Vlad x Vayne edition
>Patch Notes:
>Useful Sites:
also lolking
>retarded Pre-season and Assassin's stuff:
Vlad x Vayne edition
>Patch Notes:
>Useful Sites:
also lolking
>retarded Pre-season and Assassin's stuff:
What the fuck is that.
no, don't move to this gay thread
Vladfag is becoming the new Lissfag, it seems.
>heterosexual intimacy depicted
Xth for Katarina
best girl
Jayce top loses to my Ivern top. This is gold
k e k fotm shitters.
Why is Riot giving Legion Commander's ultimate to Zed? That sounds broken as fuck
That's extremely gay.
Lissanon is another linkless animal though
why did he spread his legs
Looking for a Boost from Silver 1 to Gold 5. Yes, I'm that fucking anxious about soloqueue.
NA Server.
Payment: RP/Skin(s).
Stop trying to shame me for having a crush on Vayne
add Meliorne
>Finally get to jungle today
>Enemy team has a Graves Jungle
>Top lane is a meme AD Vayne
Why can't I just get a win today.
don't be mad that you're too slow
I was Diamond 5 last Season and I've barely played this one. I want to come back for the upcoming one tho. I'm already kind of up to date to the meta and stuff because I've been watching Worlds and streams.
I'm 1-1 in placements. Should I play out the rest? I'm kinda scared of being placed in Silver. I'd very much prefer to not have border than to have the Silver one lol.
Wave management. If you're a role that uses banner or zzrot learn to place them.
Vision. Learn to play around wards and decided-ward.
Objectives, being at the right place at the right time.
what's hard to place zzrot, just place it in a nearest bush
You can place it offensively or defensively, also you have to choose which lane.
AD bonuses from killing someone with Zed ult doesn't stack.
Because Zed is actual trash right now. Riot legit gutted their little LCS babby.
>Diamond 5 last season
You'll likely just place Gold 4.
anybody got devil teemo icon already
>mfw going to college next year, probably biochemistry
>can easily get job stability, and a bunch of money
>all i wanna do is play league all day every day
help me
yea like 2 days ago
Underage get out.
live the dream!
>stability or job
lmao, run, run while you can
t. just graduated with that shit degree
Now I'm just imagining TF and Evelynn in bed.
>Evelynn: You know when you said you were "magical in bed" this isn't exactly what I was picturing.
>Twisted Fate: Is this your card?
>Eveylnn: Holy shit
Why the fuck can't I buy orange essence god damn it
>queue up
>play well
>get bad teammates and lose
>queue up again
>play well
>get bad teammates and lose
>queue up again
>play well
>get bad teammates and lose
i wish ranked took skill and not luck
>muh team
>queue up
>play well
>get bad teammates and lose
>queue up again
>play well
>get bad teammates and lose
>queue up again
>get good teamamtes and win
>queue up again
>play well
>get bad teammates and lose
literally my yesterday
>tfw you're 10 health away from getting a double kill
>then just play aggro a second time and fuck up cause you're so tilted
is there a worse feeling?
>It's a blame the support because you get hit by every bind into fourth shot episode
Then I get reported for leaving my 0 4 0 Ashe solo bot and roaming to help out other lanes
You don't like pharmaceuticals?
Get anything with programming or engineering, its a guaranteed highpaying job and everyone will respect you. My whole family is creaming themselves I work as a engineer even tho its nothing special.
I went to uni for engineering specialized in automation programming, got a job from ABB the instant I graduated. Worked at automated weather control testing for different products they ship out, got tired of going to work every day for 8 hours despite getting 2k euro a month for it so quit and now work from home writing automation programs for some construction company.
Literally only takes me 2 hours to do my daily job yet I get payed for 8 hours, can wake up when I want and basically do whatever I want. I also get to wear a white helmet to meetings and occasional quality control on site so everyone thinks im some sick highly educated elite badass walking among peasants yet im just literally a lazy guy who knows how to code automation stuff.
sounds really comfy
alistar loses games
it really is
STEM meme fags are delusional as fuck, that or its a american thing because here you earn a shit ton of money if you have any sort of engineering skills
why do so many black people play nasus
Who is the best first pick top lane?
doesn't he have a typical black voice
Because he's a KANG
>you were gold 1 like a week ago
>almost diamond
you got this senpai. you'll hit diamond for the end of season rewards. I believe.
>queue up
>play well
>get bad teammates and lose
>move on to the next one
>play poorly
>my team spends half the game shitting on my skills as a player
>get carried and win
Does this game not want me to feel good about myself?
>pick Illaoi
>they pick Jayce
Poor Jayce.
Bronze V is scary.
Now you know why some people just can't climb out.
You can't carry teams of literal retards.
Ayyyy Gold soon
>Pick illaoi
>They pick susan
was nice knowing you all
>Zyra only has 2 deaths
>very obviously carried her whole team
You should pick your targets better.
>they pick nasus
>shove him under turret and have the free-est harass with E and Q
He just doesn't move.
>Jinx with triforce
People who dont surrender in a 4 v 5 when were' down 25 kills to none should legitimately be euthanized wouldnt you agree?
Tanked W/L to learn ivern, paying off winning games, he's fuckin fun. otp treeman incomming.
Where are you from?
you should get one kill first, it's a matter of honour!
How is his ultimate? I can see it being extremely wonky.
I agree but then again, I've had a game where we were 4v5 and losing hard, and then 2 on the enemy dc'ed and we spent 10 minutes winning a 4v3.
The tears.
>They pick Nasus
>Spent all of last game getting 100-0'd by an Eve starting at minute 10
>Riot wants to buff this cancer and similar other cancer
damn lm so jelous
So daisy's ai is incredibly wonky like everyone says, its not tibbers AI so its pretty dumb, but its pretty tanky, regen's hp rapidly out of combat and actually really useful. You obviously pop daisy when you teamfight or ganking/counterganking etc. She utilizes iverns Q jump as well as can be shielded by ivern's E which if you know has a major slow in aoe form. Shes kinda fast but anything with Tier 2 boots will outrun her, that's why landing Qs is very important. The best way i've found to control her is R clicking obviously but by that I mean if you kill someone or failed gank and daisy's still up (shes out for 60 sec) you can R and click yourself and shell follow you (youll see the connecting line) or same thing with targeting R+clicking whether its champs or turrets. If she auto's turrets it takes aggro but if ivern is near both daisy and tower turret aggro switches to ivern. all in all as clunky as it is, its very useful once you put in enough games to learn how to use it effectively. Knock up is brutal too because anyone who gets in the line of the knock up on the targeted champ is also knocked up.
this wall of text is for you
Nobody is shaming you for that. It's the faggot she's with that makes your post cancer.
i know who you meant it for
ty laddy
Olaf fucks Nasus so hard it's auto win. And Nasus can't come back for "Muh late game" like actual hyper carries like Vayne, Azir, or Kayle could when Olaf literally removes Nasus from the game and then proceeds to shit down everyone else's throat.
dont you fucking faggot
focus on school. stay away from drugs.
or else youll end up with no friends, no education working a dead end job with no future and no hope like me
also if playing vs ivern killing Daisy is the important, because people are so focused on champs daisy will get free knockups
I didn't care about the stacks. Yeah, he had a huge number of stacks but by the time he had these, he was 0/3/0.
>tfw you see Jax and Yi in the background
>tfw you can't tell if thats Malzahar all the way further back in the center
fucking christ i forgot the url again
what's the site that evaluates how well you played in a match in terms of cs, kills, deaths, and first tower down by rating them on a league/division scale?
also tahm kench's hat under riven
Why are there 2 threads?
The other one hasn't been deleted yet.
Plat 2
who is that girl with a pony tail though, akali or nidalee?
high silver
Low silver
or plat
>fizz up in the air
riven is balanced
>go 11/1/7 on jinx, decent cs, 2nd most wards, most damage
>get S-
>go 0/1/4 on jinx, decent cs, fewest wards, no damage
Explain this
Why is Silver the go-to for baddies? Whatever happened to bronze? Is it like how retarded got replaced with autistic, where it was too overused?
Just keep playing faggot
You get less mastery for warding as ADC :^)