>Patch Notes:
>Useful links:
>retarded Pre-season and Assassin's stuff:
>Patch Notes:
>Useful links:
>retarded Pre-season and Assassin's stuff:
>faggots actually think we'll get a piltover champ next
New assassin is Shadow Isles bruh.
I'm getting +9 LP a win despite having a high MMR. Come the fuck on Riot. I'm so close to Diamond.
Where's eyoson you newshit
Lulu is best girl!
You forgot the most important link
It's ok if you wanna make threads on your first week here but at least pretend you know things and put eyoson there
Xth for lewd foxes
I wanna hold Jinx's hand
And have intimate experiences with the 2x4 in a dark candle lit room on a rainy stormy night
l didn't put it on purpose. That web is cancer incarnate
I want to keep her warm.
>Implying we won't get a cute assassin yordle from Bandle City
holy shit proof that this thread war nigger is cancer incarnate
report this thread and move to
it was both created and posted first
whats your opinion on the PBE assassin revamp so far?
>Talon nerfed
>Kat nerfed
>Leblanc buffed
>Zed buffed
>Rengo buffed
I was gonna go the lewd route but honestly now I'm just in a comfy/cute image mood.
Season 3 never.
It's about that time to be in that mood. I could to with some comfy stuff right now.
>Lee tried to invade an olaf at lvl 1, imagine that
>2mins later got caught again
>Flames us for bad leash (it was not bad, i even tanked 3 fucking hits for this bastard)
>Vlad lost lane
>Fed Olaf
>Everyone flamed eachother
>0 ganks to bot while they pushed 24h
Why do people need to flame eachother everytime? Why cant you just shut up your mouth and keep playing
I really dont want to be like these people who only play fotm shit, but i guess i have to. Fuck that shit so much. Promos got ruined again by some retards
im so mad right now
did I build her correctly, lulufags?
I hate goldfags, I hate them.
>janna mains thinking its not their fault for a loss
Adorable 2x4 of hyper carries
Hug support
we rollan
why jinx got the 2x4 nickname here?
i would breed her t b h
How heavy do you think Fishbones and Pow-Pow are?
C - U - T - E
l lost my promo to diamond V like 5 times. Good luck next time senpai
Wait how did Leblanc get buffed; I was the impression that she can't double use spells any more and there by merged her burst into the ground.
How did you win it?
pretty light considering the is auschwitz mode
I'll throw my hat in the ring, why not?
I don't expect to win
Probs needing some tuning, hopefully she didn't just out right abandon them considering
"Got to say, I don't miss my old guns at all."
nice bro only took you 1200 games
and only 400 of those were in my plat 2 promos
congrats friend
urgot players have to be some of the chillest dudes
Rather she can choose which spell her ult is, which means she ca still double spell, or she can mix it up.
What the fuck is Riot doing?
tfw you can't read for shit, also fairly heavy but not awful
What's the best first item on this bitch? IE or ER? She's auto attack-reliant for damage, so IE is a must-have, but the CDR on ER is nice.
What's the best music for playing violence rodent?
informing people about their changes
what's the problem
Making assassins even more OP for some reason.
From the thread early today, I think it's fairly fitting
Katarina was in desperate need of a re-work. God forbid if there wasn't any CC for her at the exact second she went in, she'd get an easy penta kill.
Oh I keep forgetting, most of the population is Bronze-Gold with the reaction time of a tortoise.
I like what they're doing
whether it's balanced or not is another question
Nunu jungle before the nerfs
>he lost promos to diamond v 5 times
>meanwhile it took me 20 promos attempts to get from plat 2 to plat 1
Radiant or Underworld Wukong?
You are cancer
Boycott all threads without eyoson
Underworld. Legacy skin. You can get Radiant any time of the year.
Radiant looks better (despite having underworld bias)
Le intercourse monarch is arriving ekks dee.
People who dont surrender in a 4 v 5 when were' down 25 kills to none should legitimately be euthanized wouldnt you agree?
I don't think anyone would disagree.
Next season is gonna be the new s4?
xth for not being lonely
xth for being lonly
no one gives a shit about your crap site m8
stop shilling it
This game felt so undeserved. I played so bad and still won because jinx was a smurf.
Why wasnt he in my last game sigh
spoiler]I wish i lost it.
>past six games
>sejuani in all of them
>2 on my team, lost
>4 on the enemy team, won
why the fuck are people playing based boar rider of not so very good, all of a sudden?
>Janna main shits the bed on actual champions
this desu
reddit would disagree,then again, that's a god awful site with a god awful community
>play some random normal
>Sejuani top vs Graves on top
>Sejuani tears Graves a new asshole
Neither my team or enemy team knows what the fuck happened.
Im usually very good with kha, but dunno. After my first death i got on tilt so hard
click to point stuns are retarded and need to be removed
xth for having a partner and still being lonely
>queue mid & jg
>get top
>play some comfy poppy
>they lock in riven
>get fb, type ? in all
>i have 5 kills at 12 minutes
>riven ragequits
>check his profile after game
>most played champs are sin, riven and vayne.
how do you change the champion portraits? does this change their in game icons too?
thanks senpai, but does that change in game too or no
it doesnt change it ingame, sadly
Why is this thread so dead?
real thread is over here
It's gone back and forth, I believe IE has superior single target dps but ER gives better pushing power. Cop out answer I know, so I guess default to ER and maybe go IE if you snowball super hard.
for the record champion.gg says ER>PD>IE