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Other urls found in this thread:
first for i'm the best player in this server
snib say second for snab
>page 7
>2 replies
obligatory picture of second shoah at his school dance.
The thread just started calm down, Wiggins.
hi senpaitachi
who here /high/
If only
always gotta pick Latent
Dont forget to post in the thread on 8ch!
Post em
nice shop faggot
>being this mad
Let me guess, you have 0 player kills and 100 deaths from afking with anime lmao0o0o0o0o0o
dem boys are the only reliable ones
>he hasn't even played vscape for a year
Someone post the webm of dem reliable boys getting pooped on
Multi Mills duel arena.
dueling for gold, mats, blumpkins, rares, maybe even an odd compliment or two.
doing most game types including: no rules, boxing, whips.
(nobody has challenged me in a week and my family is starving edition.)
I'll post a webm of the cubs losing the world series when it happens
same thing
dem boys spotted
why would you post without being online retard
ill whip stake you pumpkins for keks
Pumpkins are worthless....
Buying all pumpkins 100k
i can smell the newfaggery in this post so much that it makes me want to vomit
this is for sale - pm me for offer (can negotiate)
A Sloth for player mod 2016 #ModSloth. This November-ish when you find yourself in the Vscape poll booths just remember the name A Sloth and vote him in as a player moderator. He promises to moderate yell to keep it from being a furry induced cesspool. He promises to mute Starlight at every possible moment because fuck that guy. He promises to allow @red@anime posting so long as it remains benign. He promises to code in construction. All these promises and more can br yours Vscape just remember the man who will make it all possible. A Sloth will make it all possible. A vote for A Sloth is a vote for a better Vscape. A Sloth will make Vscape great again.
>sithis ranking that high
careful with that edge
are you retarded
>not knowing TES lore
neck your mum m8
>TES """""lore"""""
you are like a little babby
t. tolkien
Fuck off Tommygun.
>tommy pks in expandable
oh yeah, he camps magic and runs when someone fights back
>camps magic
Wanna know how I know you have no idea about pking?
>complaining about camping mage
dude mage def lmao
im gonna hurt everybody in this thread nobodys safe >:)
@blu@[G] @bla@Hurt: @glo@But I'm Hurt
@cya@Hurt has logged in.
she's MY gf ok? back off
what did they mean by this
Why do you hate me (mango) so much m8
dey see me rolin
It's all ogre now.
>no juna gf
Fukken trash m8
Then what the fuck am I holding you stupid hag, reeeeeeeeeeeeee
Any mods help me?
You need to offer her normal tea then put milk in it after she says she wants milk in it.
>Finally made it onto a list.
Fuck yeah I did it. I did it mom and dad! Your boy is coming home! Im coming home! *loads shotgun* Your boy is coming home!
Selling (pic related)
Buying: Highwayman Mask
go to bed jimmy
Aw come on Aunt Diane I've always wanted too.
>come on Aunt Diane
dont mind if i do woHO
>He hasnt seen Taboo 2
Kys famo
::wigs4prez roll
reroll -_-
Reminder that sticks and stones can break your bones, but words can break your heart.
Should I put LED brakelights in, replace my headlights with LEDs or upgrade my alternator first?
For snib
Do you want #42 BigDong?
These memes are decently dank
Holy shit lets go
>I accidentally bumped the thread.
Could this guy be a bigger fucking faggot
Why is it that things like 'drop rates are too high' can get immediately fixed but the vast problems with 'dropping nothing' continue?
Can't we just revert to the old drops until they find and fix the problems with the new drop system?
Getting no drops on several mobs- especially boss monsters and random events like spirit tree dropping nothing ever is bullshit.
For Mango
anyone else deliberately giving tommygun false alerts?
>0 deaths
haha yeah okay buddy
Yfw it counts PC deaths
Reminder that hiroshimoot is killing Veeky Forums
>have some free time at college
>might as well grind a bit
>college has blocked the ports for vscape
Just making up for years of babbyscape with easy drops.
is this a door to the magic guild or a magical guild door?
"guild" isn't capitalised so it's probably a magic door affixed to a guild, not the door of the Magic Guild.
is this a guild for magic doors or a magic guild for doors?
snib say that is nice image
gotta roll
1,2,8 or 9 plzz
haven't seen this one yet. pretty good
it's old as shit senpai
I have the original author's other meme rollsheets if you want
i don't usually visit the threads at all.
but yeah you could dump the rest, the first one was a good laugh
this one is the sequel to the original gf rollsheet
will post the original and first /v/scape rollsheet next
old but gold desu
Such an adorable picture
Who are the /v/scape legends?