Patents buying me a car. Broke student. How can I convince them to buy me a Mustang instead of some lame sedan, for the same price? The budget isn't the issue, it's the emotional "no" that I think I'm going to get.
How to convince parents?
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just buy a few civics
You are forgetting insurance costs. While the regular sedan may have the same initial cost, the mustang with its higher accident rate will have higher monthly insurance costs especially for someone under 25
trick them into getting you a cool sedan
Same insurance rates for me. Cheaper to insure than a Mazda3.
Mustangs have good crash ratings and all that, but thats all I can think of. Maybe rig some info and give them the impression the mustang gets better gas mileage than whatever sedan they would buy you.
Accept a civic. Don't be another statistic. You're going to crash and kill yourself and/or fellow students on a late night run for milkshakes. Then the whole campus will grieve instead of calling you the dumbass that you are. All because you were a faggot that doesn't know how to drive.
>trick them into getting you a cool sedan
That's a terrible adversarial way to treat your parents.
You claim to be a broke student. So they are already helping you thru college. Tricking them is pretty ungrateful. They are buying a car for you, but you feel their choice is not up to your standards.
dodge the mustang, get a fiero
If patents are buying you a car, then you should be pretty loaded, no?
>projecting this hard
What is this, Happy Days?
>It will get me pussy mom.
You missed out bruh
>I want Lexus
>no shithead, we gib Mustang instead
ez pz
Sounds like you're in the market for a Mercury Marauder, OP.
Deal with it or buy your own car faggot
Do kids really think like this? Your parents are already buying you a car to help you out. When you want things that YOU like, then you spend your own money. You chose to go to college. Nothing wrong with that, I hope you will be making more than me shortly. But my mother let me borrow her car and I also had to live with my cousin who works at the same place until I bought my own car I wanted. I never once growing up expected my parents to buy me a car even though they said they will. I seen them struggle and didn't want to be more of a burden on them.
>You're going to crash and kill yourself and/or fellow students on a late night run for the cannabinoids
Well maybe OP's parents are well off and there's nothing wrong with that.
>Bad handling
>Gas guzzler
>Terrible side impact rating
They have money that I don't.
That's what's wrong with that.
Yea i say let mommy and daddy buy it. Theyre gonna buy him a new one when he wrecks that one too. Makes no dif to anyone really.
That's why they're gonna buy him a shitbox, they know their little bastard is going to fuck it up/run it into the ground
OP, just be happy you're getting wheels
Just get a ford focus mk1 you spoiled brat.
So everything he'd get in a Mustang- including the engine from a Mach 1- but in sedan form so his parents will approve of it. Sounds good to me!
Ha no. They will buy him that mustang then buy him another when he wrecks the first one. You might know smart rich people but i assure you most of them are not. Esp. Here in this texas oil money. They will buy their little sweet friday night lights star whatever the fuuuuuck he wants, regardless of what kind of person he is.
Jesus, I thought people in Texas had more sense than people in VA, guess I was wrong
>I'm broke but I don't have any problem getting a car that will drink fuel like a black hole and have insurance costs I can't pay
You're no better than the annoying hip "broke" college kid with the latest iPhone and several grands worth of mac laptop
Get your priorities straight.
Hey ma and pa, I'm very grateful that you're thinking of getting a car for me, but I did some research and found one that's [within the budget] that you don't seem to have considered that I personally really like.
It has advantages in
[insurance cost, safety, practicality, repair costs, fuel economy, features, aesthetics, street cred, etc]
compared to a run of the mill sedan.
It has disadvantages in
[insurance cost, safety, practicality, repair costs, fuel economy, features, aesthetics, street cred, etc]
compared to a run of the mill sedan, but I could mitigate these through
[responsible driving, paying for my own insurance / fuel, locking it in a garage, etc.]
Here's a photo of the listing: [profile space frame chassis with bodywork inspired by the 1965 Mustang GT]
What do you think?
Naw dude those dont go well together. At least in the southeast portion. I work with a guy whos wrecked several harleys, 2 cars, and now a boat. Hes 23. Never paid anything for any of it. Daddys buyin him a gto soon. No skin off my nuts. Just sucks to deal with when they flip a stang on the highway and I-10 is backed up like a colon filled with MRE.
Like a colon filled with mre. Ha I remember that story
>he never made late night milkshake runs with qt college gf and friends
Had a 2009 accord sedan. Insurance on an 06 GT manual was $7 more a month.
What kind of 50s Sick Hop bullshit am I reading?
My Mazda 3 was pretty high cost to insure for some reason, as well. Interesting.
my father got me a used Fiat Seicento for university, 0.9 L and 39 HP, he paid 1900 euromonies for it
I loved the fuck out of that little car and I had a lot of fun with it too, especially downhill
i'm not projecting dumbass.
get a bmw m5 sedan and shut up.
>more power
>kill better handling
>not a ford product
>fuck you
>Implying 90% of the accidents on I-10 aren't caused by shithead rednecks in lifted pickups
You can have a nice car when you've earned a nice car. Until then, you'll drive an economy car.
You spoiled shit
Italoboxes are fun as hell.
When they want to work, that is.
Go jap
Tell them you want the eco model, they will think it's slow because eco sounds like slow environmental shit, do not mention the boost part. After you get it congrats, you will now be picking up chicks left and right who will suck your dick just because of the car you are in
I found the user whose parents don't love him enough to but him a new car. Maybe one day mommy and daddy will love you user. Hang in there
get a bmw 335
Buy a pos and wrench on it faggot.
Learn to respect your car/parents before you become a self entitled spoiled prick who thinks the world owes him everything.
Oh wait, sounds like that's already happened and you should just kys.
I bought my own cars, learned to repair and maintain them. Fast forward to today, im a mercedes technician.
Not spoiling me was the best decision my parents ever made.
Mustang is trash kys
You're going to wreck your first car, it's inevitable. Get your parents sedan, then when you get the insurance pay out after your wrap your car around a pole, then you buy a mustang and take one payments yourself
I got a 325i sedan as my first car. it was totaled when some lady drove me off the road then tried to run and got arrested. I used my settlement to buy my mustang, and thank god I didn't have this as my first car. The car is extremely squirmy in the wet, I wouldn't of been able to handle the LRA as a 16 year old.
What the fuck, You can buy 8 of them for that amount of money where I live.
say you want to be recognised as a glorious faggot and an ordinary shitbox wont do
Have you earned a mustang? You don't get to just buy one and have it at that young age. You better work hard and study to get somewhere or you'll have the car with nothing else.
I'm telling you, I'm not buying my own kid a brand new car not going to happen
>You're going to wreck your first car, it's inevitable.
Pay close attention to the retards saying stuff like this in life. They think that because they're incompetent, everyone else must be.
Get a Legacy GT/Outback XT (turbo) or a 6 cylinder Legacy/Outback. They're not boring because they have power, and don't command a premium insurance rate because grandma wagon. They look pretty good lowered a bit with meaty tires too.
>32 mpg highway
>wants to spend 3k a year maintaining an old shitbox
>became a technician
>is happy with his life
I've found the issue
Who are you replying to?
it was 11 years ago, buddy
yeah they break quite often but at least they're cheap as hell to fix
anyway currently one of my little sisters owns it, it has 230k km and it still goes
>he's not a NEET
top kek wagekuk
my mom's husband bought me 235d
Because insurance companies see it as a "sporty" car. Family member of mine had the same thing, and that's the reason she was given.
230kms is like 120,000 miles right?
How is 230km bragworthy? Are your euro ecoboxes so shit that you're applauding that because everg car here in the states hits 175k easily lmao.
my husbando bought me a BMW *_*
it's a 214d :3
if you want to troll at least put some effort in it, dammit
>he a NEET
Kek, at what point do you buy your wife's son a car?
>Mustang for first car
Are you honestly and legitimately retarded? You'd literally have better luck asking for a fucking Hummer or a Range Rover.
Get a part time job and buy a car. Stop being lazy and slow down the partying if you want a car. Be an adult and stop begging your parents for money.
I was given a car by my dad.
He's rich, i don't need to work, only loser poorfags get useless subhuman slave degrees such as mechanical engineering in the hope of making money (they end up getting full of debts with my dad's loan company :^)
Two words: Fox Body
You sound like an entiltled cuck, and has it ever concurred to you that your fucked if you stop sucking your daddys cock? And he cuts ofc your money supply
Dude, i'm his only son and i'm getting like at least 4,5 mln $ when he retires, i think i'm set for life, stop gloating over my well being.
Going to blow it all on cocaine, so gg m8, dude do you know how to make money?
You'll blow through it in 5 years.
If he is looking at mustangs now, its ferraris the next, i say 2 years
>user gets his mustang
>crashes it into a tree after a month or two because all newstangs can't drive for shit
>dad gets angry
>boomer mode engaged
>"you'll pay for the repairs or for a new car yourself, like I did in muh old days"
>user starts to whine to get another
>well status : soured
>user can't get money for anything since his only marketable skill is being completely dependant on his family
>next car is a half-dead civic
If my son turns out to be like you I'm going to blow all my money and rack up massive debts while on my deathbed.
Says who, a jealous poorfag who will be a slave till the end of his miserable life?
That's just a fraction of his retirement bonus and half of that will get invested in his company obligations, which will get me a stable cash flow you could only dream of.
For the matter, i actually have a degree in finance and actuarial math but i just never had to work cause i don't need to.
The company which my dad's been working for is one of the first which has been using HFTs; as long as society exists there's no way it will go bankrupt.
And yes, we're actually jewish; now, i bet you're one of these pathetic racist scumbag but don't worry, your kind will face serious consequences soon (starting from november, huh ;^)
So what? I actually have a degree in something that will never fail, brewing, your just a lazy cuck, and trust me its possible that your dad doesmt put in his will and gives al his money to charity, i wonder why you want a fagstang any way if your soo rich why do you get a lambo as yoyr first car?
>and then user discovers taxes
Also im a huge supporter of israel and am not racist,
user you're so naive it's almost cute.
My dad planned this with me and why should he change his mind?
We have a very good relationship, there's no reason at all for that to happen; i'm sorry your dad didn't love you.
>For the matter, i actually have a degree in finance and actuarial math but i just never had to work cause i don't need to.
Oh man, that money will be gone in one generation. Your dad failed as a rich dude. My great grandfather was an immigrant and had something like a 300k net worth in the 1950s. Grandfather was lazy and spoiled and is worth almost nothing now, in his 70s and still works. He just falls back on his MBA, that he only got because his father's "donations", to make a living now. This is what your life is going to be.
Dude, you dont ever know, your dad could fuck you, hard, i have a great relationship with my parents, but my first car was a corolla and i love it, you gotta live modestly to keep that wealth in the family, it could be gone in a few gernations dude, and thats sad see,
Holy fuck why is this board so fucking full of angry poorfags and why is it so easily baited?
You get a fucking job to buy toys. You thank them for the lame sedan and get the best, most utterly reliable sedan possible. You amount to something and get a fucking job. Enlist, whatever.
You cease to define your life by displays of money that isn't your money.
You observe more rich people and how they got that way. Stop sucking. Be WORTHY of their support. You need only one thing in the next decade, a fucking career. If you pick a good one, you'll have many toys.
Damn did you really? I couldn't live with myself if I had wrecked my dad's grand Prix.
None of my siblings wrecked their first car either and we live in a retard driver state called South Carolina.
>we can get my kid a point A to point B car that's reliable and he's less likely to hoon around in, use less gas (that we pay for) and be cheaper to insure
>we can buy a mustang, pay fuckloads for insurance, etc. and hope for the best
are you a child OP
Buy a BMW e39 m5
>Innocent looking 4 door sedan
>V8 like a mustang
>Sounds great, good power, good torque.
>Made in 90's - early 2000's aka "The Golden Age of Cars."
I'd like to be the 3rd person to recommend the g8. Pontiac is a good brand and it's even cheaper now GMs done away them them. Very nice engine inside the G8 and it's a sedan. Or you could go G6 and get a nice convertible. Though it could be broken into if you park it on the campus by basketball Americans.
How about you be a contributing member of society and work for what you own?
Children will be children. Growing up to be an adult isn't an age thing but when they actively are independent
This. OP is a spoiled little shit.
girls find jeep wranglers the sexiest of the sexy trust me im gay
Get a civic Si its probably the best sporty sedan right now, also why the fuck are you complaining your parents are buying you a brand new fucking car.
>not even his fault he got totaled
Had the same thing happen to me. Some dickhead nailed my rear bumper and totaled my shitbox of 3 years. Now I have to miss a class to go into court just to give a statement of his dumbassery. At least I got a 5.slow twitter handle out of it...