ITT: We brainstorm wacky ideas to raise enough money to save Veeky Forums.
Veeky Forums shutting down
Do what Hiro's currently doing with the ads but force ad-block to be disabled in order to browse. More ad revenue, and less people to hog bandwith, it's a win-win
Why dont porn sites advertise here?
Accept PayPal donations.
Make a big fucking screen teaching how to disable adblock for Veeky Forums only
The average poster is "tech savvy" enough.
We make a new super advanced website with more useful boards and communities and keep /b/ far away from those useful boards.
And in the end Veeky Forums will be recognized for its endless quality in a sewer of shit and degeneracy.
The selling point of the site should be open discussions about topic (insert board) and push advertisements, no popups but side bar stuff. Food ads on food board, also mix capcha w ads.
Edit I means side of the screen like side boarders.
It's not profitable.
Free users have their IP instead of user.
We find rich and famous people who use Veeky Forums and bribe them to give us money or expose their extremist political views.
I used to allow, but with all the poised ad talk removed it. I don;t want to be cryptolocked for shit posting.
there used to be porn ads on /b/ back in 07-08 if my memory is correct
Just let Shkreli or Yiannopoulos buy it.
Amazing coincidence - this pic is from the same set as all those ads way back when
>only le oldfags will remember XD
>"Your meme on a t-shirt" affiliate link
Don't just screencap an ebic post or thread.
Similar to above except it's a curated collection of Veeky Forums posts turned into a fashion collection by a talented designer. Launch would be in Tokyo, during fashion week of course. Kanye West in attendance, or some other avant-garde, controversial mainstream pop-star.
It's what the next edgy fashion kids will be wearing.
Has anyone ever actually read Thrasher Magazine? No! But they still wear the hoodie.
10 cents for guaranteed triforce every-time, or other gimmicks and emojis. The gimmicks offered change all the time so people don't get bored
$15 to ban a /pol/tard. Basically randomly bans an ip which posts often on /pol/ for two days you have no idea who you're banning, and you're limited to 1 ban an hour, or 24 a day. I'm certain all the other boards would jump on it.
Whether it would have the desired effect would remain to be seen
You know that thing some twitch streamers do where you can donate and you can request a song to play? That for everyone in the thread.
Official Veeky Forums dating service.
No ideas on specifics, but looking at all these posts where neets are complaining that they can only get laid if they become a millionaire and basically everyone on r9k. I think some kind of service which at least Veeky Forums branded and thus sensitive to the sensibilities of that demographic would go gangbusters.
We all get out the knee pads and start sucking dicks for $1 each to save Veeky Forums.
Do we know how much we need per year to keep in running? Certainly we could just do a Wikipedia, and have a donate period were we fund the annual budget.
Hey dudes why did my post get deleted? :^)
I don't like the new ads. I'll probably drop Veeky Forums from my white list for now. I don't feel bad about it since I have a Veeky Forums pass. Still sucks on mobile though.
Let Marty AND Milo buy it in an unholy joint venture
Bumping for justice
How about moving it to an actually affordable platform? I know, crazy right?
> I won't just get a new one every day
>ITT: We brainstorm wacky ideas to raise enough money to save Veeky Forums.
Replace hiro with someone that people actually trust with their donations.
This is true. There will be whining for a month, but after that, two things will happen:
1. All the ass mad autists who actually give a shit about ads will leave. Which = less bandwidth usage
2. Everyone else will get over themselves and revenue will be made
wew, I was getting worried that my computer has adware that the virus scanner wasn't finding
I feel like this was a shit move on Hiro's part
Very awesome idea
My phone definitely did not catch PTSD from going on Veeky Forums yesterday
I literally don't understand how a website like Veeky Forums with so many users is losing money. They get donations or 4chanpass buyers, sell ads, and don't pay their mods. People would kill for Veeky Forums's traffic. Just give it to me and ill fix it
I also don't understand why Hiro would lie about costs as other anons are claiming.
I miss J-list :(
delete the adult section
>pay to ban
this is a great idea
>Blackmailing businesses with raids from the reopening of /z/
>datingservices for people attracted to fat austistic neets
>collecting all posting data, IP, selcted key words (literally bilions of posts), teaming up with an evil big data company to help analyze and sell it - would be worth millions
>Veeky Forums apparel and webshop
I seriously dont get why its so hard to get advertisers to Veeky Forums, it get so much fucking traffic, and can seperate by board/interests. I think moot and hiro did/are doing a shitty job at selling it in to potential advertisers, especially since it seems they are willing to heavily discount their ad prices
I have no idea what the fuck this means... so do you pay for Cached data or the uncached data?
Why did Hiro mention Amazing Web Services?
>Its so he could inflate the cost right?
Does AWS even have a standard price structure?
Does Veeky Forums use Cloudflare? Ortherwise why does the graphic mention them?
This graphic mentions an "industry standard" but what's the actual cost they are using with Cloudflare, provided that is their data provider?
But most of all I don't understand the difference between Cached and Uncached bandwidth and what that has to do with anything? I mean why would you pay for one but not the other?
Block people using adblockers. As long as Veeky Forums isn't using invasive ads, whitelisting the site shouldn't be a problem.
merge /pol/ and /b/
This is a horrible idea. But also a great idea.
I was a lot of times in potential win threads, then they got deleted
mods = fags
mods = cancer
mods = jews
Incorporate ethereum you you can pay someone half a cent or so for every gr8 comment or post they make
Litterally reddit
holy shit this thread is still laive
all good ideas.