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First for
>Using a pre-legion mount

any eu girls here wanna be my gf?

>tfw you just hit 110 on an alt

>Get legendary in 3rd emissary

Great game for great people

>other random battleground team has 3 mistweaver monks and you have 1 resto druid
this is what i deserve for playing randoms

Legendaries should only drop from heroic/mythic raids and mythic+ 10 chests.

Remove heroic raids and I agree

>make 3 mythic+ runs
>every single person but me has a lego
>pug en normal for lego drops
>inspect people
>every single fucking one has a lego


How do i make money with Blood of Sargeras?

how many downboats would this get on the general forums?

What sex should I make my troll shaman?

Trade for order resources, run gold missions.

>its a spitfire posts meaningless heroic parses episode
feel bad for his guild desu honest

>years ago
>some male belf BM monk is complaining that heroic MoP dungeons were too difficult
>be first reply
>say nothing except "kill yourself"
>permabanned from forums
>they said repeal down the road and maybe they will unban

What image should I uploading alongside this poorly written appeal to get myself unbanned?

>we FINALLY get an expansion with more group content and they flip their shit and complain all over the forums about how they don't want to have to interact with other people ever in a MMO

Hell if I know, the social aspect is the main reason I even play MMOs.

But if you make professions matter more, make heroics actually worth doing you not only please the solo casual crowd, but you make the game better as a whole.

Sadly I think we've crossed the point of no return and reverting things back to the TBC / WoTLK system would just anger the playerbase even more.

Reminder that if you use discord you're a redditor.

Daily reminder that apparently getting old makes you shit at video games and unable to play them anymore according to the WoW fanbase

Not being obese or unhealthy and having a stroke at 40, but just getting old and apparently it happens when you're 65, not 80


Draw a cute dog in MS paint

Can you guys post some screenshots of the UI's you use? I'm looking for something new that isn't just a clusterfuck. Also arms warrior here, just saying that because I know some UI's are steered towards a certain class/spec.

hearthsteed forever

100% true. Legendaries should be what epics once were.

h*ck off pizzacat ur almost 30

>Leader is outside karazhan

>i'm such a god that orange parsing nearly every fight is supposed to be embarrassing


see you tonight for the last two

people on the forums will be triggered by this

>done lots of mythic+ multi chests up to +11
>almost done with mythic cenarius
>never missed my daily cache
>still only have one legendary


>Potion of Triton
>Grants 50 Gold when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
Here come the millions.

>mfw seeing a 889 MM hunter in random heroic

I'm not fat so I'm still healthy

git gud fatties

missing "no screamers"

I'm not hip with the lingo, a screamer is a homosexual right?

>Not 870 minimum and listing that you're doing Nightbane then full clear

Fucking baddy

>If you die a lot, stay in bad stuff, have a difficult time in dungeons, need a lot of breaks when playing, has difficulties targeting the nearest mob and needs that rank 1 recipe for your profession or finish your class hall, we can try to help. Not with targeting the nearest mob though, that is Blizzard's fault.

>tfw they can't even target mobs

Which shoulder enchant do you use?

Man, troll warriors really got cucked with that arms artifact huh

do an H dungo, I got my le epic M+ bracers from one yesterday and I was in your same boat
the follower thing was from DH order hall work orders


>Cursed Vision of Sargeras

>see a 885 MM hunter in random
>BiS gear out the ass
>6 mythic xavius kills
>it's a fem panda
>no transmog

literally what the fuck, how do super geared players like not just NOT transmog anything?

It's this guy btw


>nightbane run
>870 item level

aahahh yeah enjoy having all the gutter trash who can clear HC en and get 870 gear form their mythic 3 chests apply.

Practically anyone who's at least 5/7m or regularly doing +10s and are capable of nightbane are close or above 880.

>cares enough about looks to get the hidden xbow
>not enough to transmog


>Enter pug for kara
>start at curator
>"I'm lost"
>"where are u"
How can people be this bad?

>he cares about transmog
>he doesn't understand why good players don't

>tfw none on my hunter
pretty dumb a bis trinket is only available from a world boss that has to rotate through like 10 yothers

Drops from random world and dungeon bosses? They are!

these people are serious business, they're not shitters like you who play with elvui and waste time doing faggot cosmetic shit and roleplay as an animefag in an american owned and hosted board designed for american audiences and a niche of weabshits.

should've bonus rolled on it twice retard

transmog is literally THE endgame though

>getting 6 meme rolls and bloodlust on wrath of ashzara

your class just does not compete with mine

>skipping trash packs
>packs that nearly always someone pulls
>packs that end up wiping the group

This is most annoying in HoV, just kill the 3 mobs standing right at the arch way and you avoid a potential wipe.

Do people think they're some sort of ninja by hugging the wall and barely avoiding them or something?

>Login servers are full

i only just got my hunter to 110 a few days ago

I don't think this semen slurping discord is for me

Why is the WoWhead model viewer such buggy, laggy dogshit? I'm trying to work out what race to roll my alt and want to check out how they look in various mogs, is wowhead the best place to do this?

>tfw 2x 880+ hunters on my +5 teeming keystone
>I'm an 862 moonkin
Jesus christ. I felt so bad while clearing the trash. The mobs just evaporated so my dots couldn't even do shit.

Goddamn that looks like shit. Also laffo that name.

Any lorefags here?
Where did Goblins come from?

what a fucking autist

KEK is this person triggered because a shitter got called out?

>See an 882 fire mage with 2 best legendaries in random heroic

>Realize it's me myself



No shit

Perfidy pls

They are retarded green island monkeys that accidentally ate some rocks with intelligence-enhancing properties while they were enslaved to the Trolls.

Level a goblin off of Kezan and you'll see.

rate my toon plz

Memeron created them from pygmies.

>Still no Dota-style BG

what discord is this?

That mount really looks like shit and not worth the effort getting it.
>inb4 lolololololol you're just 2 shit 2 git it pleb!! XDXDXDX~~~~

It's shit

Mimiron created Goblins when he was experimenting on the primitive lifeforms of Azeroth with the Kaja'mite. They were initially some form of Pygmy.

lolololololol you're just 2 shit 2 git it pleb!! XDXDXDX~~~~

>finish collecting 30 essences
>game then makes you do around 6 mythic dungeons for some fucking reason
>end up with this quest

Fucking christ blizzard, never again.

Uwot, nightbane is fucking easy and only takes 300k dps. It's almost bronze drake tier.

It ends with you equipping 3 leggos I believe, once Nighthold comes out

Thanks lads

Reminder that a metric assfuck of new hairstyles have been sitting on the game files since Warlords and once Legion starts to piss away they'll release them as an "update we've been working so hard on"

Shit, where can I see them?

I don't give a shit how dishonest they are just release more fucking character customisation options

also updated Goblin models

and let Goblins be monks

cornrows when

>ilvl 872
>cant get into regular mythics

what the fuck

any new ones for fembelf or femorc?

Do unequipped artifact relics count towards your item level, like other pieces of gear do?

i'd love new hairstyles so much, why would they just hold them there?

there are some races that i'd like to use, but won't because of bad hairstyles

like Fem Troll, Male Orc, Male UD.

you are not me!

>change race to troll
>berserking racial

beards confirmed

Sorry blizzard doesn't like trannies

>tfw you didn't run heroic EN for nothing this week

You have to understand, when I make a group I instantly get like 50-100 DPS applicants, it's not your ilvl, it's that I didn't get far enough down the list to even see your application. Get yourself a tank or healer friend and you'll be fine.

where/how are you seeing these?


>why would they just hold them there?
Maybe they've got fucked up clipping issues with armor

A lot of them are just hair styles for other races that they're testing on this race, and perhaps decided they don't fit. Not a brand new hairstyle they've modeled and then abandoned.


>one dps leaves at watcher in karazhan
>new dps pugged can't get to our checkpoint due to the weird karazhan lockout bug

nice QA

Goblin models came in Cata, they don't need updating while there are still old models from vanilla/TBC/WotLK.

>Maybe they've got fucked up clipping issues with armor
we all know that unless it's male human blizzard doesn't give a shit about clipping
just ask any tauren/dwarf with ashbringer or strom'kar