Crucify heretics who forget eyoson
>Patch Notes:
>retarded Pre-season and Assassin's stuff:
Crucify heretics who forget eyoson
>Patch Notes:
>retarded Pre-season and Assassin's stuff:
Nah Kindred plays as one unit, but she relies a lot on being successful early on to do well and if you get behind as her she kind of loses a purpose.
Cutest contest winner
Remember to kiss your favorite gay boy
Healthiest assassin
>Finally make it to gold all the way from bronze
>Play first two games (lost)
>Nobody bans/picks Kennen, enemy gets him
>Lanes massively over extend
>Everyone pinging them like mad to back off/ward
>Get ganked by enemy jungler and run right back to the same spot only to die again
>Flame jungler for "y no gank"
>People meme picking shit mid
>Bot still feeding their ass off
Stupid me for thinking it would be better. At which elo are most games based on skill or decided by some getting caught late and not a fucking coin toss as to which team will feed the least?
What's the consensus on talon now that he's a happy hopping moron?
Ubisoft didn't make an Assassin's Creed in a year so Riot just went ahead and finished ripping off the assassins
I've added you, please accept
How hard is Olaf to play/learn? I usually play tank junglers but I'm finding it's a fucking toss up on weather or not someone will be able to carry and get someone fed so I need to play someone who can tank and actually fucking carry. Most of the games I've played against Olaf have been losses since he's so fucking strong.
Post Taric
i guess you can say he's a snowball champion
Almost entirely worse with slightly higher damage on paper and in ideal conditions (but in reality even this may not be true because of the arpen rework) and even then the larger damage is largely redundant because Talon always had enough damage to kill squishies and still doesn't have enough damage to kill tanky guys.
yourdles are smart
it also makes bewitching trist look more adorable
not hard at all
done and done
Xth for Katarina
best girl
>Garen finally starts a relationship with Katarina
>it's an open one so she can have Noxian lovers
what season are you in son
is riven not wearing a bottom piece? uncropped???
Olaf is super easy to play. His damage is relevent while still building full tank and doesn't really fall off until enemy carrys have the ability to kite him and kill him. Which usually about at about 4 items.
>Sion kills a female champion
>promptly yells "FEMINISM IS AWESOME"
If they changed her lore it'd be fucking stupid to be honest.
He better stay as far away from my Shyvana as his restraining order demands he says away from his ex-wife.
How do people get stuck in Bronze (especially Bronze 5)? This season I won 8 of my placement matches and was put in Bronze 5, then shot out like my ass was on fire.
Also post em.
Reposting from the old thread
Tank and bruiser players slap each other for the first 15 minutes of the game. They proceed to be either meat shields for the team for the rest of the game unless they know how to peel for their carries.
Only picked by literal masochists. Despite that it is the one role that can affect the course of the game throughout its entirety.
Mage mains and assassin players that complain the other class is broken whenever their favorite champ is not meta. If you pick an AD mid laner you better start chugging bleach. This is the only lane in which the concept of counter picking is actually applicable.
The most vocal players of league. Most vocal as in the first to bitch about anything and everything. If you have an ADC main friend they'll always be that one faggot that looks at "Damage done to champions" at the end screen and use that to "prove" their superiority, despite their role being the one based on DPS, hence them generally having done the most damage done/
The role for literal cucks. Not even actual girls pick this fucking role. A lot of support mains just play the position to get carried by their team.
it already happened though
>"Jarvan IV loves his wife Shyvana a lot, but the Lightshield bloodline cannot be tainted by inhuman blood, therefore Demacia's war slaves are used to copulate with the half dragon under the attentive gaze of her husband"
Well, someone has to be worse than someone else? If everyone was good, then no one would be? Something like that. Someone has to be on the bottom. It usually tends to be newer players and people who refuse to actually improve on anything.
here you go bud
I said tanks and bruisers senpai, not exclusively tanks. Besides, that's usually the lane where most of them go, even if not a lot are played or used as tanks at all.
I love my 2x4, I wanna hold her hand and fall asleep with her. Good night lolg, have a pleasant tomorrow filled with satisfying matches and successful promos
>This is the only lane in which the concept of counter picking is actually applicable.
No top and support are much more open to counter-picks.
Top is counter-pick: The Role and supports will determine how aggressive or passive the lane can go. Picking a Blitzcrank into a Leona, for example, is a terrible idea as Leona will just stand in front of her ADC. You pull in Leona? Her and her ADC all-in you and win the fight.
>We felt that a champion killing and then literally harvesting the souls of the undead was a little bit gross and ugh creepy, therefore Mordekaiser's ultimate can only target champions that identify as male
Why is it that riven isn't seen in higher elos? She has a lot to work with as far as mechanics. Is her kit just easy to stop if you understand the game?
Considering her current lore is already "she's a stronk womym that needs no male", it can't get much worse, can it?
two words: meta sheep
>Why is it that riven isn't seen in higher elos?
What? There's a lot of Riven OTPs in high elo.
It never gets better.
There are also a lot of riven OTPs in low elo too.
How the fuck is this fair? I can understand in normals but not in fucking ranked.
If you want the coaching, then accept the friend request you retarded nigger
>pool party
You're still a bitch though. I like them as well dude, that's just the general impression ADC mains give to people.
>goes from innocent girl that doesn't know the hammer already found her hero to conscious, bragging about it all the time
>"of course the hero is a woman!"
>"girl power!"
>"are you mad, boys??"
That's the most tasteful boobplate I've ever seen
I agree Abdul, you can even see her ankles!
Have you ever played world of warcraft? If not, I've got something to show you
He's probably gonna try to make him gay with a preference for killing men or something.
Wouldn't really bother me, honestly As long as his upcoming lore isn't absolutely retarded.
Draven has kinda transcended out of his lore and into something else.
Between his character, player base, his passive, Tyler1.....
Anthony Cuck-a-roo can't undo all that.
that made me legitimately upset
If he is getting matched against you that means he has shit MMR, which means he probably sucks as much as you do.
>Considering her current lore is already "she's a stronk womym that needs no male", it can't get much worse, can it?
he ain't need no man because he is a transman himself
Can verify the refusal to get better. Friend has over 1000 games and unironically B5
>decided to fight against the angels because they lived in a patriarchal society and was punished because she's an oppressed female
>now hates every single men and hits on vi and illaoi
>All my mains are super masculine males
>I'm gonna have to watch them get castrated one by one and turned into numales
>TFW build Kled all AD
>Get melted instantly
Are you supposed to build him tanky or what? I'm sick of this fucker losing Skaarl to literally everything.
She's now trans and openly states it several times
Health, AD, lifesteal.
His teamfighting is shitty unless you can get a good flank off. He's much better in 1v1s and 2v2s.
That's not that uneven. The disparity is low enough that the bottom team could have people who got a lucky win streak up a few divisions then started to lose matches (ie, dropped in MMR) as they faced people who actually deserved to be at their level. It's also possible that top has more people in a premade than the bottom team, which means that the latter gets "better" players on their team to compensate.
based treeman, got ahead a little bit and went more ap then normal, luckly gave quinn the candy buffs and snowballed her to an easy win.
One of two reasons. You have high MMR or he has shit MMR. Most likely both.
scripters ww@?
>and people who refuse to actually improve on anything.
This. I started playing this season and ended up getting to Silver 1. A friend that has been playing since the season 4 preseason has been silver every season, and he is stuck in silver 2 this time around, despite him using dynamic queue to try and boost himself. I think it has a lot to do with his attitude, since he isn't that good but believes he is because he's played the game for quite a while.
>that random splash update on ugrot
also small question, 520, what skin get?
That's the weird part.
The nerfs on the PBE (nerfing his W damage down to 6% max health from 8% on live) is because people ARE building him tank and Riot says that's not the way he's meant to be played. Similar to what happened to Fiora.
So yes they want you to build him full or mostly AD to compensate for the nerf, but full AD on a melee champ literally never works unless you're an autistic split pusher.
>Nidalee is now a murderous swamp witch that kills any man that gets near her sacred womb forest thing
I see. Man, this fucker is lame in lane against the current meta AND in teamfights, I'm pretty sad.
>Nerfing Kled at 1.5% pickrate and 48% winrate
For what fucking purpose?
>Poppy buys flask
>"delicious male tears!"
Lulu = CUTE!
>Try to play jinx
>Eat shit
>Play Twitch or sivir
>Never lower than S-
I just want to be good with my love...
there's no way he can fuck my tall tree candyman over, i'm actually interested in his backlore about him being genghis khan before being based tree
Fuck, I was going to use the crazy witch that kills men trope but snagged it
I spent 2 seasons as a bronze pleb. Pulled my self to S2 last season and G2 this season. Its about realising how to get better.
Play her like twitch. Don't go ham and all in unless you can combo your traps. but you can also poke fairly well with her too. And in teams fights with rockets you're twitch with less range and damage, but can keep it up indefinitely.
Its a riot "We have no idea how this champion should work" episode.
Remember Ekko? He was DESIGNED by intention to be AP only but people built him tank because CDR is slapped on virtually every tank item and the %damage scales at all points of the game for him to do damage.
Kled is the exact same thing just he isn't an Assassin thats unkillable so people dont go into freakout mode over it. Riot wants him to go full HAM AD but Riot forgets no one fucking likes doing that because they actually like surviving the fucking teamfight.
Riot should seriously leave Kled alone on this one, he isn't that strong right now and building him bruiser is much better as he can actually live to tell the tale in a fight.
>Forced to play melee into Darius
>"well shit this is gonna be a tough one. I have to watch out for his passive, dodge his Q's and try to convince my jungler for a gank till I get to the point I can 1v1 him-"
>Darius proceeds to shove in like a retard
>Spams Dance and Mastery emotes as I farm under Tower
I do not understand.
>main account permad for "toxic behavior" , somehow, didn't specify the toxic behavior, just said that I behaved in an "egregious manner", but I rarely talk to people and I don't flame
>play on my alternate account
>it gets permad two days later
I know that feel, man. I can shit on people with boring champs like Xerath, but for the life of me I can never fucking win as Taliyah ;_;
Eve also works as maneater
Plat5 here. Started late this season.
I think most people try to improve; they just don't actually know how to go about it correctly or absolutely can't execute whatever they learn. Some try and eventually learn how to do it right. And some people just naturally understand/play games better so they don't need to really try to hit, say, low diamond.
He's probably used to people being unable to farm under tower and thinks it was a success instead of what you wanted to happen.
'Sup brows?
I intentionally tried to get permad for 3 months, and the only way I could do it was by spamming "kill yourself" endlessly every game.
So the fact that you somehow got permad for toxic behavior is kind of baffling.
Even going out of their way to perma your 2nd account.
Someone at riot does not like you.
>Diamondprox is finally coming back
Damn I miss that guy.
Whatever happened to the rest of them anyway
is it time to lisspost?
>only exiled because she dared to defy the Noxian high command
>almost won a fight against Darius, Talon and Sion AT THE SAME TIME
>only thing that was able to stop her was a powerful enchantment by Swain that teleported her out of Noxus
>now she wanders the earth and kills Noxians all the time
Not everyone who plays darius is good?
Christ, even Dyrus did less than 2k damage on him in worlds.
Pic unrelated
Goddamn it that comic is so cute
>tfw you're not sure if you want Taliyah x Ekko to be a thing or if you just think Ekko could use a girl to black.
>Anthony Burch
He's not actually working with them now is he?
Its going to making dreaming of cumming in his sisters eyes all the most pleasant for me
Jinx x Ekko is better desu
You can't outmeme the biggest meme in the game.
Ekko would give 0 shits about her and is clearly into white women, see his lines about Vi and Jinx.
Tali is the only one who wasn't the chocolate, but he's not willing.