My car went in a lake yesterday and I'm making a gofundme to replace it. How should I spread the gofundme link online for optimal donations?
My car went in a lake yesterday and I'm making a gofundme to replace it...
Why would anyone want to give you money for this?
I hope you don't get funded because your next car will probably just go in the lake again since you were dumb enough for it to happen once.
try nosebook, alternatively stop fucking being retarded
the fuck is noebook
Why is your car in a lake?
a funny name for facebook. why the fuck are you here? no one is going to give you money
you don't know that buddy
Story OP I invest in the illegitimate
First things first, explain to us how it wasn't your fault and why we should give you money? Second off, I don't think you will be able to do that so just tell us how the fuck that happened?
This is hilarious. Did you just drive it into the lake? Did you forget to put it in park? Did a very shitty friend push it in? Story time OP I'm all ears
Story time
> Be me in Highschool
> I was 16 at the time
> Guy in my grade goes out drinking on a Saturday night and runs his jeep into a mailbox
> Damage wasn't even that bad, just damaged bumper
> He decides to push the car into a lake, walk home, then tell his parents the car must have been stolen
> He pushes it into a pond that is only 4 ft deep
> he'sfucked.jpg
Kid was the laughingstock of the school for one year.
The good news is it's only a kia. The bad news is you need a car :/
How much were the fines for contaminating a wetland with oil and gas?
I know that in MI, when a car goes through the ice on a lake, the fines from the DEQ are often far more than the cost of the car.
Much much do you need? $1500 for another kia? lel
flood damage is easily fixed, pull it out quicky
If you're black, say evil whitey did it and that black lives matter.
You will eclipse your goal
Have you considered prostitution or begging in the mall?
pull it out and sell it for parts if you can't fix it
Your car didn't "go" in a lake. either your stupid ass drove it into the lake or you forgot to put the parking brake on. Either way, please explain why other people should pay for your incompetence?
Didn't your insurance cover the loss?
It doesn't work, not one penny was given to me for my tragedy
However laquisha got her her did, little susy fot to goto Florida for cheer leading ,Chad got to goto his baseball game, stoner band 2.0 got thousands to keep going on tour, lafa da got her abortion, these people got thousands and thousands because they are entitled faggots. But does anyone help someone who actually had something bad happen naw. The site is just as bogus as like book, or msn
You fucking leech
Why should anyone give you money
If you are female, just make note that you are female and post it on Reddit and you'll get tons of donations for beta cucks.
If you are male, you're fucked. Try not being a complete retard next time.
Likely drunk driving since there's no ice and Veeky Forums is full of retards.