scooby edition
Previous thread: >What is this game?
Build a car, drink some peer, do some mundane work for good pay, and live like a Finn.
>In-depth Guides
>Where can I get it?
scooby edition
Previous thread: >What is this game?
Build a car, drink some peer, do some mundane work for good pay, and live like a Finn.
>In-depth Guides
>Where can I get it?
Other urls found in this thread:
I already fucked this car before I could build it
How the fuck did you manage that?
build it anyway, and drive it to the mechanic for a body repair
then screech in impotent rage when you realize just opening the fucking bootlid is enough to dent and warp it
How in the fuck did you do that. I flipped her into a ditch and there was less damage.
All the post order parts installed including rally tires, everything tuned to perfection (high acceleration, low max speed). Am i ready for the race? Fuck no, I'm nervous as fuck. Oh god.
>inb4 i go into the ditch after first bend.
any batch files or something to mass convert mp3/flacs to .ogg with the required bitrate/hz?
well you see I flipped it over while trying to put in the fuel tank. after that it was my shitty attemps at flipping it back.
>flipping the car over to install something
>there's a literal fucking hole in the garage with stairs to get under the car and install everything
>it takes a total of 90 seconds to push the car over it
What are you people doing with the car flipping?
well I was gonna use that place but the guide said use the tractor so I went with it.
could overheating be the cause of my engine eating oil?
I imported the playlist from last thread but radio doesnt play any songs. I remember something about enabling songs in a menu but i can't find shit.
That part is from the early build that leaked where the hole was completely useless.
What other textures are changed in here apart from the van?
It's under graphics options because why not.
it's just the entire unity file that has every other texture on that certain pack, with the modification to the van
You can literally just jack up one side and stick everything underneath. It's just difficult to see the nuts/bolts.
Certain pack?
Assets replaced in the My Summer Car directory.
can you pass inspection with tires from the catalogue or do you have to use the ones you start with?
what bind REVERSE to!?
Thanks user
Ah kay. I wanted to make sure it wouldn't replace sharedassets0 which is where the cleaner windshield mod goes.
Man do I even HAVE to pass inspection? I mean I dont plan on ever going through the police checkpoint.
I'm only going for the inspection for completion's sake
fuck the polisia
i believe you need to pass inspection to be able to participate in the rally
>throw bottle at cop car
>they drive away
>do the same to the other car and he drives off
>throw bottles at the officers standing in the road
>they drop
>hear the eurobeat green demon coming up the road
>he hits the cop's body
>ragdoll spaz out
>green demon goes up in the air, hits the grass and rolls over 5 times
>drives away
my god
I really wish this game just had a generic checkpoint save system.
>trying to fit the front spoiler
How do I send the letter to order parts?
Yellow post box at the shop. Just drop it in.
Just drag and drop it into the slot until it disappears from your cursor (even while pressed).
why is my coolant perpetually leaking?
the radiator is bolted in and the hoses are all connected.
overheating maybe? carb tuned wrong?
I had a similar problem, ended up starting over. I've heard a damaged engine block could cause this.
Oh man, made this game so much more enjoyable. Recommended!
[Spoiler](delete track 22 though)[/Spoiler]
it's just constantly pouring out, engine turned on or not.
I like that song...
you dun goofed
My car stalls pretty much after it starts. I've adjusted the carb but it still does it. Any advice?
Have you won your pokaali yet?
I think it will always stall if it's cold. I pull out the choke, start it while hitting the gas, then after a few moments I'll let off and push the choke.
forklift that shit son
The lid is on?
Using keyboard, i'm trying to prepare myself. (saved at shop, it's saturday morning.)
Wish me luck.
it's draining whether the lid is on or not
I pour it in and it drains, I can see the bar trying to drain as it fills, then I leave it for a minute and it's empty again
I used keyboard too.
Just remember to setup your steering helper from the options to be MUCH more responsive than the default settings.
take it to the mechanic
rev it before shifting into first gear and you should be good
so since I had basically gotten the car finished, and was ready for inspection before I noticed this, I flipped out in a tard rage and started smashing the car with the sledgehammer, then I drove it like a madman until I wrapped it around a tree. young male dead in car crash
Okay will do. I haven't been there before though, how much will it cost?
aaand I died driving to the shop to order parts
fug :-DDD
I tried that already user
when will this fucking mechanic call me?
what if motorcycle dlc
it'd probably be a lot easier both to build one as a player and to make it for the dev considering the simplicity of old motorcycles like that
Probably a dirt bike first since every kid had one in the country.
I'd pay for rat bike DLC
Reminder that dev promised my winter car. Will be dope.
I wish this game looked like Battlefield or something desu.
You can always go check, you never know.
he doesn't call
check his office, if the paper is on the desk, your order is done
>I wish a game made by one and a half Finns looked like a AAA franchise
wish me luck, I don't want to die in his muscle car
Yeah I'd dig a little two-stroke 125 or something. Getting the handling right would be a bitch, though, considering how much your body positioning and the way you lean impacts the bike.
If I can get a dirtbike with full customization then fuck yes
potential overweight fat meter survival management
He does call, but only once, easiest way is just to go to bed and come next day. Guaranteed to be fixed in the morning.
>drifting on the frozen lake
>clearing snow from the dirtpaths and peoples driveways for money
>dying because of the cold
>booze makes you warm again
you made the right choice, that muscle car is a piece of shit and i never want to see it again
so I'm there, and the only paperwork on desk is that form where you select what you want to do. that means he already finished previous ordeR?
yes, should be good to go, go check the whip
>implying implications
>just finished the main assemblies.
>go to fire the first time.
>get out to look at engine bay.
>the engine has fallen out of the bay, unhooking almost everything.
go home america shitcar
>shitters who cant into throttle control and rwd being this upset
It's not even that bad once you've figured it out. git gud.
>~150 km/h
>car starts wobbling left and right, becomes uncontrollable
>playing a rally simulator game with RWD
Improved my time.
>implying RWD isn't superior for rally if AWD isn't an option
being able to break the ass end loose with a stomp of the accelerator is a gift, not a curse.
RWD is literally superior over FWD in rally races since you can take on corners faster, if you're not a shit driver
yes, this game needs escort mk1/mk2 or capri as a rwd rally shitbox
guys i need help, been trying for hours to get my car to work.
I turn the ignition, hear a loud pop, and then just clicking while i hold the ignition. When I let go it turns off. Help?
Gassed up? Fluids topped off? Choke open?
how can i change ingame map to that?
Alright, I require help with one thing.
How do I move the car body over the hole? I can't push it, and I tried to move it with the tractor forklift but that didn't get it far enough.
just push it while crouching after putting the suspension and wheels on.
Going to be much easier if you attach the wheels.
everything is checked
I'm thinking it has to do with fuel richness, but i'm not sure how i can change that.
my gauge shows 07.8
press j nerde
Wow that's way too low. Grab a screw and hit the carburetor
is the engine warmed up?
Oh, I didn't do that because I thought you needed to have the engine and everything on to attach the necessary parts to attach the wheels, since I didn't see any axles.
>I tried pushing it
i can't warm it up if it keeps shutting off
what should i do with the carb?
btw 7.8 is without choke, with choke it's 4.8
You may have to pull some shit off to get the half-shafts on, but that's easy enough to do after the engine is mounted in place.