>Links and Resources
>Links and Resources
Azura a shit
Who is that kid supposed to be on the right
Camilla a best
cute subhumans
it looks like shigure with corrin hair?
Laslow/Inigo is nice
But why though.
I can only assume OP's pic was a request/commission since any legit Azurafag should know how this works. Cute pic by the way. Good job by the artist for actually understanding how hair color inheritance from subhumans actually works.
Who's the most loving wife and why is it Flora?
Garbage OP. Where is Lucina?
because she tries to smother the guilt of hating you for years with inane acts of affection
Flora is a cute
That's a funny way to spell Azura
We're actually turning into /drg/. Next thing you know we'll be hitting image limit at 400 posts.
She's the baby that Azura is holding. Her hair just hasn't darkened yet, but it will in time.
Artist confirmed is Shigure with Corrin's hair color, (s)he was a little disappointed he doesn't get hair modifications.
Be honest, user. How new are you? I won't make fun.
Did anyone else bother saving her?
Cloud from FF7? The price for the hair gel must've been nightmarish
2 months. Maybe a week less.
I didn't even know how to get her gaiden chapter
Take a minute of your time to answer this senpai
Yes i spent rly much on that. Was kinda worth it.
The most difficult part was the Bustersword though
Sirius B O I S
>sethcucks actually think their shitty Husbando is anything compared to general Camus
Heretics, the lot of you
>most handsome gba character vs some old fart from games no one has played
>people are actually unironically voting for Seth
You did marry her and make her happy at least once, right user?
Twice. But she sucked in fates
Nearly, but she's more like a good hate-fuck than waif material.
Severa is only good for brutal anal rape, torture, and murder.
I love BIG sister. She's so cute.
Severa is for pump and dump
Lucina is not for fucking or romancing!
Chrom probably made you her Godfather, you sick fuck!
>Chrom probably made you her Godfather
He made you the godfather of baby Lucina, not alternate dimension Lucina. You can plow her as much as you want.
but they're the same person...
Why do you think she's so bitter? It's because of faggots like you
Maybe genetically, but Alternate dimension Lucina has lived a life of hardships and experienced things baby Lucina never will, thus creating a distinct personality.
It's like that joke that baby Lucina has a better chance of ending up busty because she'll actually grow up with a chance to eat as much as she wants properly unlike Lucina who probably would go hungry some nights because she gave the last of her bread to some starving orphans.
They're less the same person, and more twins at this point.
Midori is my wife
Post Corrin/Midori please
/feg/ is dead.
I'm actually thinking to do a FE Cosplay about Laslow or Inigo(i know, they are the same person).
Which one would you more like to see?
Just to see if his Awakeing or his Fates design was more popular.
Why do you have a trip on
But Kaze why would you save lewd pictures of your daughter, maybe you should be the one in jail instead
Soleil is for hugs
Solel is for not-existing because Laslow never gets any pussy.
I want to do a hard work out with Soleil
Cosplay Soleil.
I want to give Soleil a long sweaty workout on her bunny blanket.
Dudes cosplaying as solel would work pretty good.
Ophelia stop cuteposting your wife.
Do Laslow, that outfit looks quite comfy.
>that pose
JoJo reference?!
>this shitty meme is already on /feg/
Fuck off and gas yourself.
Stop trying to force this shitty meme
It's genuinely not funny, you're just a bandwagoning fag
I'm not Ophelia but she can join in too. Soleil'd probably like it.
Fuck off
But i'm a dude bro.
To spice things up
Ok, i could start plannin, i guess. I'm not gonna start on it immediatly, because of school
/blog :^)
But An..... To be continued.. :^)
Actually stop this shity meme
A bit of a weird question, but would anyone happen to have a higher resolution or higher quality version of this image?
How fucking old are you
>not wanting to be a girl (boy)
I knew tripfags were cancer, but holy shit.
>same sex marriage becomes a thing in Fates
>mfw you can't marry Soleil to FeMui
>mw you can't marry Forrest to MaMui
So close, yet so far.
He only got a tripcode to try and make people upset. Just ignore him and don't give him attention
Camilla is a better as the lesbo option desu
>Hoshido is medieval Japan
>Nohr is Ancient Greece with Medieval technology
>Mamui can't fuck Forrest and Hayato for their A-rank
Immersion ruined. Mamui even seemed like he wanted to in their supports.
To say nothing of Femui and Soleil's budding femdom relationship.
I just checked the artist's tumblr page as indicated by the watermark on the bottom and that is the highest resolution image. This is the link they provide: i.imgur.com
I like Hana
Where's the picture to prove it?
I don't believe you
Why would anybody lie about such a thing?
19 years
Sry user, i'm not into crossdressing. Better ask Foleo for that.
>Says the trip
Oh, the irony
>more tripfags appear
>thread dies
Is there a fate worse than this?
What happened.
Looks harsh, that's why i carry more than one healer on levels like that one.
I'm also playing that level right now on HNM
attempt to force a jojo meme
How cute, Armored Knights
I do carry more than one healer, Serra was over the rightmost part of the map.
>unpromoted Raven that late into the game
whattafuck man
>threesome partner
Pick one
Dragon dick is best dick desu
>+1 Strength
the comedic timing on that was perfect
>Dragon dick is best dick desu
C-CamillaAnon? Is there something you want to tell us...?
Soleil and Ophelia are a pure, married couple who do pure couple things together, like kissing, hand-holding, and going on picnics.
>replying to the retarded tripfag
why would a person do this
>Dragon dick is best dick desu
Yes, we already know that you enjoy having other things fuck what you're interested in rather than you doing it yourself.
>This is between me and Mozucuck!
To be fair general Oswin+boots did great on my EM run, now i just want him to B-support with Prisc just because.
He's lvl 18, hadn't use him since the first level with ninian and Harken was just too damn good.
Shit there was a new thread this whole time. Cherche is nice.
Laslow. I like that Merc outfit more than Awakening's.
Oswin is god awful in HHM Cog of Destiny
Pretty much everything in the map 1-2 rounds him, or just blick him outright with a crit
>Wew Tier
That one nigger who forced a shitty JoJo meme
>can't marry Male Corrin to girl(male)
>but can marry the disgusting middle age thief
Ok 2:0 for Laslow then
You still forgot BradyAnon
Does anyone have a prepatched .CIA of Fates with the Revelation rebalanced patch and Twin Kana's?
>CamillaFriend now in B-Tier
>Seth and Camus are at an 11/11 tie
I'm just too tired at this point.
>Camilla-/ChercheAnon together like a couple
Like Poetry
>he didn't let the two Awakening lovebirds get together