Does anyone else go thru the h20i hastag on instagram and look for dumbasses on there?
I just found this one vid of the dude getting pulled over and towed LMAO
Does anyone else go thru the h20i hastag on instagram and look for dumbasses on there?
I just found this one vid of the dude getting pulled over and towed LMAO
Other urls found in this thread:
>vape cloud settling at the start
you can't make this shit up
I have been watching several hashtags on twitter and some livestreams. The police are going full force this year.
Try @ocpdrollcall
inb4 some teenager in a honda gets shot over a car search
ty f am
Lifehack: Giant bluelivesmatter decal on the side and rear of your car = never getting pulled over
is it all modified cars getting tickets/ impounded ?
seems like a few that are just lowered with wheels. i mean I get the stance and loud exhaust ones. is maryland just a cuck state? who chose that location for a vape meet?
The only dumbass is the one with the badge. Cops are blissfully ignorant of donked and lowered american classics that can't go the speed limit, but kids in jap shitboxes given the same treatment are unsafe.
Some police are too caught up in enforcing culture instead of the letter of the law like some police actually enforce the letter of the law and try and ticket people for going ever so slightly faster than the speed limit and give a little lecture about how it's the limit, not the miniumum, to each driver.
Oh wait, they never do that unless it's an arrest-me-red car with a japanese badge on it.
>"law enforcement"
Yeah, "law" enforcement. They uphold the law and only the law in its purest form, they are servants to the law and never make exceptions or focus on single issues because of personal bias.
This current generation of kids is developing a disrespect and disdain for a large chunk of the law because of the way it's enforced, and legalizing weed at this point might not sway them.
inb4 antisocial contrarians who are just happy because they don't like thing
as far as a cop who dislikes the idea of you is concerned, anything that isn't bone stock is unsafe because "professional engineers who know what they're doing vs. you"
next time bring the straight piped 1970s lowrider mustang with chrome rims if you want to cruise by the cops in peace, just double check and make sure you're white
most of those kids in Ocean City, MD are white tho.
t. black person
yeah but they're in youngstermobiles. they need old man cars that evoke fond memories for the cops. if they do that, then they might even close down a major road just so they can show off their chromed catless shitboxes.
Wot car is that?
Fuck you m8
lmfao I just screenshotted it as well to post here.
>Does anyone else go thru the h20i hastag on instagram
>using instafag
what are you gay or something m8?
What the fucks does this shit even mean or what does it stand for.
>vaping faat cloud while getting pulled over
stancefags need to die and their memes are shit.
ya but niggers will destroy your car FAMI
I've been seeing it on IG, what the hell is H2Oi?
Oh boy can't wait until I graduate with an engineering degree just to stick it to them when I tell them I am also a professional engineer.
t. edgy 12 year old
H2Oi is NOT an import show. It's a VW/Audi show ONLY.
BUT plenty of douchnozzles go down there and do burnouts and drifts ruining it for everyone else.
>Cops don't arrest furries for public indecency
>they tow lowered shitwagons for leaving paint scuffs on speed bumps
apocalypse when
what the fuck is h20i? some sort of stance meet?
>It's a VW/Audi show ONLY.
those are bad cars
>vaping stancefag gets towed the fuck out
I had to google that. No wonder it's a bunch of fuccbois getting arrested for "assaulting a police horse"
This has to be a joke or parody of the scene:
Retards doing a burnout on a side street are swarmed by douchebags with cameras
Its generally not the VW/Audi retards, but next level retards who show up in OCMD to drive like complete assholes in poorly modified shitboxes.
nope thats what its really like plus vaping. and tradies/kids with their parents money etc
Dafuq is h20i?
he probably gets pulled over for his shitty Home Depot exhaust pipes.
>Doing gods work
For those who don't know, Maryland is the state with the highest traffic enforcement rate.
Anyway stancefags and vapefags are pure cancer
This is one of, if not the best edit of the bike comic I have ever seen.
The hash tags are 90% of what he typed. Jesus.
Wut u kidz kno bout dat Korean market?
OCMD brought in four agency and several tow trucks. They are ticketing and impounding as fast as they can.
They have done this for h2oi weekend for years, only the most retarded are surprised.
I'm glad 3bh
Nigger detected
As a mechanical engineer who tried pulling that shit let me tell you.
It doesn't work
The only time I have heard of h20i is from a insta user audirs6king
Didn't know it was vag only
Protip: don't be a jackass and cops leave you alone. Vapist stancefags generally act like jackasses in and out of the car. Its unsurprising that cops stake this out, these guys are creme of the crop retards. I've driven away from potential jail time going way way way too fast on an interstate because I wasn't a jackass.
Protip: Don't rice out your car... It becomes slower than stock and attracts too much attention from the cops. What's the point?
I assume vape steam alters your perception of reality and makes you think anything stancefaggotry-related looks good on a car.
Me too, worked hard on my GTI over the years and as soon as I pulled onto coastal some vapebro in a 240 decided to drift the intersection and jumped a curb and ended up
>What's the point of doing things you want to do? You should only ever do things other people want you to do.
You can do whatever you want but don't bitch about the negative consequences of retarded things.
>BRO, You should stance out your car so you can blow sick clouds with us at Hyundai meets, Bro.
Fucking sheep.
>people with different lifestyles than mine are sheep
Says the guy conforming to the stancehate hivemind on Veeky Forums
Letting you in on a little secret: it's not a "hive mentality" to fit in. It's a common thought because it's retarded.
>creme of the crop retards.
The reason a lot of people call you and your friends retarded is because you are.
>it's not a hivemind I just happen to agree with the most popularly expressed opinion and am afraid to disagree with anyone or form a unique thought
Traveling the world is a meme. If you were born in America, there's like 2 other countries worth visiting, and the rest of the world is garbage.
>afraid to disagree with anyone or form a unique thought
Wrong. You are demonstrably retarded and everyone can see it. Something's popularity or the lack thereof doesn't make it wrong.
Spoken like a true sheep, terrified of becoming separated from the herd.
Spoken like a true sheep, thinking he has to be contrarian to everything because that's what other people are doing
Think for yourself, cock smoker.
>hurr ur a sheep for not liking what I like
>hurr ur a sheep for liking what I don't like
glad to see that after all these years, anons are still retards
some things simply never change
Wouldn't going against the grain and rebelling against societal norms be the complete and exact opposite of a sheep? Or are you just stupid. Nevermind, I'm sure we all know the answer to the second question. Keep on conforming, though.
>think for yourself by agreeing with me and the hivemind
Dude that's rich
>pulling over
If you get a ticket or your car towed and you pulled over I'm just gonna laugh at you
I met the dumbest people I have ever encountered in my life in OCMD during h2oi weekend. Like I don't know how they are going to manage to make their way through life without a tard wrangler stupid.
I just dont get the group behavior. The obnoxious displays of vaping and the stupid shit tacked onto cars like exhaust pipes that stick out 4 feet from the rear bumper. Its completely careless of anyone around them.
The shitshow on the street is another thing. Shitboxes festooning a cheap car with badly fitting wheels and Chinese pot metal suspension bits does not make it any less a shitbox. Listening to someone rev a unmodified engine (except for a straight pipe and WOT box) and barely achieving wheel spin is pathetic. The total disregard for people and property around them is trash tier behavior.
This is a culture of tryhards peacocking for the attention of retards. There is nothing of value here and the price of admission is dirt cheap.
I support their genocide.
>this whole thread
wtf I love cops now
why do michigan state police have those retarded things on their hoods?
Australia, NZ, Japan, China, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, and Britain/UK are all worth seeing right now.
Sweden, Germany, France, Russia, and Egypt are all very interesting places but tend to either explode regularly or "misplace" tourists.
NZ has the friendliest people I've met bar none though, especially the south island. Well, minus Queenstown, but that city's based entirely around bro dude thrillseeker culture, so you can't help that.
For blocking intersections I think.
And this is why I don't install a steering wheel in my car, looks too ricey desu but looks okay in some but if your car came with an airbag don't fucking change it.
If you daily your car and go to the track pls just fucking install a airbag disable switch.
I would say that Germany and Sweden are pretty safe. Was drowning in pussy in eastern Europe but when shit got real they went hard, too much bravado to take a step back. Really brought a lot of perspective and I probably almost died a few times but it was worth it.
my cars wheels are exactly like that
and it's not intentional
Took me a while to get it
Is there a video of this, hopefully with someone flipping out over it?
>MSP vehicles also feature a clear plastic sign, referred to as a "hood light" or "hailer" or "shark fin" on the hood that lights up when activated. The historical use of this hood light dates from the time when a "side stop" patrol stop would be initiated by pulling up next to an offender and the Trooper would motion them to pull over in daylight; at night the hood light was illuminated displaying the words "State Police" and "STOP" (MSP no longer use the "side stop")
>Ocean City Police have an account purely dedicated to trolling stancefaggots on their home social-media site during their most iconic annual event
It's wonderful.
A lot of the shit posted on here doesn't even look dangerously modified, just lowered. Not even cambered out.
How can they impound out of state cars if those cars comply with their states' laws? Fuck does that make sense?
I don't get why people still go to this shit, it's been nothing but problems from the cops for years. People drive in with their slammed/cambered/straight piped rides, ALREADY knowing that the cops see this event like fucking open season, but STILL get butt hurt when they get ticketed and towed. Used to be VW/Audi only but its everything now. It's the fuckboy car enthusiast equivalent to an open forum on safe spaces in a metro city university.
Pic related; MFW I see all the fucknuggets on my facebook crying about the tickets they've collected from OCPD.
Probably because they are enforcing the laws of their own state, which they happen to be in, rather than other state's laws which are irrelevant to them
>A lot of the shit posted on here doesn't even look dangerous
>stretched tires with the beads not seated on the bead seats
>probably running 60psi to keep the tire on
>not dangerous
American "whites" are niggers painted the wrong color
Ben "Just Cuck my Shit Up" Harmony bringing the RWB bants
cute fursuits
>that sperg jumping around
its literally just a bunch of fools burning up chinese tires lmao
Just by looking at the thumbnail I knew this was a Michigan cop car. Michigan has some of the most ridiculous cop cars, i cant even tell you how many cops drive explorers with the light bars inside the car.
So now you dont know if there's a cop or just some random driving a new explorer behind you. Where I live they took the remaining crown vics and put the lights on the inside. I just dont get the point of the super sekret police operations, seems like a waste of money to me.
By making them hard to spot, they make people more suspicious of any of the base cars.
in other words, states rights are not the wonderful thing weed smoking hippies say they are
>you happen to be in violation of our special snowflake rules
>go home
>jk you cant we took your car because that makes sense, gib money and conform, then you can go back to the way you want it when you leave
federalize everything or stay in the stone age
>A lot of the shit posted on here doesn't even look dangerously modified, just lowered. Not even cambered out.
As someone who deals with these shit heaps on a weekly basis its always worse than what it looks like. The level of hackery is unbelievable.
> pic related
These retards generally use the absolute cheapest shit they can find and neglect to maintain the cars as they really don't last long anyway.
Nobody said they are good or bad. When you are in another state you are subject to their laws. If you don't like that don't go to that state.
Wow, T b h is filtered sweet desu
I wasn't the guy he originally replied to, I was just observing his wannabe rebellious behaviour. I operate on another level,
More like an underage white Trump supporter. Note the second sentence where he implies that African Americans and Latinos are getting a free pass.
holy shit it's like the beginning of 2001 with the monkey's sperging out
what the hell is wrong with them