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>Pre-season and assassin's stuff
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>tfw anxiety is back
>tfw can't stop dropping games
Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!
get some xanax
How do I play Ryze beoynd doing a combo? I
please send help senpaitachi
I'm trying my counselling appointment is on the 9th and I probably won't get it in the first one.
At what elo can I expect my ADCs to consistently be good? Like actually able to carry the game after I carry them in lane. I'm D5 MMR at the moment and everyone still sucks.
Pic related: my stats.
Take a break and try to find an emotionally supportive friend to play with.
ULTIMATE ship if you know what i mean :p
Sombra looks OP as fuck and I'll still be playing Reaper even if she can interrupt his invincibility
Thats still not Braum x Illaoi
I just dropped two games after not playing for four or five days because I dropped another game back then. It doesn't go away with breaks the feelings start in queue.
When did Jinx turn into a blonde twink?
Here is how you play vel:
>start void rift
>use void rift to clear lane + a few autos
>avoid any altercation with your lane opponent until level 5
>at level 5 start trying to Q them
>if you land a Q and they have no mobility skills, go void rift + knock up for easy damage on the slowed target
>at 6 do this again for an easy kill if they have taken any damage
You do almost the same thing in team fights, the only difference is you ult if their carries get caught out.
You definatly didn't know what I mean
protip: Braum and Illaoi don't have ultimate skins
fuck me
Neither does Lux yet, technically.
can i
Cute hugs!
How do I into lamb butt /lolg/?
I want to main her.
You might want to just stop playing league until your anxiety is resolved if it gets worse in game. Or be goofy in arams.
you ARE combos, your playing combos the champion.
but if your talking R i giuess you go in with r and combo the shit out of them untill their anus bleeds.
Men can be waifus too you shitlord.
Now no excuses, go take the rod. You know what it's made of.
vlad already won
xth for Irelia's butt makes me wet
What's the best way to identify scripters? What's the best methods of countering them?
calm down vladfag
vlad isnt a waifu.
But I have to keep playing because I have to win to get a higher rank to feel better about myself, and I feel equally bad about myself when I stop playing because it's conceding I'm shit at the game.
Tell me about Jhin. Why does he wear the mask?
>ywn be that close to sivir's midriff
can you?
Googled the definition expecting it to agree with you but apparently not.
According to this definition Vlad is a waifu.
Because he is gay.
league is an awful game that leaves a lot of game's outcome to things outside of your power. If your happieness is bound to your skill you should try to find a game with more control for skilled play to fill your time with.
Do you simply not enjoy non-competitive games?
Ivern otp here for jungle/top, if any of you lolbabs have questions (you) me
waifu isnt husbando
Urban Dictionary is more trustworthy than google on those topics.
I want rp or a skin. Anyone want a boost or something in eune/euw?
Got 6300 IP, wat do?
Anything you wanna be good at is an acquired talent, man. If you wanna get better, and you put the time and effort in, you will. Nobody learns to ride a bike without scraping their knees a few times - play around with the roster, see who you like best. Practice with them. And remember: we're with you.
I'm sorry but you have to deliver now. Choose one and get going.
already owned my dude
Kled is the most FUN and viable.
Ivern might get uber buffed soon but no promise.
Just Bought Galio after grinding for 3 weeks
i wanna kill myself
I thought they were fucking in that pic for a second.
Anyone can write in urbandictionary. I can go write a definition Waifu = Vlad as we speak.
Fujoshi refers specifically to girls who are into yaoi actually.
Female otaku are just called otaku.
Calm your thirst, boy. I'm not Vladfag and I'm not gay.
Why would you buy such a mediocre champion
>implying based azir would ruin himself on a whore like sivir
Holy shit she's finally released.
Jesus that took forever.
At least people will stop freaking out over every single release.
I dunno man. It's like, I feel like total garbage if I lose, but I also feel like total garbage if I win but personally didn't do well that match, AND I feel like garbage if I don't play at all because I equate it with quitting and acknowledging my failure.
I guess ideally, I'd just want to get to diamond, take a screenshot to prove I did it, and then never play the game again.
In all fairness, Galio IS getting a Sion-tier or greater rework at some point in the near future, so it's not totally wasted.
I spaced out and got bored
He's rework is gonna come out soon.....right?...RIGHT ?
Well, you will become a vladfaggot as consequence of your bet. You will be the lowest, filthiest slave to his chiseled pale body. You will milk him daily and beg for every last drop. He will cut you and torture you and you will love it.
It turns him on.
Same reason why he wears the leather bodysuit under his clothing and armor.
Any one? I know a guy who uses scripts and it fucking disgusts me. I just want to shit on shitters like him.
I'm also not the guy who asked for a waifu to main.
Just a random user making discussion because I'm here to waste time.
he looks ugly without it
>cuter than based rock girl
I don't know, do you consider 6 months soon?
Use auto reliant champs, or champs with targeted abiities. Fuck, if you want to beat them so bad, just use cassiopeia scripts and cuck them.
Azir trying to be a good dad to sivir warms my heart
Taliyah needs more lewds. Best jailbait.
Listen, I know exactly how you feel. I felt the same way back when I used to play DotA. Even after I made the switch to League maybe 2, 3 years ago, I still didn't touch ranked until very late this season, simply because I didn't see any fun in it as DotA's kinda poisoned that for me. For a long time, normals were enough - and that's fine, cuz if you're still around after this long, to me that says you enjoy the game on some level.
Here's the thing, amigo: you don't get better at the game by making the improvement of your skills your sole reason for playing.
You get better when you start playing because it's fun.
What did he mean by this?
Lux is the tightest waifu in this game
Prove me wrong
spoilers: you cant
>Every male Yordle is a small furry creature
>Veigar is not
Reposting because I only got one reply and I want a legit response for all champs, not just one.
What are you supposed to do in mid lane when you're sure that the enemy mid laner is going to roam bot or top?
If you follow him you 90% of the time you're just going to be wasting time and potential cs and if you're behind that could set you back even more. It could also be a setup to kill you or maybe you end up dying as well as your bot or top lane
If you don't follow, you're supposed to stay and cs but if you push, you're not going to get that much cs and then you have nothing to do since you can't kill the tower at level 6. If you freeze it, you're not going to get enough cs to match that potential double kill they're going to get if left unattended.
So what should you be doing? I usually fallow and I always always ping when my laner leaves lane. Whenever I just push instead it never seems to work out
Yea thats because she isn't slut like all of the other girls
things like instant 180 turns directly after the projectile passes them to return to their position are the best way to identify someone who dodged with a script that is trying to return them to their position rather than someone who legitimately dodged. It makes the script feel better by putting the character back where they player left it but someone who dodged legitimately wouldn't bother to spend the effort it takes to click back instantly.
scripts are really more rare than you think and Riot probably has better ways to detect them than you'll believe, but you can still report at the end of the match to increase the odds that specific player will be investigated.
>LoL below Overwatch AND Hearthstone on twitch
Is this the end for Riot Games Inc. ?
how much time do you spend in the enemy jungle as opposed to your own
which enemy junglers give you a hard time
I agree user
>better waifu than Taliyah
>use scripts to beat scripts
But scripters are subhuman. I don't want to stoop to his level. I'll do the target skills. He uses the range shower, dodger and what looks like a gank warning script, doesn't disable FoW but if someone is out of sight or invisible, it shows a line pointing towards him.
I was good friends with him, but he's a PoS in real life and in game, so I ditched him.
>Me unga
>Team bunga
Plat 2 ladies and gents. Just when you think you can fp your sup and go take a shit.
>mfw luxfags are becoming the new sonafags(which had become the new lulufags beforehand)
what will be next?
7 decides which champ I'll autistically main next season. Here are some champs I really like
I guess that's the problem then. League is only fun when you're winning. The entire nature of getting gold for getting kills providing stat advantages to make the next kill even easier makes the game zero fun to play when even one kill, or even twenty CS behind. I like stomping lane, I like doing really big damage and watching the enemy's health disappear with a really really big red chunk, I like getting first tower blood, I like getting a giant cash injection because I killed three stacked up waves with a single skill, but I don't like playing even games. And I hate playing losing games. And I can't even improve, because to get better first you gotta make mistakes and fail, but those mistakes are too distressing for me to make and make me have to quit.
Bigger question is why does he wear a leather mask underneath if that covers one of his eyes and restricts his breathing.
He's a fucking sniper, wouldn't this completely fuck over his concentration and depth perception?
i always ban olaf. Hec is also a hard time, lee not so much because I can Q his kick and root him. In the enemy jungle like counterjungling? You generally only do it if you know your passive wont get interupted + smite up. Otherwise not worth it unless youre stomping and in front of their gates.
>forgetting the dwarf Corki
Veigar is SECRET so who knows maybe he is the fluffiest furry ever.
Lux is tighter than your deformed nose waifu, as well as cuter, a better body, and more fertile.
Best muscle waifu.
He is though
He doesn't have a vgu to reveal the cat-face underneath his hat
>Beanhead ekko
The dinger
this teitch
Veigar is a black cat. You can see his muzzle in the curling skin.
It still pisses me off that some still get through. I don't know if he uses them or still has his accounts since I blocked all communication from him. I used to work for him but I quit because he's really horrible to be around.
Last I knew of him he was a OWfag.
elise kinda of but its not that bad, only if her minispiders get in your Q's way then it kinda sucks.