/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Otohime-sama! Edition

Shadowverse is a class-based collectible card game akin to Hearthstone. The Steam version launched on October 28th.

Platforms: iOS, Android, Steam (store.steampowered.com/app/453480/)

Official Website:

Card Database / Deck Editor:

Intro Guide/FAQ:
pastebin.com/xNmQuDzR (read this if you're new)

Take 2 Card Rankings:
Get your cheat sheets here: imgur.com/a/Dpbmh

Friend list:

Some user made an all-in-one Steam undub and uncensor for the lazy or mentally handicapped. Open wide and enjoy responsibly.


Decryption key: !tsu910nR6lT_xTQAx9QUNI_96DLJ0mvgIwwThp5lPS4

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literally just as you posted this i mulliganed my storm haven hand into two urds and a hallowed dogma

fuck you

I want to fuck ____

Are we likely to get new leaders anytime soon?

Accept your fate.

xth for tyrantatomeme.dek

Have you paid your tithes, /svg/?

>>Jund is the best though.
You do not have to pay a tithe as reward for your good taste.

Luna is my cute daughter. Only one of you can marry her when she becomes of age, but you have to prove yourself to me.

Do not become a prisoner of despair. A hopeful future can be yours... A future of freedom. Go ahead. Grasp it...


evolved ivory dragon.

Can anyone translate that image?

>That feeling when playing bats

I want to fuck Arisa and breed elves.

What's the card in the top right beneath bald priest?

>tfw quickblader, oathless, ascetic, banner opening hand

I have succumbed to the fun that is Storm Haven and am no longer worthy of Luna.

>angelic barrage

How is the new Hearthstone expansion looking?

Need a private win, 96563

I'm on Seraph Control, just concede when you got lethal.

>jund is the best
Except its just another retarded midshit for kids.

I still play midrange.

That's why I usually only use that emote when they use all their mana

you're dead mr dad, luna is mine now

so do we have an offical Veeky Forums leader ranking ?
obv Arisa is rank 1 Best girl

>play against runecraft with a basic haven deck
>opponent starts to use spells after spells
>oh boy it's D-shift in unranked D0
>preemptively drop death sentence amulet that destroys two random followers at turn 8 because i know something big is coming
>gets a successful harnessed flame,glass combo then plays a D-shift again and drops another pair of them and play a Sammy clears my board but i have amulets ticking
>My turn comes
>my amulet destroys the new pair
>meanwhile i draw the 5PP banish card he gave me with Sammy
>use it on the combined flame and glass which he even evolved
>has a temple defender and evo point and clear his board completely
>while i have the 2 amulets ticking

dayum and i don't even use any of that cancer with Haven
That was a great feeling though i got lucky there because i have only one copy of Deatch Sentence in my deck


Meme Streets of Gadgetzan is looking hilarious

how is this as a start?

too lazy to make it loop properly

>glass and flame
That...isn't D-Shift. Unless you meant the card, not the deck.

Like priest and completely dead aggro meta.

>that feeling when I mulligan into dragon wings vs aggro bat

Pretty nice.

Tia is great
Mary is pretty good
Princess is dust
Forte is great
Lord of the Flies is great
Erasmus is alright
Pluto is dust


I'm honestly surprised it took them so long to make this card.

how do i build a decent haven deck

>surviving 21 damage double dim shift


>completely dead aggro meta
That's a good thing

Forte is being pretty generous with her breastplate there.

>shadows card

Storm is the cheapest followed by Elana, what rares/leggos you got?

Thanks for the feedback, was looking for something like this, will get rid of fairy princess and pluto, should i get rid of the three erasmuses too?

you can run d-shift with glass and flame, or runeblades, instead of destroyers.

People say this every time

well he used D-shift but it was a flame and glass version?
Dunno he probably didn't have the flame destroyers
also here is the deck i used:

he only used one D-shift which was enough to clear my board


Here is my deck,it's a fucking clusterfuck

Luna x Mordecai

Thanks, my green flag country friend!

Glass and Flame sounds much too inconsistent. The runeblade build is neat.

One Elana's Prayer

You're gonna need some more stuff to build an Haven deck.

3 Garuda 3 Themis is good enough to get something to climb with. You could try Elana without the legendaries but its pretty mediocre without them. But you still need 3 themis for either deck.

If i could describe the deck i would say it's consistently inconsistent.

>new zombie chew
>fuckload of taunts
>priest got lightbomb and cultist back
>le 6 damage flamestrike + 3 minions ressurect

Everyone in Forestcraft

Can anyone post that 30+ damage OTK webm?

This game lacks a mill archetype, I love playing that shit.

>Talking shit about Jund

I saw, but forgive me if I'm a little skeptical when i hear the same thing every expansion and nothing ever changes

>40 card decks
It will either be busted as fuck or 100% useless. I'll play it neither way.

Man fuck it I'll just play sword from now on.

No, this time it's like 100% dead aggro. Too bad niggerpriest mirrors would be cancer incarnate and boring to play and watch.

Tell me where the Jund touched you, and, if applicable, where RDW touched you as well.


>shitters running complete seraph and dshift decks in fucking unranked against my basic auto completed deck
>they win by the skin of their teeth and have the nerve to BM for 3 turns straight
this is hilariously pathetic

What is the point of linking Google Play and Facebook?

Where my /svg/ tournament round 1 winners at?

Just gotta have the milling power be relative to the deck size instead of copying MtG values 1:1.
Hearthstone has mill with 30 card decks and even if an empty draw doesn't kill you immediately in that game, you will most assuredly not live 10 more turns.

transferring stuff over
for the rerolls

I wish literally anyone at wizards gave a single shit about anything that wasn't the physical cards.

The cards are great and all but I'd like an actually good game made by them, instead of Duels or MTG:O

>pint-size potion
>potion of madness

God bless this game for not having
>created by Babbling Book

I'm assuming you can't, but can you re-roll packs other than your starter ones? I've seen some mobages where you can do that but it's pretty rare.

Blood pact in aggro vampire Y/N?

Is Finrir in this game?

I heard something about packs and a mission slot


>complete chapter 7
>to be continued

>make new account
>didn't bother rerolling
>try to win with makeshift basic cards

Heh, ironically I'm having fun playing with emerald players.

Yes you dumb faggot, you NEED that cycle to find damage from hand.

>63 hours played
>still hasn't deactivated in-game music

Huh, funny I only just noticed this, usually when playing online games like these I tend to listen to my own stuff. Songs are pretty cool.
Except for the church one

What kind of a swordcraft player drafts a bunch of wards? how fucking gay do you have to be?

Because may you find liberation from your despair.

>manic soulcaster

I'm bringing back fatigue mage.

Control, you aggrocuck.

What's the best way to deal with forestscums ? I want to make them miserable.


Reno mage, too bad Reno will rotate soon.

>it's a losing because you went first episode

Man that looks pretty lame. I bet reddit is creaming themselves over reno 2.0 though. Muh potion stories and all. Can't wait to hear all the whining about shamans discovering deadly poison and coin.

What's the idea behind Kun?

I'm failing to see the synergy here.


>hs gets new stuff
>I am still unable to give a fuck about it because I'm turned off by the art
it hurts being an autistic weeb bros

0 mana 7-7. Or 0 mana 7-7 gain 10 armor if Fandral is in play.

Losaria has some nice breasts.

Large, yet taut and firm.

Get to 10 mana, play Kun, get back your 10 mana for a 0 mana 7/7.

I'd rather play Arcane Giants but Ramp Druid and Aviana memes are incoming

whoops meant to quote

Sure, that's why you lost.