>tfw ontario might be implementing a basic income of 22k a year for every adult
>tfw I work full time and only make 18k a year
>tfw I'll finally be able to eat proper food
Any other ontariofags excited about this possible basic income change?
>tfw ontario might be implementing a basic income of 22k a year for every adult
>tfw I work full time and only make 18k a year
>tfw I'll finally be able to eat proper food
Any other ontariofags excited about this possible basic income change?
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when is this supposed to go through. cause man if i just had 22k a year and still stayed at home that would be awesome
I think in the spring of 2017
damn, that would be amazing, and would really help a lot of people
What's to stop every poorfag, layabout, and NEET in Canada from scrounging together enough money for a bus ticket to Ontario and getting in on this gibsmedat? Not to mention the fucking foreigners who are already going there and getting on welfare.
You'll have to be a Canadian citizen
So, what will happen to jobs that pay under $22k a year?
It was inevitable. At least they're preparing for this before it's too late.
Their wages will go up. Businesses will have to pay people a decent wage, or else they can go fuck themselves.
>tfw only 3 yachts instead of 4 because of libruls :(
I'm Canadian, can I quit my job and move to Ontario for free money?
Same here, work 35hrs/week make under 20k/year
Considering doing this. No point working and getting less than what people get off free basic income. Prob only applies to immigrants tho
Yeah. Have fun with only rent and basic living.
I don't think this will ever happen, or if it does happen it will fail miserably, and the Ontario Liberals know this, they are just afraid they are going to lose the next election so they want to get the poor out to vote. And that actually could work. People who don't pay income tax should not be allowed to vote.
Yeah, all those economists are wrong about this. You know better.
Hope it goes through, never made 22/yr in my life working fulltime
there was a test run way back and it went something like for every dollar earned the income went down by 50c or something, so basically working plus the basic income would be your best option.
Most businesses majorly rip employees off while a few people get rich, they'll have to pay a decent wage or nobody will work for them anymore
I own property in a province that doesn't have any serious control. If this bullshit happens here I will be raising my tenants' rent accordingly.
Yeah, and then the other property managers will undercut you, so you will lose quite a few tenants. Good luck with that.
I'm so glad I don't pay any taxes
Fuck funding this shit
>Any other ontariofags excited about this possible basic income change?
Either this will never happen or it will be an epic catastrophe.
If we do this, it's g fucking g.
Clearly you know nothing about landlords, everyone else is going to be doing the same thing.
Hahaha no
>What is competition, Alex?
How do I become a Canadian citizen. Currently living in USA
Convert to Islam and say you hate Canada
I dunno, the agenda is to rack up such an inescapable and enormous debt at all levels of government to coincide with the next global financial collapse justifying martial law and the police state, ushering in a new age technocratic dark age. It's been more or less the plan since 1984 or whatever.
These programs will only benefit the people who will outrage the regular peasantry the most, for example illiterate immigrants, single mothers and also a chance to overhaul the welfare system into some Orwellian wet dream of metadata and spying or something. If you are some swinging dick working full time at minimum wage forget it, they already got you by the balls and will never let go now.
In case you can't tell, I am a bit of a pessimist.
This is a joke lmfao.
If this actually goes through... in additional to people under $50k getting free University.
We're fucking done.
Ontario is the most indebt subnational IN THE WORLD.
How do you live on 18k $CAD a year ?
is life cheaper in ON than in QC ?
I can't imagine living on that in MTL as a full time worker
I live with my parents with very minimal spending
then you're most likely a student and you're part of the privileged ones out there that can spend their minimum wage income on leasure and non life-essential spending
classic wynne! :^)
I'd suggest shorting the CAD immediately, this cannot go well
It's tough my rent is 975 and I make 360 a week on average, I'll never be able to own a car or anything fancy like that or buy clothes that aren't from second hand stores
>It's tough my rent is 975 and I make 360 a week on average, I'll never be able to own a car or anything fancy like that or buy clothes that aren't from second hand stores
>These are the people I discuss business and finance with
where do you live in ontario that rent is 975?
in london you can get single appartments for 600, and theres family houses(5bdrm) that would end up being around 300 ea.
This is my first time posting on this board because it was finance related and figured you guys would be better to discuss it with
Belleville Ontario and I rent a 1 bdrm apartment
That doesn't actually mean anything user, we have some of the lowest tax rates in the country despite having the most services provided to the most amount of people.
You're just afraid because the media tells you debt bad and you don't know any better.
>Belleville Ontario
damn and its 975?
Are social programs are literally crumbling.
Healthcare system is a complete mess. University admission averages are like 90%+ for every Uni and major worth a shit (if it becomes free for poorfags it'll only grow higher) due to all the mark inflation
Yeah man cheapest I could find that had utilities included, the rest were 875 without utilities but heat and hydro costs a lot more than 100 a month in winter
>Social programs are literally crumbling
>mark inflation
Go back to watching Rebel media vids on youtube, you stupid fuck.
Any perceived issue with social programs or the healthcare system has been directly caused by the lack of funding for such programs due to tax cuts.
And I think you need to be reminded, even if you get a free ride at university, you still have to pay living expenses. Higher level education will become cheaper for everyone once we get a single payer for everything that can negotiate, instead of enduring increases every year because fuck you.
U wot m8
LOL go back to voting for the ndp and "muh free things"
fucking loser needs the government to do everything for him
The more people pay for something, the cheaper that something becomes.
So if everyone gets 22k a year everything will be way cheaper since we will actually be able to afford to buy things
>due to all the mark inflation
Or maybe Flynn effect is continuing but our curriculum is still designed for rtards
That's not what he was referring to at all, but I will bite on this.
If lower class people got 22k a year it would most likely all get spent on living expenses and the additional spending would boost the economy.
If everyone suddenly gets an additional $22k, won't prices just quickly rise until your purchasing power is back to normal?
No that literally defeats the whole purpose
It's not an additional 22k either, it's people who work full time and barely make 18k like me and they'll give me enough so my total income equals 22k a year
>it's people who work full time and barely make 18k like me and they'll give me enough so my total income equals 22k a year
So why would you continue to work if you're getting money for free?
What exactly is stopping people from collecting this free money and working for cash/committing crimes and not paying taxes which leads to this idiotic idea collapsing because it has no sustainability?
Imagine willingly doing nothing productive in your life for 30+ years
That would drive the average person crazy
>Imagine willingly doing nothing productive in your life for 30+ years
Working isn't the only productive thing you can do, though.
You can focus on your hobbies
>That would drive the average person crazy
Yeah totally no one abuses welfare lol
I totally bet the NEETs on Veeky Forums wouldn't be all over this.
Btw what's stopping 6 gorillion immigrants that come every year to getting this free basic income without contributing a time to the system?
Logistically this is the stupidest idea ever. I can't even begin to imagine how this would work.
So only Ontario gets this?
What if people move here from other provinces?
What if rent is tremendously increased to compensate for people having a guaranteed almost $2k a month in their pocket extra?
>You can focus on your hobbies
Good, people will focus on their hobbies and make money by becoming elite compared to the international competition
>Btw what's stopping 6 gorillion immigrants that come every year to getting this free basic income without contributing a time to the system?
The fact that you need to have a job or family in order to immigrate successfully
Ontario already has 40% of the population in Canada, do you think the other provinces will depopulate and move here? Because it would take another 5-10 million useless people (the entire population of Alberta) for something bad to happen.
>What if rent is tremendously increased to compensate for people having a guaranteed almost $2k a month in their pocket extra?
Then more people will buy property and rent it out, making rent cheaper because of additional supply
>The fact that you need to have a job or family in order to immigrate successfully
explain the millions of pajeets roaming the streets of the GTA. Brampton is practically New Delhi
this is a joke, only retarded NEETs who make threads here about "I have depression/anxiety how can i get free welfare so i can buy more anime figurines and steam games plz" are happy about this.
If you live in the GTA you would realize the pajeets all have very high paying jobs and their kids become red pilled after one generation.
Canadian public schools do an excellent job at whitewashing
Some people like the Somalis literally just hop on welfare and don't get off
There really aren't that many Somalis in Canada, most are Elite Pajeets or from the islands with a Western work ethic
So I guess you wont government to impose price control as well?
The price of things won't change because that would make the 22k basic living income totally pointless
Pajeets and Chinese are skilled, hardworking, and employable, but the nogs from Africa are coming here as refugees, no such requirement exists for them.
Niggers literally have no determination to work at all. I've worked with a lot of them and all they do is complain about the wage we make and than quit within a week and go back on welfare
You must be trolling. You got me.
OK retard what would the point be to implement a basic income if the price of things goes up?
That's the thing, the basic income IS pointless. Queen Dyke knows that no self-respecting Ontario taxpayer is going to vote Liberal in the next election, so she's throwing this out there to pick up support from the poorfags who dont' understand economics and don't normally vote in elections.
The whole point is so people have more money to live out of poverty you mong. Raising the price of things would make the basic income pointless
Piss off.
>Raising the price of things would make the basic income pointless
No shit idiot.
IT IS Pointless. Do you honestly believe you can just start giving out free money, no questions asked and things won't change whatsoever? You're a moron.
Yeah obviously you moron
what a surprise that retards who think basic income is a good idea are also completely delusional and uneducated.
You're clearly retarded and have no clue why they're making a basic income, learn to Google kiddo
>works fulltime and only makes $18k/yr
LOL. How is that even possible? I'm pretty sure that's below minimum wage.
Try getting a real job retard
they should give coupons or stamps. this way if you want some bread, you use your bread coupon for the week. too bad if you have to get to the lime, and tough luck if it runs out before you get your ration.
i heard it works marvels in cuba.
It is a "real job" except the pay in this country is so low people work full time and are still in poverty
No you're just dumb and useless
What's your job?
What responsibilities does your job have? Shaking salt on the fries and operating the deepfryer?
can i move to ontario to get free money?
Nah I actually have to do labor all day which you probably wouldn't last an hour doing because your arms and shoulders would give out
Good thing I actually got an education and I'm capable of being more than a machine.
How does it feel that you're so stupid and worthless all you can do is physical labour which requires no intellect and something that immigrants do for dirt cheap when they just come to the country?
How does it feel that you're so dumb that you're not capable of doing anything more?
How does it feel being so weak and useless that you can't even lift anything
>make 23.5k a year from my "fun money" job
>will probably end up lowering my pay, claiming "THE GUBBERMINT LET US"
Fuck it. a fun money job isn't worth it.
Drug dealer confirmed
But I can
I just don't need to do break my back and joints doing it all the time as a job.
You can't brah, youd last 3 days and be all wahhhh wahhhh my muscles ache wahhhh give me an easier job pleeaaseee
I don't get paid minimum wage and I don't need to work physically
Whereas you're forced to because you're incapable of doing anything else.
Must suck to not even be able to do a minimum wage job eh brah, and you wonder why I'm pissed because of 18k a year busting my arms and shoulders literally
So he would do literally what you are doing?
you might be right breh
You know canada is gonna be an economic powerhouse once we borrow and give away free money then legalize marijuana
>freeweed side economics
You know it buddy
thanks trudeau for the solid business plan, always going to work no more oil sands for me
It's wonderful that the provincial government is getting the ball moving on this just as Ottawa is planning to bring in half a million niggers and shitskins a year, most of whom will likely end up in the GTA.
>It's wonderful that the provincial government is getting the ball moving on this just as Ottawa is planning to bring in half a million niggers and shitskins a year, most of whom will likely end up in the GTA.
Gg Canada
Short CAD
it will be ok because the CAD was never ok to begin with
I expect .50 by 2018 Q2
What's wrong with trying to make money for yourself as much as legally possible?