenom
lmmmmmaooooooooo isn't that a vega player? he has matchup knowledge because of flash
/fgg/ have quite a few reps at Capcup this year
>/fgg/ Knuckledu
>/fgg/ Phenom
>/fgg/ Luffy
>/fgg/ Tokido
hopefully we do well
Daigo's gonna throwloop him back, just you wait.
>I hate the change Capcom did with the CPT
You mean throwing away the beloved game still with lots of open potential in favour of an early access scam esports thing?
>play fighting games once every weekend
>still shit easily on most hardcore trainingboar fags at locals, and online is usually a joke
I love fighting games
>beloved game
>angry crying wojak.jpg
We need One punch man in SFV desu that will stop people from jumping
>tfw trying to get good without the fighting game gene
its hard man
How did jobber literally whos like XSK samurai get into capcom cup?
Eh 2nd/3rd tier players have been sneaking in since the first CC.
B ynot dedicating all their skill points to streamboaring like you waste of the godly spark.
the other jobbers like fchamp and mister crimson I'm at least aware of
I never heard of xsk samurai until I saw tokido put him on the bracket
is there a list of the de facto main BB character discords or are people still on that secret chat tech?
His biggest claim to fame is getting rekt by koji kog at evo 2014.
Why do people like Mahvel
Its ugly as fuck
You cant see what the fuck is going on
>muh grafix
Probably the most fundamental footsie based fighting game
you can see dr doom meme on people
Git glasses, then git gud
Niggers love throwing dice and generally gamble all their little earnings away. No one likes marvel gameplay and for some reason no one bothered to kick the marvel niggers out of the the FGC yet so they continue to gamble like crazed apes over a banana.
its like an anime game, but with actual zoning and a cast thats not embarassing.
my man
so it's skullgirls?
lewd husbando
Other way around.
please come to combobreaker
>fighting game gene
Not really, i just wasted thousands of hours in fighting games during my teenage days. Nowadays, i can perform decently in most fg without putting much effort.
>mvc4 is released
>everyone drops gg and comes back to marvel
based capcom saving fighting games once again
who do you hope makes it in the mvc4 roster?
Only if you drop sfv.
Fuck off, unemployed african american.
are you white?
lol more like sfv
I guess all the MCU blokes will show up and be actually useful? My Avengers team in MvC3 sucked balls.
>Skullgirls major
Thor doesn't exactly perform the best at the box office, so there likely won't be too much incentive to make him better. I hope it happens though.
>the icon for the BBCF color sets and descriptions are mismatched on PSN
Good work Aksys
>Mai is $10.99 in Canada
>system voices are $13.49 each or $39.99
Damn this country sucks
The same reason people like smash.
>Recognizable characters
>Easy to play
>Busted as fuck
>Was designed with literally no thought to competitive play
>>Was designed with literally no thought to competitive play
Then why does smash have button config and for glory and all the other stuff?
I didn't play 3, but I think this character with updated gameplay would be dope as fuck in SFV
Ruby Heart, Amingo and Blackheart return
Capcom I'd like Treble & Bass, Rashid, Asura and Gene.
Marvel I'd like to see Green Goblin, Squirrel Girl, Daredevil and Groot.
>kbrad lost to a no name dominican republic vega
how the fuck can anyone defend sf5 at this point? daigo lost to phenom. kbrad lost to a shit skin vega from an american colony. and du of all people won a capcom cup premiere tournament.
can we please go back to sf4 now.
K-Brad is a fucking fraud so him loses means nothing
>Implying KBrad is good
>Implying Du is bad
du's not bad but this was a tournament with daigo, nuki, and bonchan.
du shouldn't have won.
Nuckledu was the best USFIV player, it's no surprise he's the best SFV player.
Daigo's too busy writing books, Nuki is old and Bonchan doesn't have Sagat to lean on. Hop off nip dick soon, please
People lose to worse players/teams all the time in other esports, don't tell me these people didn't deserve to lose when they did, just because a player is considered better than the other doesn't mean they beat them 10 times out of 10. worst teams and players constantly pick up wins from better teams.
big lenny is here
Once Decapre is in SFV Kbrad will be unstoppable.
By the power of the waifu and the pose he shall reign supreme.
If you look at other esports a streak of dominance is extreamly rare i.e infiltration, and worse teams constantly upset better teams. SFVs guessing elements is clouding your judgement on how competitive it actually is, those players played worse when they lost.
DR ray had a strong Fei in 4 and is one of the top players in his region (DR has had a small but strong fg scene for ages), Phenom avenged his lost vs Daigo, and Du put on the strongest performance in sfv yet at CC. How this is reflective of 5's problems is beyond me.
Why doesn't zangief get meter in sfv when he headbutts a fireball successfully? It seems like you'd get some kind of reward for it
did expect good balancing from such a rushed out game and a shit developer?