How much would I have to make to comfortably retire at 30? Anyone else share this goal?
How much would I have to make to comfortably retire at 30? Anyone else share this goal?
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Google safe withdraw rate
30 is tough since you'll probably have to lower your swr from the standard
I don't want to completely retire by 30 but having enough to live quietly in a warm country while making little money on the side.
that really depends on what your idea of comfortable and your idea of retireing is. to me a comfortable retirement would be about 20-30k a year, and retirement to me would be working 10-15 hours a week. im 20 right now and i can easily achieve this by 30. My idea of "comfortable" though is living in an RV or a motorhome and just spending a few months in a town at a time, eating in alot and being in nature alot, so yes, its possible, but only if you set realistic goals that match your drive. If you wanna retire by 30 with a 60k salary a year or a 1million in the bank then you better have a hell of a drive or a hell of alot of time, if by retiring you just mean working a little or living well below yours means then you can relax a little more and not go crazy 200 hour work weeks to get it.
set a reasonable number that you can live on a month, to find i needed 20-30k i studied what i spent for a few months, realized i needed around 20k to sustain myself and then added a lot more, assuming my quality of life will increase, and i made a plan to get there. if you have a solid plan and goals that match your drive and motivation, then yes its possible, just start planning user.
well firecalc is a great website for this kind of thing
and learn the 4% rule
To retire in 2016 you need to own a home outright, and have at least $1 million in the bank. And really $2 million to retire comfortably.
I'm 40 with 3 houses and 2 million saving 1 million stock/bonds, family still tell me I can't retire :(
Own your house, be debt free, and enough money to continue living for the next ~50 years.
What you do for living?
How much of a lazy cunt do you have to be to retire before you've even reached peak productivity.
You've barely learned shit about the world and already feel as though you've done enough of a favour to the world to sit back and do absolutely nothing to help improve it.
lie on the internet.
when should a person retire according to you then? any sane person would choose to retire as soon as possible. i'd retire tomorrow if i could.
>any sane person would choose to retire as soon as possible.
You'll note that most of the people out there who are actually in the financial position to retire early don't do that because they're mature and experienced enough to realise what a pointless existence idleness is.
They have motivation, goals and ambition to match. Work is their purpose.
Your purpose is to sit around like some nigger.
working is what keeps a lot of people sane
you have a lot to learn
About 2 million for a decent life, 1 million for a NEET style minimalist life
That is nothing. You people are forgetting about inflation.
If you had 2 million and lets say it grows 5% a year on average, you could withdrawl $60k by only pulling out 3% and leave the other 2% to grow and account for inflation, but that's assuming inflation averages about 2% a year
I didn't check the math. But this is exactly what you need to know.
21 bitcoins.
>any sane person would choose to retire as soon as possible. i'd retire tomorrow if i could.
You say that now.
But when it comes (if it does come) it doesn't happen.
Working a job is a joy for many people, especially when you make enough to actually retire (You're working something significant rather than McDonald or stacking shelves when you pay $100k+/yr).
You'll eventually get bored. Besides you severely underestimate how much you need to retire... COMFORTABLY.
Yeah you could live off $15k/yr in a shitty apartment in the ghetto never leaving your house but you're going to want more, you're going to want to enjoy yourself. Limiting yourself so much to your savings will cuck you harder than you realize
Where am I gonna get that sick 5% growth?
Sounds like your family is too dependent on you