>When you lose $400 and mom has to pull you out of the noose after you're out but she walk into your room and see u hanging there lifelessly
When you lose $400 and mom has to pull you out of the noose after you're out but she walk into your room and see u...
get a fucking life m8.
$400 is nothing. That's 2 weeks at McDonald's.
You fucking piece of shit normies
$400 is significant money. Let me guess, you make that per hour as top investment bankers of goldman sachs right?
Literally 55 hours at $7.25 an hour, get a fucking job m8.
Take your normie/robot fandom by to Tumblr and r/Veeky Forums
>turning yourself into a chandelier over a week's wage
>killing yourself when you're alive and healthy
Kill yourself.
>$400 is significant money
Holy shit what? Is that really what some people think?
I just bought a neato piano for the hell of it for that much and thought nothing of it
Not rich fag but 400 bucks isn't really that much in the big scheme. For your average wage earner it is sharp blow but something you should just about always be ready for as an adult. Honestly, once you own a house and have your standard set of appliances you should expect to drop that amount on repairs every year, sometimes even into the thousands.
Literally $400 is play money.
If you aren't at the point where it isnt, then u shouldnt be investing or gambling.
Hell I'm down like $4k on MGT and still indifferent to the loss. But not like im losing sleep on it.
I know right. If you're not suffering six digit losses you can make the money back.
Ill sit on that MGT for a bit figure a return to normal in next 3-6 months. Just a back of portfolio loss that might turn around. They starting to pick up so not to worried. Just gotta look at the long term not this short term retard sell on loss bs.
Kek, what. Recently bought a pair of $1.000 headphones just to play Battlefield - fuck off with your $400 bullshit - get a job, you'll earn it back in no time.
>$400 is significant money.
For bum maybe.
>Killing yourself when you're alive
People on biz actually have money kid
I get $900 a week
I started my Robin hood at $500 lmao
Lol yeah right
People here are poor as shit
I have 4k in cash, 3k in stocks, and 29 BTC.
I have two Porsches, one boat and 4 turbojets
Honestly I consider myself poor as I'm only a bit above minimum wage, but I still managed to save almost 30k while living with my parents. I live alone now but can still save about $300 a month after everything and have 0.3 BTC which is more for fun than a serious investment.
>Has no expenses
>saves some money
Wooowie! That's incredible roger! Tell me MORE
I have six jet packs that me and my crew use when we drive our Ferraris off of cliffs.
It's all on my YouTube. 7 trillion subs and counting.
why u so mean? just saying $400 isnt that much money even if you're not earning much. Just dont buy stupid crap you dont need.
Are we talking about Grand Theft Auto Online now? ..or?
>buying something for the hell of it is a poorfag instinct.
You're pathetic m8, you obviously don't have what it takes if you had to resort to suicide. Real successful people move on and work harder. They accept their losses. My uncle ran a very strong business and got into some trouble and was under a lot of stress but never broke. Shit happens man, you just work harder and grow from it. Fuck your emotions and get rich
2 weeks at mcDicks? are you for real?
that's 2 days as entry level software dev
holy shit there needs to be a minimum wage.
I LOST $400
Don't cry Pepe!
I feel for you OP.
I'm going on 30 and making just over minimum wage still.
I don't know how people make money because nobody actually tells you how to do it.
People with money are basically all Jews that keep their connections amongst themselves so that us normal people can't find any way to make money.
>not spending $400 the first 15 minutes in the club
do you even bottle service
#Poppin #Bottles
I feel your pain OP I lose 1btc yesterday