>booty edition
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>Pre-season and assassin's stuff
>booty edition
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>Important links
>Patch Notes
>Pre-season and assassin's stuff
So you still come around here then or is it someone pretending to be you on the Discord?
that alpha client is fucking shmexy
ziggs is thicc
>janna goes 0/11
>yasuo goes 3/10
>gnar goes 1/7
>gg report mf for toxic
I might've had a reason
I don't understand this meme that somehow it doesn't matter how hard you int, if you're being toxic, you have to be targeted. Who even gives a shit what I'm saying, I'm not doing bad. Like if you get flustered about what I'm saying that's your own damn problem, don't give me shit when you're feeding.
Best girl.
Best hands.
Best wife.
feelings > facts
but looloo unmarried and free for life user
how do you die 11 times as janna
i think my record of most deaths was 6 or 7 in a game where i did extremely badly and i have 300k janna masteries
Basically a girl from soc was drawfagging here and then got a "boyfriend" here
Turns out she was in many boards collecting boyfriends. This upset the autists who wanted a pure Internet waifu and somehow it got out. People started sharing her nudes and Skype convos til she left. Hard to shitpost when people can reply with a picture of your own butthole
reposted because image limit at my pic
Is that why we see remi here so often?
gimme 1 good reason why you are not going to be maining wukong in season 7 faggot
go on, do it
You are ranked highly with your waifu, right user?
Present to me your best filenames lolg
warwick is more fun
reminder don't buy shit skins
Because Shaco might somehow survive the rework
>that flat chest
>body is basically a log
if only men stopped being so thirsty for pussy
isnt he AP now?
stop spreading lies
i have perfectly respectable tits
the other vladfag can confirm
>janna in lane
>literally sits behind me and shield occasionally against leona
>I come out of lane 2/1 anyway despite being camped
>doesn't matter because yasuo inted to annie, gnar lost to aatrox and yasuo kept trying to 1 v 1 trist and dying so every member on the enemy team is fed
>janna literally said she has played two games of support ever, she was hoping to get carried
>me and nid are the only people doing well at all and we're spamming surrender because it's fucking over
>the 3 positive petes all voted no, we must go on, anything is possible, stop being toxic
>continue to int
>yasuo just pushes bot and dies to trist and complains about lag in all chat
>finally lose
>gnar spergs out in the chat about how I didn't do well and to look at my damage and look at my deaths
>i did 100 less damage than him and second on team, and had 2 less deaths
>i hope you see now why being toxic is bad
idk, I think inting is worse
but I'm the bad guy here of course
Cuz I'm maining Angry Tree That Hates Magic as a sup.
Have they given an answer on what changes they're doing to shyvana?
I miss this game so much.
I still hate that fucking fish-nami thing, stupid ass boss
oh yeah
in addition to xin, olaf, zed, & co
wukong should disappear too
I hate wu
dumb freelo champion
I don't play this game enough to main a champion anymore
wukong will never disappear
riot does not care about him because he is perfectly balanced the way he is
just like diana
bla bla bla
its what they all say
where is the proofs?
>wake up and decide to play with friends because whatever
>game's going decently, winning lane for the most part with some minimal but not critical mistakes
>15 min. in, things start going awry midway through the game (top feeding, jungle failing ganks, mid not calling mias,) eventually lose bottom tower
>roam mid with jungle, only for him to decide not to despite trying to initiate
>jokingly say "Dude, I can smell your taint from here."
>immediately get backlash for "losing lane and feeding the enemy team kills"
>was 2/2/4 at the time with my ADC sharing the same score with 120 cs or so, while jungle and mid had low creep score despite their respective opponents roaming constantly all game, and top having 2.5 more deaths than me
>they eventually start shit talking me in call, while I'm just laughing my ass off over how upset they're getting over a fucking normal
>eventually surrender and they kick me out of the call and jump into queue without me
I need new friends.
Mini rework to Dragon form
because riven is basically better?
Hardest champ:
>Lee Sin
Hardest adc: Draven
>enemy team picked kindred
I sure do enjoy free wins
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
im a support main
I wanna hold Jinx's hand and win with her
Which is impossible if you ban my Jinxy, and force me to carry as Jhin
>Hardest adc: Draven
This meme needs to end, Draven is extremely ooga booga. You basically need two games to get used to catching his axes to play him. All of his spells are extremely simple to use and his big damage means he can get away with playing like a wildman who just goes ham in bottom lane. Literally the hardest thing about him is judging when you should let an axe go and just dip out.
ask the gay brown vladfag
he knows me irl
>Internet girlfriend
>On Veeky Forums
That's the most hilariously cringeworthy shit I've heard in a while.
Deja vu!
I've just swam in this place before
Why even respond, he's not worth the breath
Also, because I know it's going to be posted, that picture of me in the pink is 6 years old today
And I've been silver the entire time
>a lot of people are watching peanut, i wonder why
jee me too, why would a good player have decent viewercount
faker would hit 70k on twitch for sure
What is int?
I got an email stating my account has been permabanned for use of scrips/hacks which I found funny as I haven't played the game in over a year and never cheated/modded my game when I did. Customer support is now basically telling me to go fuck myself.
Is this something that happens a lot?
I made it gold 5 after being silver 4/5 for 3 years
Should I keep going? I'm still winning more than losing now, but idk if its worth it if the season's gonna reset
? what picture
You seem to misunderstand.
ADC is generally easy role, that's why ADC mains are generally entitled faggots.
>Literally the hardest thing about him is judging when you should let an axe go and just dip out.
No, the hardest thing about him is kiting someone while maintaining two axe. One misclick and your axe would land in the wrong place.
I'm still unsure if swimfag means it in a vore way
janna is a funny champ
>get mad at my team in lobby
>promise them to never help adc in lane
>let the enemy blitz eat my adc freely
>get s for the game
see, i'm helping~
What are the odds?
Btw, Vladfag, are you in or outside of EU?
this always makes me so sad
stop picking braum
he is not good right now. he does nothing lane except get poked down. if you want a melee support pick alistar. but really you should play a mage support or some stupid shit like janna/soraka.
No fuck you I play what I enjoy. Fuck you for trying to make people meta slaves. 2/10 made me reply
Every damn time I see this I can only think of fucking Resident Evil / Underworld evolution and Idk why
Vayne leaves absolutely no room for mistakes.
realistically Vayne is actually more difficult to play than Draven unless your implying TRIPLE AXES MECHONIC.
Good, that makes traveling easier.
Let's fugg.
post pics
lane lulu is one of the hardst champion now
Does liking Kindred making me a furry?
>Every game has a feeder,afk or a troll
Whats the reason to play ranked? Normals seem much better
Rengar and Nidalee gankking Alistar
>play shyvana
>1v5 every game
Nice game lolbabs
who is the third lion and the little bull
also why they are lions, i thought lionesses are supposed to hunt for their husbands
kindred is a spirit
what is the word if you want to fugg a spirit?
Don't have any pics of my dick on this PC. I can get some later.
The season ends so soon, just make sure you don't fall back down to silver
Kalista is harder it also comes with the need of a competent support.
it should be something with noxus desu
when they caught alistar
would you fuck a spirit if you were another spirit?
God why do i always to fap for this glorious ass
I wish irelia was real
Post foxes inn public places
>there are people from funland here
oh fugg
haid de meems
Post champs that will never be irrelevant because their kits are inherently broken af.
>perfectly balanced
eeeh I think his W could use a rework now that everyone is used to it and its mostly just used for OOGAH BOOGA FREEE INITIATION??!!!
I think Wukong has alot of potential for a much more interesting kit . something like
>E also spawns attacking decoys on their targets
>new W where he modifies his next 2 attacks to slow then stun for 0.5 seconds
just make him as annoying as fucking possible
of course
i'd always fuck spirit
Daily reminder that EUNE region now has a Veeky Forums club.
To join contact GlebLuluPmforERP
Nice dicc is good but unless youre hot im not touching it
wtf is legend of the poro king
Very nice combo friend :)
Can anyone tell me how easy it is to switch or pick up new champs when you're already good at the game?
I have a special kind of autism that makes it really difficult for me to play the same 1-2 champs literally every game. After about 5-6 games (even if I'm stomping) I just want to change it up, this is compounded when the champ is super simple/boring. I really want to git gud and finally try and make something of myself in ranked next season but to do that I have to actually git gud.
My plan is try and spam games nonstop with generic shitter-proof champ for at least 100 games until I genuinely feel like I'm good at the role and then if its plausible, make the switch to the character(s) I like with my newfound understanding of the game/mechanics making the switch easier.
For example last season I tried to make nidalee jungle work but my mechanics just weren't good at all, I couldn't do shit outside of the actual clear (which I did really well, but nothing else). My record on her was something like 4-19 even though she was my favorite. In theory I would use some shitter like amumu that's impossible to fuck up, and just really focus on learning the core mechanics like map awareness, where/when to gank, etc and then when I have that down switch to nid and it'll be a lot easier since all I'd need is to re-learn the mechanics of the champ and the fundamentals of the role are already learned.
Does this make sense?? Would it work? Not just for nid/jungle but for any role.
I'm hotter than you so there should be no problems.
how "Already good at the game" are you?
i personally have no problems to switch champs (except that i suck at some ofc)... but i have no problems to play one for 50 games straight too (didn't try for more, but then, when i played mwo i once played 1000 games straight with one mech and one build i.e. like with one champ in lol)
This is a great gif(t), thank you
p.s. mwo games like 1/3 of lol games by their length
>reminder buy skins
good goy
but are you hotter than my current whore
Not very. I just got back into the game after not playing for the better part of half a year, there will be a lot of re-learning but I still have a grasp on the basics.
Even before though I wasn't very good. My normals were in the silver-gold mmr range, and my ranked last season placed me in bronze I and I didn't play more than 3 or 4 ranked games after placing
>For example last season I tried to make nidalee jungle work but my mechanics just weren't good at all, I couldn't do shit outside of the actual clear (which I did really well, but nothing else). My record on her was something like 4-19 even though she was my favorite. In theory I would use some shitter like amumu that's impossible to fuck up, and just really focus on learning the core mechanics like map awareness, where/when to gank, etc and then when I have that down switch to nid and it'll be a lot easier since all I'd need is to re-learn the mechanics of the champ and the fundamentals of the role are already learned.
except amumu jungle is completely different from nid's
also with a record like that it's easier to ditch nid instead, i had a similar poor record and ditched her for good